**Beware SPOILERS** Obi-Wan Kenobi Series on Disney+ **Beware SPOILERS**

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Not sure where to post this, but just stumbled upon this video, and man, this really elevates the scene from ANH.

The youtuber who made a better Mandalorian Luke with his deep fake has now officially announced that he has been hired by ILM and confirmed by ILM lol

Wasn’t it a-dev that said last year ILM should hire him lol

The guy is probably working on not just some more Luke but also Indy.
I may have, but many would have said the same. I think I asked why Hollywood is seemingly reluctant to simply use Deepfake when the results so often seem to be better than their CGI.
Maybe it's 10-year old me talking. I just can't imagine what we would have gained had Han bought the farm in ROTJ beyond trauma. :LOL:

It also seems almost anti-climactic to see him stolen away on ice in ESB, very elaborately rescued in ROTJ only to lose him again.
That has also always been my feeling on the matter. Rescue him only to kill him in the end anyway? Seems silly. Even adult me would have been frustrated by that.
I will always appreciate Khev’s very unique way of celebrating his love for SW.

He was more forgiving of SW than any other franchise.

With other franchises he could be as super analytical as the best of them and also be as cynical and dismissive of the corporate structure as the best of them but when it came to SW he would often bypass even his own personal political beliefs to find the silver lining in everything that was considered bad in SW.

Don’t get me wrong he was also super analytical with his deconstruction of SW but he approached it from the viewpoint of love and passion for the brand and not from a cynical and destructive behavior meant to burn it all to the ground.

I don’t think Khev would ever expect anyone to fully comprehend why he couldn’t just simply abandon and walk away from the ST or for that matter the PT but it was plainly obvious to me that he loved it quite passionately warts and all.

I will take Khev’s method of celebrating and analyzing SW over the hundreds of others burn it to ground folks here because he always tried to find the good within the bad even while honestly calling out the bad vs ignoring the good just to uphold a personal agenda even if it meant sometimes going against his own beliefs on certain matters. Yeah Khev loves SW that much.

But Marvel phase 4 yeah he was definitely ready to watch it all burn down to the ground lol

That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy reading all the other viewpoints on here that approach things differently than from Khev I most certainly do even from the super cynical people which I can also be.

So yeah go ahead and mock Khev’s absence all you want but I for one am looking forward to his eventual return from the real life abyss.
Aw that was touching ! To bad he probably thinks the exact opposite. I saw a man desperate to make sense of the trash he witness and when everyone kept proving him wrong he took a boat out to sea and rethought his life and how much Disney ruined the brand
Khev realized the ST was actual trash and was so shook he uncharacteristically left his family and friends behind to live alone. Swearing off all Star Wars related matters. Live look at the realization.

Lol Jye gonna go look for khev and he’s gonna be on a mountain somewhere sucking cow milk from utters talking about “ it’s time for the fandom to end”
Jye presents him with his beloved original cut of star wars from 77 along with a rey doll and he throws it over his side
I hate that line of thinking. I like my beloved characters to continue to fight villains, go on adventures, be Leia's husband and have kids that go on to be Jedi and go on in their adventures. He had plenty to do in the EU stories. He just hates the attention off the screen, and while I don't blame him for being cynical, that is a part of the job for many actors.
I felt that way before Endgame came out.. So many people were hoping a fav hero would die to help "raise the stakes" of the Marvel series. IDK.. I dont need my hero's to die in the comics (though they often do :lol) so why do I need that in the films.

Its a great death scene but I would have rather had Tony retire to be with his family. We already know he is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice we did not need to see him actually do it. IDK. Its the kind of downer ending that makes it a hard film to revisit and taints the series for me just a little.
I don't know, I started going to movies with my grandparents in the time of the disaster movies so maybe I'm born to see friends and loved ones get killed off. :lol

I loved that Quint got eaten by the shark.

I loved that Spock died in Star Trek 3.

I love that Ben got killed in Star Wars.

