Worst Movie Ever

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I would have to say a movie that may not have been the worst I saw, but the biggest letdown was waterworld. I still remember the huge hype it had, all the $$$$ was astronomical at the time. Then it ended up being the biggest turd of the year.. :sancho :Flush :dump
One of Nine said:

That is the first time I ever left a movie early and it was the last time I left early.

Gotta agree. The L.A. Times review read "Congo Wrongo!" I saw another review that said "Congo... don't go!" One of the very few films I've ever walked out of. Sad thing is it was shot by one of my favorite cinematographers ever... Allen Daviau.
I've said it before an I say it again:

Sky Captain and the world of tomorrow!

soooooooooo bad! Feel asleep because it was so boring!
swabie2424 said:
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!

That was a fun bad movie. I can't hate on things like that, they're kind of meant to be bad. I think I hate Art film s most of all in the end, I hate pretensious crap trying to give poor stupd us a message and say something.

Another real quick.
Anything by Michael Moore (it's like, I don't care what your polotics are, but tell the truth, these movies are 95% lies wtf?)
woodsy said:
1st runner up - Alone in the Dark : Tara Reid playing the role of a scientist :lol , enough said!

the winner [er...loser] - Gigli : I can't believe no one has even mentioned this piece of garbage. Two of Hollywood's worst actor's [the reigning king Ben Affleck, and Jennifer Lopez] in a directionless film featuring a horrific screenplay and plot [if you can call it that]. Bad filmmaking at it's finest!

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl I can't believe you actually watched those!!! Especially any movie with Tara Reid!!!!:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl That's as bad as Denise Richards playing a nuclear scientist...or whatever kind of scientist she played in that horrendous Bond movie...it was so bad I can't even remember the name of it.
ragacin said:
Uhmm Titanic anyone? I say this because it certainly did not live up to it's hype and ALSO and MAINLY because it took James Cameron, a once gifted and visionary director/creator of the neo-classic Aliens, Terminator etc and made him go a little crazy in the head. Ever since Titanic, he just seems to want to do underwater documentaries. Maybe the pressure of all that water got to him. :monkey2
Honestly, I have always felt that the hate for Titanic is due to how successful it was at the box office. If this movie had tanked, people would be saying this movie was James Cameron's overlooked masterpiece, but since it made nearly 2 billion dollars worldwide, people hate it.
Jen said:
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl I can't believe you actually watched those!!! Especially any movie with Tara Reid!!!!:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl That's as bad as Denise Richards playing a nuclear scientist...or whatever kind of scientist she played in that horrendous Bond movie...it was so bad I can't even remember the name of it.
The World is Not Enough.
How could I ever forget the classic dialogue in this film, especially the last line.
The absolute worst movie I've ever seen (and I mean ever) including most of the previous ones mentioned in this thread was 'Whore'. Although it was a long time ago, I still can't believe I watched it. I can't even remember anything about the movie just that it was really really really bad.
Bannister said:
Honestly, I have always felt that the hate for Titanic is due to how successful it was at the box office. If this movie had tanked, people would be saying this movie was James Cameron's overlooked masterpiece, but since it made nearly 2 billion dollars worldwide, people hate it.

Wrong. 3 hours of sappy romance on the ill-fated Love Boat with jealous Billy Zane chasing them around the ship while it sinks. How much more boring can it get? I was waiting for Gopher, Doc, and Isaac to show up. Yawn.
Jen said:
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl I can't believe you actually watched those!!! Especially any movie with Tara Reid!!!!:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl That's as bad as Denise Richards playing a nuclear scientist...or whatever kind of scientist she played in that horrendous Bond movie...it was so bad I can't even remember the name of it.

I saw these beauties at work while trying to kill some time. I had heard how bad they were and justed wanted to see for myself. Needless to say...they didn't disappoint! :D
woodsy said:
Please, start taking your medication....you're delusional without it. One of the most highly acclaimed movies of the 80's by one of Hollywood's best director's, Michael Mann, is the worst movie ever made? :confused: :rotfl

For the record, Brian Cox [a fantastic actor] played the role of Hannibal Lecter perfectly. At least, according to my wife [a registered nurse working in a mental hospital for the last 20+ years], who says Cox portrayal as a true sociopath was dead on. You may have preferred Anthony Hopkins "caricature" Lecter, but it was nothing more than pure Hollywood fiction, laughable in the eyes of anyone who actually works in the field of mental health.

This film is laughable. I like William Petersen in CSI and some other things he's done, I think Tom Noonan can play a twisted villain quite well, Brian Cox is a great actor, and Michael Mann has done some great films, but every aspect of this film was rediculous to me from start to finish, and I consider it the biggest let down movie I've ever watched.
dekadentdave said:
Wrong. 3 hours of sappy romance on the ill-fated Love Boat with jealous Billy Zane chasing them around the ship while it sinks. How much more boring can it get? I was waiting for Gopher, Doc, and Isaac to show up. Yawn.
You have your opinion, I have mine. One thing I think we both can agree on is Titanic is no Highlander.:rock:rock:rock
Legend. Thought it blew monkey nuts. There couldn't have been a great casting fiasco than putting that less than marginally talented Tom Cruise into that quagmire.
Bodie The Cursed said:
Legend was bad IMO
customizerwannabe said:
Legend. Thought it blew monkey nuts.

:censored :censored :moon :moon :moon:thwak :thwak :cuss

How dare you speak against the Lord of Darkness!