The Amazing Spider-Man - OPEN SPOILERS NOW

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Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I have to be honest, I like nothing i've seen so far, nothing. I'm sure once it comes out and I see it things will change. Thank God HT's picked up the Spidey 3 license when they did.

So the dork from Social Network is Peter? Meh. We'll see. I'll see anything Spidey so i'm there either way.

I agree....but I like Garfield...he's a pretty good actor.

But I dont give a ____ still. Raimi's first two Spidey's are the only Spidey's for me....probably why I think mechanical web shooters suck...:monkey1

And yes, I am aware of it's origins. But I never liked that idea. Always found it silly. Even in the old Spidey cartoons.

"OH NOES MY WEB!" Just seemed like unessesary tension. But that is me.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Ass shot of Gwen? I'd be the first to post em, but in the meantime.

I have a Boner for her. (unlike KD)








And wth is this from never seen it? Fan manip?


probably why I think mechanical web shooters suck...:monkey1

While i respect your opinion. Don't ever try to argue SM with me in the future. If you didn't already know, i am/was SO against them it's not even funny. One of my pet peeves from the Raimi films. (it's just that i don't take anyone seriously that likes them over Mech shooters..Nothing personal)

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I have a Boner for her. (unlike KD)


Judging by this shot here, she definitely has a _____. So no, Oscorp, I'd say she has the boner. I tuck mine in like that all the time, who's she trying to fool? DO NOT WANT.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

This film looks good, I cannot wait to see it... Toby McGuire was never ever spider-man to me... He voice and delivery was always wrong and he didn't look the part. I'm not crazy about the new suit, but I really like everything else!!!

Burn Haters! :p
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

While i respect your opinion. Don't ever try to argue SM with me in the future. If you didn't already know, i am/was SO against them it's not even funny. One of my pet peeves from the Raimi films. (it's just that i don't take anyone seriously that likes them over Mech shooters..Nothing personal)


Even though it was personal...:confused:

Mech shooters still are too advanced for any High School aged kid. Do they even say what they're made of? It's just such a weird thing...
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

Mech shooters still are too advanced for any High School aged kid. Do they even say what they're made of? It's just such a weird thing...

I'm not gonna get into it. I'd rather let TheMike come and and explain it, he does such a better job than I. But.....

Remember PP is not your average HS kid. He's a genius.(So too advanced? C'mon!) That, and the fact that he perfects his fathers formula on them, that it shows off his brilliance, the drama it adds to running out of webbing. And the fact that they're just cool. Just a small tidbit of why i like em.


This film looks good, I cannot wait to see it... Toby McGuire was never ever spider-man to me... He voice and delivery was always wrong and he didn't look the part. I'm not crazy about the new suit, but I really like everything else!!!

Burn Haters! :p
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

That, and the fact that he perfects his fathers formula on them, that it shows off his brilliance.


At first I had no idea what you were talking about. Then I remembered he does do that crap in ULTIMATE Spida-Man. :lol What a coincidence that his dad was working on a formula that is similar in strength as a, you guessed it! A SPIDER WEB.

Web shooters are fun in video games when you gotta collect cartridges in case you run out or some crap like that, but in movies, I don't give a ____. I've gotta go with "teh organics".

It doesn't make sense that those wouldn't get in the way of while you're climbing up walls or fighting crooks. Also the idea of a "Spidey belt" (which I assume he stores his "web ammo" always made me crack up.

Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

the drama it adds to running out of webbing. And the fact that they're just cool. Just a small tidbit of why i like em.

I agree. I like web shooters. I think Peter running out of web-fluid mid-battle could be an interesting dynamic if it results in him learning something from it.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I disagree. When we have the danger of scared chick, and evil monster, and falling buildings AND THEN LOSS OF WEB....I dunno.
Re: The Amazing Spider-Man

I disagree. When we have the danger of scared chick, and evil monster, and falling buildings AND THEN LOSS OF WEB....I dunno.

It's more logical than Peter losing his web (and other abilities) due to stress, a la Spider-Man 2.

I've always disliked that aspect of S2. It's silly to me.