I love that Kyle Reese got killed in Terminator.

I love that most of Bond's sidekicks and lovers get killed.

I love that Dirty Harry's partners always die.

I love that all the marines got killed in Aliens and all the commandos in Predator... people still love them.

By the 90's and after, they really did stop killing off so many friends and confidants. So maybe it has to do with the decade you were born.

Thats a bit of a cheat. Other then Spock nobody else that dies on that list is a major beloved character.

Name me one of Dirty Harry's partners :lol
In the STs case, Han's death had no meaning. Han did nothing. He just got Ford's wish. Han's death only secured Kylo's certain death once redeemed. Something else that seemed obvious from the get-go. Had Han blown the base to save the rebellion and then run into Kylo (and tried to save him too), then his death may have felt like more of a heroic sacrifice. After his dismal lifestyle, Han definitely needed as much redemption as he could gather along the way.
I agreed with this after my initial watch of TFA. I was so pissed at the unceremonious Han was killed. But I thought TROS brought that around and felt that it was the sacrifice that had to be made to get though to Kylo. It was that act that started his trip back to the light side. It why I like that it is the memory of Han more then a Ghost. It was how Kylo really felt about what he had done, what he want to do, and how he felt about his dad.

But Han's death still could have been handled better in TFA.

I stated this once before but after watching them all back to back I really enjoyed Han much more in TFA then I ever had previously. A big reason for that is seeing that he actually seemed to care about the character again.. That performance in ROTJ.. Ugh.
One of the best 'hero' deaths ever... because of what he said, and what it meant.
Yes that was a great hero's death. Earned and impactful.
True, but Han was also more expendable back in 1983 when there had only been 6 years of Star Wars entirely and most people loved the robots, Chewie and Yoda back then more.
I agreed with this after my initial watch of TFA. I was so pissed at the unceremonious Han was killed. But I thought TROS brought that around and felt that it was the sacrifice that had to be made to get though to Kylo. It was that act that started his trip back to the light side. It why I like that it is the memory of Han more then a Ghost. It was how Kylo really felt about what he had done, what he want to do, and how he felt about his dad.

But Han's death still could have been handled better in TFA.

I stated this once before but after watching them all back to back I really enjoyed Han much more in TFA then I ever had previously. A big reason for that is seeing that he actually seemed to care about the character again.. That performance in ROTJ.. Ugh.

Yes that was a great hero's death. Earned and impactful.
I would have been less annoyed with his death in TFA if we had a reunion scene with Han, Luke and Leia before he died. It just baffles me that they didn't do that.
I saw a man desperate to make sense of the trash he witness and when everyone kept proving him wrong he took a boat out to sea and rethought his life and how much Disney ruined the brand
He was loving on the Mandalorian last I checked.

Shocking to me peeps are still going on about those films.. Only thing that will keep them from being loved by todays kids is that their generation of parents expect everyone to agree with them and if you dont you must be shut down. ;) :lol

How come you have not rethought you life with Revenge of the Sith ;)
I kid.. I really don't care anymore about who likes what in Star Wars. I am just hoping they get the Obi Wan series right.
My sentiment for Han's death comes from wanting to complete his character arc to its ultimate potential. He starts off as a tough, mean, and very selfish pirate... so the best thing he can do for his new friends, and the Rebellion, would be the ultimate sacrifice: for his friends and for the cause. I think it could have been an amazing moment if played right.

That said, ROTJ was so poorly directed that his demise likely would have been disappointing.
I would have been less annoyed with his death in TFA if we had a reunion scene with Han, Luke and Leia before he died. It just baffles me that they didn't do that.
Many a bad choice was made in the ST. I find enjoyment out of it.. But they needed some Star Wars fan boys in the room during the script writing.
My sentiment for Han's death comes from wanting to complete his character arc to its ultimate potential. He starts off as a tough, mean, and very selfish pirate... so the best thing he can do for his new friends, and the Rebellion, would be the ultimate sacrifice: for his friends and for the cause. I think it could have been an amazing moment if played right.

