The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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I watched the end "fight" scene.

Throughout SW history, we know Mandalorians cause they all wear Boba Fett's helmet. That's kind of their "thing." Now I do think the "never take it off ever" bit is way over the top, but the final scene swung way in the opposite direction. A dozen or two "Mandalorians" and not a single one is wearing a helmet. Are we just supposed to know who they are cause they're all wearing matching chest plates?

This show sucks. I hate it now.
Star Wars has come a long way as far as diversity and inclusion since the first movie had an all-white and 98% male cast. And for decades, the only gay character was C-3PO. Now we're getting lesbians in every other episode.
Yeah, except I don't care:pfft:. Most of the time I don't care about cameos either. Just give me the rather interesting mental/spiritual battle with Din's code I thought I was gonna get, dealing with being the unexpected parent of a powerful Force wielder being pursued by a psychopath, interesting fights, new planets....

Well, I guess I got a new planet, but Tim Burton must have visited recently. I actually thought Black was pretty good for what he was doing, but it's the wrong series.
Well, I guess I got a new planet, but Tim Burton must have visited recently. I actually thought Black was pretty good for what he was doing, but it's the wrong series.

Mayfield is the only comedian I’ll give a pass to because he was able to act seriously in his role. All these cameos of the week stuff have been crap. From blue fish guy, to Peli Motto, and even old Doc Brown here. Leave these quirky silly C-list actor cameos to Star Trek shows.
Mayfield is the only comedian I’ll give a pass to because he was able to act seriously in his role. All these cameos of the week stuff have been crap. From blue fish guy, to Peli Motto, and even old Doc Brown here. Leave these quirky silly C-list actor cameos to Star Trek shows.
I liked all those especially Burr. Am praying Mayfield makes another appearance except am afraid of the sh*&^ scripts and the mostly shallow treatments that have gone on through this season.
After Infinity War and End Game, which I didn't think a lot of, I know better than to trust director's, but am actually getting *&^% off about the focus on Bo, who I like just fine. But it's not why I got into this show or spent $$$$ for the IS quarter scale Mando. It's a bummer, like when I thought Kylo Ren or Finn were going to be really interesting. *&^%% :blissysmi
I like to think ol' Miggsy Mayfeld ended up with Cara Dune. She didn't think much of him at first, but his sharpshooting skills and quick wit won her over in the end.

What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic.

I even got all misty-eyed and emotional in today's episode when that gross fish monster slobbered on the other gross fish monster with its tooth-laden tentacles.

The episode just needs some style.

I would’ve faded in from black with no music just wind blowing sound and show Bo walking from behind 3/4 angle all bad ass towards the Mando group with trees bending from the wind and having her ignite her saber and immediately swing it at Axe and they start fighting.

C’mon give me some Samurai style.
I did like when they walked into the droid bar and they all went silent and stared at the 2 human (Bo and Mando) a complete opposite of ANH.

I thought Gideon would’ve been responsible for the droids but nope.

That plot was super painful.
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What I saw looked a bit too pull-the-punches. Not horrible, but not great.
A couple of battle-hardened Mandalorians with a history, dueling for leadership and control of the clan -- should have been a bloody, nasty and brutal brawl, even if it ended in one being spared and acceptance of transfer-of-power. It should have been savage. I felt it lacked tension or realistic pacing and choreo, even within the limitations of Disney requiring a bloodless fight.

Axe's power vs. Bo's speed. Instead it was a slow slap fight and tussle in between purposely missing each other with ballistics and flames.

I know some people still like this show and will dismiss this as more Internet 'negativity' but it's an honest critique from someone who wanted to like this and gave the show some leeway. It's tanked.

I think the last couple of geek things I loved without reservation were Andor and The Batman. While it's true both were kinda dark, that's not why I enjoyed them; it was the execution and the writing. If not flawless at least plausible and engaging enough to transport me for the duration and to stay with me afterwards, instead of making me go home and rethink my life.

The episode just needs some style.
It needs resuscitation.

I would’ve faded in from black with no music just wind blowing sound and show Bo walking from behind 3/4 angle all bad ass towards the Mando group with trees bending from the wind and having her ignite her saber and immediately swing it at Axe and they start fighting.
I'd take that. What an opening! Someone replace F&F with @jye4ever immediately. :lecture
I like to think ol' Miggsy Mayfeld ended up with Cara Dune. She didn't think much of him at first, but his sharpshooting skills and quick wit won her over in the end.

What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic.
Heck I'm all for it. Battle-scarred veterans who did some questionable things, and he liked her. 😁
Do Cara a world of good.:lol
I haven't watched this yet, but it sounds like most people didn't like it and I see it's already the lowest rated episode on IMDB...but I saw TV Line and Esquire headlines calling it the best episode of the season.
A couple of battle-hardened Mandalorians with a history, dueling for leadership and control of the clan -- should have been a bloody, nasty and brutal brawl, even if it ended in one being spared and acceptance of transfer-of-power. It should have been savage. I felt it lacked tension or realistic pacing and choreo, even within the limitations of Disney requiring a bloodless fight.

Axe's power vs. Bo's speed. Instead it was a slow slap fight and tussle in between purposely missing each other with ballistics and flames.

I know some people still like this show and will dismiss this as more Internet 'negativity' but it's an honest critique from someone who wanted to like this and gave the show some leeway. It's tanked.
Look, when someone as rabid as I am/was about the show (idly considering if a 6 foot 1/6 scale N1 would ever be made, could I actually wall mount something like that) is actually *&^%$ off about the limp shallow treatment, there's a problem.

I don't even dismiss it completely as there's a lot of imagination there, as well as some good moments in S3, but just blowing through what should have been key plot points (or had been) as well as useless moments and outright fluff - and not even charming fluff, more like WTF fluff, there's a problem.

If S3 had been the beginning of the series, I'd be sticking it in the Obi category, or near to. Dunno if it's tanked but maybe it's true that F&F are spread too thin at this point.
I haven't watched this yet, but it sounds like most people didn't like it and I see it's already the lowest rated episode on IMDB...but I saw TV Line and Esquire headlines calling it the best episode of the season.
Well yeah, if you are writing/making something for political correct 6 year olds, then it's awesome. :pfft:
Like My Little Pony, only more like My Little Droid. No upsetting heads in a napkin here.:stake
I haven't watched this yet, but it sounds like most people didn't like it and I see it's already the lowest rated episode on IMDB...but I saw TV Line and Esquire headlines calling it the best episode of the season.

Just depends on what you want out of it. This episode is more, I don’t know, Doctor Who-esque? It’s weirder and a bit more silly and random, and some folks much prefer that original space western feel. This is definitely much different.
Ludwigs absence has been notable too, just rehashing tracks from previous seasons and it doesn’t really fit sometimes.
They brought back Koska and she just stood there saying nothing, and doing nothing. Are we sure she was even there? Maybe they just cut and pasted her from footage from season two. What a waste. And was Axe even played by the same actor? He's such a nobody I don't even remember, and I can't be bothered to look it up.
Well I'd say that was one of the few good things about this episodes' direction. Considering Sasha Banks is a horrendous "actress".
I'll keep watching but man, The Bad Batch is really putting Mando to shame with story telling. I didn't enjoy the first half of TBB's first season, but Season 2 was pretty awesome. I just can't help but wonder wtf is going with Mando? Also, Jack Black and Lizzo? In a Mandalorian episode?? Really? Even Boba's biker gang didn't feel this weird.
I hope they can redeem it somehow with the last two episodes. Our boy Din deserves better treatment than this!