Westworld HBO series

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There are many themes that could play out in the following seasons:

- The awakening of the robots
- Their budding society
- With consciousness comes disagreement, leads to strife, to war, to sides, to dominant and dominated, to slavery and so on, all those fun and bright sides of humanity...
- The TWD theme, guest trying to survive hosts
- The Grand Hidden Scheme of the Grand Hidden Mastermind
- The smaller themes like love, hate, friendship, loss, victory, fear, redemption...

Gotta admit I'd like one of the final scene to be William dying in the arms of Dolores, him atoning and finding his love and humanity back and her forgiving and grieving his loss, the final stage towards humanity.
Am I alone in thinking there's no way there's 5 seasons worth of material here?

Honestly, I don't see how they'll fill even 10 more episodes for a season two.

Are they gonna nip this little rebellion in the bud and go back to business as usual? That would be awfully boring and anti-climactic. Or will they show the full anarchy of the robots hell-bent on destruction? That's good for maybe 5 hours at most.

I think they tied up pretty much all the MAJOR loose ends anyway. After all, this was really expensive. Maybe it was planned to be seen as a stand alone season in case the ratings weren't there and it didn't get picked up for a second season. Showtime already had a really expensive "one and done" this season with Vinyl which tanked in the ratings. But obviously it's a big hit ratings-wise so the show will go on, but I'm actually fine with the ending the way it is. I'm not interested in a long drawn-out "us vs. them" post apocalyptic survival soap opera like The Walking Dead.

In Jonathan Nolan's words: Season 1 was enlightenment & Season 2 will be chaos.

Not sure how anyone can think this show has nothing left to say.
Just finished 10...I was hanging on every word. The wait for S2 is going to be horrible.

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In Jonathan Nolan's words: Season 1 was enlightenment & Season 2 will be chaos.

Not sure how anyone can think this show has nothing left to say.

Cause Season 1 was really cool. I loved the behind the scenes stuff at the park. The fantastic was just mundane for the workers there. It was like cleaning the tanks at Sea World. I enjoyed the technical stuff and I also enjoyed seeing how people were enjoying their $40,000 a day (at least in William's time) experience.

Now all of that is gone. It's just killer robots vs scared humans. The park is done. A robot opened fire at the board of directors. There's no coming back from that. So all the stuff I was really enjoying is finished. I'm not interested in another Terminator series.
They sure can ruin the next seasons, but come on, let's give them a chance. They created one of the best series ever, clever and all, so we can at least believe more awesome things can come out from the same awesome minds...
They sure can ruin the next seasons, but come on, let's give them a chance. They created one of the best series ever, clever and all, so we can at least believe more awesome things can come out from the same awesome minds...
I agree with you completely. The team supposedly wrote 5 seasons and after what we saw in this season I have a hard time believing the rest won't follow the same.

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It's just killer robots vs scared humans.

Not at all.

Its conscious beings looking to be part of the world, not machines programmed to kill.

There are going to be factions. There are going to be hosts that don't want any part of the "revolution".

This is nothing like The Terminator series. Dolores opened fire on the board because they controlled the fate of all the hosts. With the board dead and William being a strong supporter of their sentience, the hosts now have a chance.
So in 10 plus hours of the first season, they made a special point to not show the world outside the park or give too many hints what that world looks like or even what year it might be.

If they leave the park, and focus on the robots trying to become human, start their own society, etc than it stops being about Westworld. The park IS the TV show.

It would be like showing what happens to the dinosaurs AFTER they go crazy and eat people in Jurassic Park. Do they settle down in a nice jungle somewhere, start a family? Remember the "Robots' Rights" cartoons in the Animatrix? It would be like that. Delores on the stand in a courtroom saying "I'm human!"

I, Robot, Bicentennial Man...without the park, the show has no meaning. And as of the end of episode 10, there is no more park.

I liked the season, I really did! I'm not saying it sucked or anything. But I would prefer to just let it end how it did instead of moving forward with a TV show about a crazy theme park minus the theme park.
Well, it will essentially be another story, and probably another storytelling method. I don't think they'll use the timelines again but the point now is to show what consciousness is. It's not the human vs terminator, it's more like Blade Runner: what does it take to be human? Being born human and becoming a drone (William) or being born a machine and becoming human (Dolores).

This being a different story doesn't mean it won't be as good a story, only one with different moods and themes.

... And the park is still there, it's just in lockdown. Nothing tells you it won't reopen. After all, Westworld the movie was followed by a sequel where the park was reopened after the massacres happening in the first one. It may sound unlikely, but how far from true is that? In a real park, when an attraction malfunctions and causes victims, it is stopped, inspected, and if found safe, reopened. Money is a powerful tool. No doubt That Delos has the financial means to pressure the right persons to speed things up when capital and shares are at stake.
I don't think they'll leave the park. Maeve returned. I think Dolores says "this world is for us"... meaning the park. I think the robots just want their little slice of the planet.

Besides, in the end, this could all be part of Ford's amazing new narrative. A super-story that will incorporate the other 'mysterious' parts of the expanded park that were teased in episode 10.
Actually, I love your idea!

Imagine that the whole situation is just a gigantic narrative made for the guests to live the fear of their life, with Ford popping up at the end, well and alive and the dead walk through the curtain, alive too or just hosts. Could be a very deceptive ending!
I'm waiting for all of the hosts to receive an update that finds them demanding the guest's clothes....
Westworld season 2, another 30 years later Dolores hears voices and tries to find the maze..........again........like 30 years ago........rinse and repeat for seasons 3/4/5
Dolores is Caesar. Robot shall not kill robot. And you know how that goes.

BTW, I think the Asian guy who helped Maeve is a robot planted by Ford as well. I suppose that's not too insightful. More interesting to make him the first 'human servant' of the new superior race.