Westworld HBO series

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I don't think the nudity is any less gratuitous than, say, GoT. It's actually more warranted here as not only are they dealing with hyper-realistic androids but they want to show to what extent man is capable of physical or sexual violence when there is no culpability. Apparently there is no limit. But then again is the violence really that abhorrent when you know it is only a synthetic being that you are either shooting or shagging, and they were created specifically for that purpose.
Another great by HBO. The nudity is the icing on the cake but the story and scenery is awesome. Evan Rachel Wood is so hot, it's scary to watch her for too long.
There was something so creepy about seeing James Marsden sitting there all cool but wiith a fly crawling up his face. The producers are doing a great job with selling the robots. Dolores' dad's scene with Tony Hopkins was great too. Those eyes were damn scary.
i'm thinking Ed Harris's character is up to no good. Thinking he's gonna be the one to turn the whole thing upside down so we have a Judgement day a happening.
Or it could be Anthony Hopkins' character Dr. Robert Ford's programming. Bernard did say something to the Dr. about his programming. Heck, it could be Bernard himself. Easy to think that it is Ed Harris' character since he is costumed in black and his bad activities. The man in black would have to have knowledge of programming and equipment to interface with their host. But if someone can sneak a photo in and discard like that, maybe he can too.
Ed Harris isn't a robot he's a guest that's been coming there for 30 years. It's all there in the pilot.
Think we all know Ed Harris' character isn't a robot. The question is, did he awaken the robot or someone else or they just awaken themselves.
Think we all know Ed Harris' character isn't a robot. The question is, did he awaken the robot or someone else or they just awaken themselves.

That seems to be his intent, to force some sort of robotic evolution, for what reason, i dont know.

I too was confused at first over Ed Harris, I just assumed he was the Yul Brenner character from the movie.

I look forward to seeing where this all goes.
I think it still up in the air whether Ed is a robot or not. If he's a robot, he's likely a new, unpublished model/update. Probably human though as they already did the robot reversal twist with him and Marsden. Totally bought that Marsden was a guest. Not sure they'd double twist us on that. So I guess the real question is whether he is the 'good guy' or 'bad guy?'

Personally, I think its more likely Ford is already a robot (or perhaps Bernard). They've got to make us start questioning who is a host and who isn't soon enough.
Just finished ep 2. Wow. Left me wanting more.

More nudity in case you're sensitive to it. Radiohead on the piano. I find myself rooting for the hosts the more carnage they go through. Some answers and some new intriguing questions.

I am hooked.
where did you watch ep 2? HBO GO? I'm pretty sure Ed Harris Man in Black is a HOST. Not a guest. Isn't the playing the Yul Brenner character? The Gunslinger?
If he's a host Marsden's bullets would have killed him. The says 'I've been coming here for 30 years', and 'it's good to be back'.

I haven't analysed and argued over a show like this since the merits of the Hatch on Lost.
I just assumed with the removal of that robots scalp that it appeared there was some sort of map or control program underneath that he was searching for, but like you said it might be something totally different and with HBO I doubt it's that easy or straight forward. While I'm not hooked yet I can see this being a great show..
Just finished ep 2. Wow. Left me wanting more.

More nudity in case you're sensitive to it. Radiohead on the piano. I find myself rooting for the hosts the more carnage they go through. Some answers and some new intriguing questions.

I am hooked.

Cool, it's on On Demand already! Watching.
It seems like the line "These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends" is a trigger phrase, just like the one they use to put the androids to "sleep".

And the phrase is acting almost like a virus.
Pretty good pilot. I was completely expecting Cyclops to be a guest that we were supposed to attach to.

The MIB does seem to be a guest.

That Pa robot. That was some fine acting.

And I agree on the the trigger phrase.