That said, ROTJ was so poorly directed that his demise likely would have been disappointing.
There is truth to that. But the whole film would have to have been a very different movie. Yes the directing was a big part of that but there would have had to have been major script and tone changes.

Otherwise It would have been out of place in a film made to sell teddy bear toys
My sentiment for Han's death comes from wanting to complete his character arc to its ultimate potential. He starts off as a tough, mean, and very selfish pirate... so the best thing he can do for his new friends, and the Rebellion, would be the ultimate sacrifice: for his friends and for the cause. I think it could have been an amazing moment if played right.

That said, ROTJ was so poorly directed that his demise likely would have been disappointing.
Didn't Han already have an ultimate moment of self sacrifice on behalf of friends and a greater cause in ESB? As far as he was concerned, going into carbon freezing was basically a death sentence for him one way or the other. And the only reason he was in that position in the first place was because he had already selflessly stayed with his friends assisting the Rebellion rather than selfishly leaving to resolve the bounty on his head. Being rescued from Jabba's doesn't undermine Han's nobility and character progression.

When he faced those final moments (at least as far as he knew) in that freezing chamber, Han told Chewie to take care of the princess. I don't think an actual death in ROTJ would make his character any more noble than Han was already being there in ESB. So it'd arguably be more redundant than revelatory to officially kill him off. And it would negate both Luke's rescue effort and his repaying of the life-saving debt.
Didn't Han already have an ultimate moment of self sacrifice on behalf of friends and a greater cause in ESB? As far as he was concerned, going into carbon freezing was basically a death sentence for him one way or the other.

He ran the entire film, certainly didn't sacrifice himself to go into the chamber in someone else's place. Nothing heroic about being tortured or "put into carbon freeze".

The fact that he was rescued in ROTJ was just more of a reason that he owed a debt to Luke and the Rebellion... that could have been beautifully paid back with a dramatic sacrifice.
There is truth to that. But the whole film would have to have been a very different movie. Yes the directing was a big part of that but there would have had to have been major script and tone changes.

Otherwise It would have been out of place in a film made to sell teddy bear toys

Well of course. But it wouldn't have been hard to set up something that only Han could do but he would most certainly die trying -- like blowing up that radar dish.

But good writing in 'Jedi' just wasn't in the cards for a variety of reasons.
My sentiment for Han's death comes from wanting to complete his character arc to its ultimate potential. He starts off as a tough, mean, and very selfish pirate... so the best thing he can do for his new friends, and the Rebellion, would be the ultimate sacrifice: for his friends and for the cause. I think it could have been an amazing moment if played right.

That said, ROTJ was so poorly directed that his demise likely would have been disappointing.
ROTJ is the best of the trilogy. You get Nien Numb, Ackbar, General Madine, Ewoks and Chewie as Tarzan. Horrific droid torture was groundbreaking for Hollywood! Flawless victory!
ROTJ is the best of the trilogy. You get Nien Numb, Ackbar, General Madine, Ewoks and Chewie as Tarzan. Horrific droid torture was groundbreaking for Hollywood! Flawless victory!


Without ROTJ there would be no Jabba's palace, and no King Boba...


He was loving on the Mandalorian last I checked.

Shocking to me peeps are still going on about those films.. Only thing that will keep them from being loved by todays kids is that their generation of parents expect everyone to agree with them and if you dont you must be shut down. ;) :lol

How come you have not rethought you life with Revenge of the Sith ;)
I kid.. I really don't care anymore about who likes what in Star Wars. I am just hoping they get the Obi Wan series right.
Cause revenge of the Sith is a damn fine film and did t ruin the brand and everyone loves it and those that don’t are in the minority. Lol. I know you guys hate it but it’s true. The ST damn near ruined the brand. Star Wars is losing to characters that were once jokes.

but yea I don’t care. I’m just messsing with khev tbh. He’s my buddy