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Thanks for the info. The last time I scoured eBay I couldn't find any in the condition of the ones I've seen you post. Are you trying for a complete set? If so, how close are you now?
So Waller... be honest now; how long before this gives way to MOC? I have a feeling you are on a slippery slope towards a very expensive hobby :lol

He's got the figures and now the cardbacks. If he doesn't go MOC then the next thing he'll be collecting are the bubbles. :D
Thanks for the info. The last time I scoured eBay I couldn't find any in the condition of the ones I've seen you post. Are you trying for a complete set? If so, how close are you now?

It'd be nice to get a complete set, but I know that could take awhile. I have a little over 50 cards right now, so still a long way to go. :panic:

So Waller... be honest now; how long before this gives way to MOC? I have a feeling you are on a slippery slope towards a very expensive hobby :lol

MOC is a dream, but after having looked at prices, I talked myself off the ledge. I love the look of the AFA-graded figures, but that's just adding a premium. Grail items for me would be the original 12 on 12-back cards, but some of them go for close to $1000. :cuckoo:

He's got the figures and now the cardbacks. If he doesn't go MOC then the next thing he'll be collecting are the bubbles. :D

Oooo. Vintage bubbles. :yess:
It'd be nice to get a complete set, but I know that could take awhile. I have a little over 50 cards right now, so still a long way to go. :panic:

MOC is a dream, but after having looked at prices, I talked myself off the ledge. I love the look of the AFA-graded figures, but that's just adding a premium. Grail items for me would be the original 12 on 12-back cards, but some of them go for close to $1000. :cuckoo:

Oooo. Vintage bubbles. :yess:

For years I've thought about going after just the figures on Jedi cards. I know it's not going to be cheap and I'd rather finish my Raiders and Remco Monsters sets first.
For years I've thought about going after just the figures on Jedi cards. I know it's not going to be cheap and I'd rather finish my Raiders and Remco Monsters sets first.

I think the Jedi cards are the most affordable since they're the later releases. Even SW and ESB figures on ROTJ cards are better priced, but to me, there's something classy about the SW and ESB logos on those cardbacks. It just takes me back to childhood.
I think the Jedi cards are the most affordable since they're the later releases. Even SW and ESB figures on ROTJ cards are better priced, but to me, there's something classy about the SW and ESB logos on those cardbacks. It just takes me back to childhood.
<< Not a big Star Wars guy here, but there is an analogy with GI Joe. In 1986, three notable changes were made to re-released figures' cards: 1) the logo was no longer flat, but had a 3-D design look to it; 2) the files on the card back had a gray background instead of peach colored; 3) the new cardbacks listed newer figures. There were some other, more minor changes. But the 1986 changes just feel wrong to me somehow, and it doesn't feel as if they are as genuinely figures from that childhood, even though technically they were.
<< Not a big Star Wars guy here, but there is an analogy with GI Joe. In 1986, three notable changes were made to re-released figures' cards: 1) the logo was no longer flat, but had a 3-D design look to it; 2) the files on the card back had a gray background instead of peach colored; 3) the new cardbacks listed newer figures. There were some other, more minor changes. But the 1986 changes just feel wrong to me somehow, and it doesn't feel as if they are as genuinely figures from that childhood, even though technically they were.

I've seen 1986 mentioned quite a few times in G.I. Joe posts, so I always believed something major enough must've changed. Thanks for the info!

Now I know and knowing is half the battle. :lol
This is a good example of what I'm saying.


SW card has the logo we all know and love with the cool Luke and Leia artwork to the side. Classic!

ESB card has the combined logo which I've always loved. Looks great on a cardback.

ROTJ logo just looks like a plain font and just looks odd inside the SW frame. Never been a big fan of these cardbacks.

And then there's the tri-logo cards where it's on there three times! :panic:
Interestingly, to me, the ESB is like a compromise between the Star Wars and Jedi logos, and somehow ends up being the best (as is usually the case when you are discussing Star Wars stuff :D )

I've seen 1986 mentioned quite a few times in G.I. Joe posts, so I always believed something major enough must've changed. Thanks for the info!

Now I know and knowing is half the battle. :lol
1986 was different for a number of reasons. I think the line/license had a nice start with '83, made some revolutionary (for GI Joe) changes in terms of character and figure design in '84, hit its peak in '85, then started to peter off in '86. '86 was still good, and much much better than what came in '87, but following up on '85 (in terms of the toys or cartoon--which both peaked then IMO) was just gonna make it pale in comparison. From a character standpoint, you've got pretty derivative updates of figures like Leatherneck (of Gung Ho) and Wet Suit (of Torpedo), a move into neon colors with Zartan's siblings and Sci-Fi, and most importantly, Serpentor (genetically engineered emperor of Cobra) and the associated GI Joe movie silliness of Cobra-La/monsters/aliens, Cobra Commander retconned to be a snake man, etc. That was really the beginning of the end IMO.
This is a good example of what I'm saying.


SW card has the logo we all know and love with the cool Luke and Leia artwork to the side. Classic!

ESB card has the combined logo which I've always loved. Looks great on a cardback.

ROTJ logo just looks like a plain font and just looks odd inside the SW frame. Never been a big fan of these cardbacks.

And then there's the tri-logo cards where it's on there three times! :panic:

Have to agree... if money is somehow not an object for me one day (which I'm not banking on :lol) I'd love each figure on their original cardback. Farmboy Luke on a Jedi card is just wrong :lecture
Punched or unpunched cards? Just checking. ;)

Even making your own re-carded set isn't cheap as repro cards sell for a lofty price, all things considered.
I bought one repro card last year and it just looked cheap. It wasn't glossy like a real card and just did not compare.
I bought one repro card last year and it just looked cheap. It wasn't glossy like a real card and just did not compare.

If I had all the high-resolution artwork, I'm sure I could get them printed to match the originals closely, as I have a few friends in the printing business that would be willing to "get it right" for me. ;) But without that artwork, that means first obtaining/borrowing all the originals and then scanning them on a very good scanner, and spending quite a while doing all the touch-ups necessary to get great output.
For some reason I never thought about buying legit file cards and re-sealing original figures on them using repro bubbles. Unfortunately, Joe cards are very rarely in that good a condition. The Joe repros are extremely nice, but. . .I just know that they aren't real :lol
I agree with the SW cards, they are the nicest. However, nostalgia draws me to the Jedi cards because Jedi is my favorite film of the trilogy and those are the figures I remember buying as a kid.

I also agree that SW and ESB figures look silly on Jedi cards, that's why I would probably just stick to Jedi specific figures.
If I had all the high-resolution artwork, I'm sure I could get them printed to match the originals closely, as I have a few friends in the printing business that would be willing to "get it right" for me. ;) But without that artwork, that means first obtaining/borrowing all the originals and then scanning them on a very good scanner, and spending quite a while doing all the touch-ups necessary to get great output.

How high quality do you need? I have a disc with every card and each file is about 2-3 mb.