"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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The figure makes him have a badass physical presence he never had in the movie.

It really does. It is too bad he was so underused in Begins. Plus the straight jacket outfit is just creepy since it only has a certain creep factor to it. I hope he at least has a good cameo in TDK.

Just found out yesterday that the Dark Knight opens here in Australia next wednesday the 16th!!!!!
I did book tix for the wed night midnight session,but due to overwhelming demand they have opened up with 5 sessions on the wednesday!!!!
So no more midnight session-10am wednesday session "and......here.....we..........GO!!!!!"


Did anyone else get a phone call? I was at work and I got a phone call, sounded like some newcast--it kept on going on so I didn't stick around to listen for through the end, hopefully it was just meant as advertisement and not something more important.
Someone on the SHH boards transcribed part of what Roeper and Michael Phillips (guest critic) said on "Ebert and Roeper" this weekend.
Looks like I get to see the "Two Thumbs Up"!!!!:banana

Richard Roeper:
"Christopher Nolan's Gotham City Epic is one of the best movies of the year, and SHOULD MERIT consideration for a Best Picture Nomination. This is a rich, complex, visually thrilling peice of pop entertainment. As strong as any Super Hero Epic I've EVER seen."

"It'll be an upset if Ledger, ISN'T, nominated for best supporting actor... And it won't be a sympothy vote Either... He creates a Joker that is one of the most memorable screen characters of the decade."

"Writer/Director Nolan has fashioned a near Masterpiece here. Maybe the best Superhero movie ever made... Even with the lead in a Bat-Suit, 'The Dark Knight' has the authentic feel of a crime Epic like 'Heat' or 'The Departed'. It's a Great Film, I say see it. In fact, SEE IT TWICE"

Michael Phillips:
"I would see it twice, and I'm looking forward to it. This film really is one of the great achievements of the year"

"And the wonderful thing about this screenplay, and the way Christopher Nolan has directed this picture, is you don't over exploit a terrific villian. He's in the film just the right amount. And all the scenes really land. And they're kinda creepily funny. And alot of it is really truly menacing. And the balance is perfect.

And it's so hard to get the kinda creepy/funny balance right in a comic book picture. Look at Jack Nicholson in Tim Burton's 'Batman'. Which to me was over exploit... Ya know, ya know, fun..."

"He was a Clown... It was a clown performance."

"But it's NOTHING compared to what Ledger's into."

"And you're right also about this being really an ensemble peice. Even Christain Bale, he has about the same amount of screen time as Batman/Bruce Wayne as Aaron Echart does as Harvey Dent. Each character, Gary Oldman gets his moment. Everyone has their moment"

"And not flashy too... Ya know. There's one extremely flashy performance, and it's the right one. Everybody esle seems very invested. Even people very familiar to ALL of us. Ya know Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, they're actually, all the work is just a little better. A little more, Ya know, a little more perfect."

"But that's it. As I mentioned, that's why it reminded me of movies like 'Heat' or 'The Departed'. Obviously we're dealing in Super Hero Genre here, BUT played authentically by everybody else. This is the world they live in, Gotham City..."

"You know you mentioned the running time of 2 and a half hours. I'm telling you it's the fastest 2 and a half hours I've spent at the movies in years. There's never a moment where I was going 'Aw jeez. They coulda cut 15 minutes out of this film'. It zips right along."
Did anyone else get a phone call? I was at work and I got a phone call, sounded like some newcast--it kept on going on so I didn't stick around to listen for through the end, hopefully it was just meant as advertisement and not something more important.

I am pretty sure it was just an advertisement. You just heard different stuff, then at the end you hear the Joker laugh. I couldn't really understand most of it.
Finally, I see some promotional stuff for "The Dark Knight" locally. The trailer has started airing on the TV.

Wanted to see if I could get my tickets at the theater closest to me but they're not selling them yet!

However they had (IMO) some really cool lenticular posters and sandwiched in between was a 32 inch screen that played the trailer in a loop.

Only had my iPhone with me so the pics aren't very clear.



Taken straight on


Taken at a slight angle

I think this one was very well done because at every angle I looked at, it looked as if Batman was looking at me. You might be able to see the slight differences in his head in the 2 pics above.

Very cool stuff!

Just got in my box of 24 packs of the new DARK KNIGHT collectible trading stickers (normal trading card size, 180 card set) with two inch figures in each pack, and have a lot of the cards/stickers (VERY COOL!) and two whole extra sets of the non-posable two inch figures. They consist of standing Batman, cape out Batman, kneeling Batman, Joker, Tumbler and Batpod.

How they come

my set

Anyone interested in a set can have them for pretty cheap.

The cards are not bad. I collect Batman movie cards, and these look like all there is coming out, so I have started on them. I have about over half now.

The toys are just nice extras for completists. I'll even throw in a pack wrapper for each set for whoever wants em.
Just passing the info on.
Cool stuff out there....
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Man, I wish I worked for whatever company is doing all the marketing for this movie, it would be so much fun, but alas, that'll likely always be a dream, graphic artists in the biz are connected and much more skilled.
Man, I wish I worked for whatever company is doing all the marketing for this movie, it would be so much fun, but alas, that'll likely always be a dream, graphic artists in the biz are connected and much more skilled.

That would be a dream job. And while it may never happen for most, marketing campaigns like these are fertile ground for inspiration!! :)
That would be a dream job. And while it may never happen for most, marketing campaigns like these are fertile ground for inspiration!! :)

Hell yeah, the marketing of this movie coupled with the quality of HT's figures, can't wait to unleash myself.
I can't wait to finally have my HT Joker! He will most likely be the jewl of my 1/6th scale figures.
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