Superman Returns - SPOILERS!!!! SPOILERS!!!!

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has anyone been able to find the soundtrack? i've looked everywhere for buy, target, borders, etc...and no one has it.

it was supposed to be out june 27. :confused:
captain sack said:
who cares about her? besides she got a cameo in "superman the movie".

(uncredited) as Young Lois' mother on a train, was that even in the original theatrical release of STM b/c I don't remember any scenes with a young Lois Lane? And if it was, it didn't make much an impression. Maybe that's why Brian wanted to pay her tribute and put her in so I guess he cared... and he knows she also has a lot of sentimental fans who care too and she is getting elderly so whatever.

I had no problem with it, it was our first glimpse of Lex's character and his newfound wealth wasn't addressed until later in film so then people would be asking how he got wealthy, whatever, storywise it fit where it was IMO.

agree on kypton and longer prologue would have been better, but we'll get it all in dvd...
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Didn't we see young Lois and her mom on a train in the original, with Lois looking out the window and seeing young Clark running alongside the train?
Yeah there is a scene. Its where Clark is in high school and he is testing his strength and races a train (which just happens to have Lois inside). Lois points at Clark saying "look mommy" or something like that and her mom tells her to sit down and be quiet. I didn't know her mother was the original Lois... I'll have to check that out again.
tomandshell said:
Soundtrack at Amazon

You can also download it at the iTunes music store.

thanks. i've seen both of those. if at all possible, i like to buy stuff at local stores and only use the internet as a last resort.

it's weird i haven't seen this soundtrack in stores. :confused:
pixletwin said:
Yeah there is a scene. Its where Clark is in high school and he is testing his strength and races a train (which just happens to have Lois inside). Lois points at Clark saying "look mommy" or something like that and her mom tells her to sit down and be quiet. I didn't know her mother was the original Lois... I'll have to check that out again.

The scene with the lines were cut from the theatrical release. It was only Clark outside and the young Lois noticing.

The scene (INT. train car -- after Clark runs away) with the lines only existed in the TV airing (where they expanded it to 4 hours and showed it over the course of 2 nights) and now in the Director's Cut DVD.

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I like Lex's intro this way as he's wearing Gene Hackman like hair and when he takes if off it's like, shaking off the old and transitioning into the new.
Did anyone read the Returns Prequel comics? The Luthor issue shows Lex in prison and how he met Kitty and the old woman.
Batty said:
Did anyone read the Returns Prequel comics? The Luthor issue shows Lex in prison and how he met Kitty and the old woman.

I almost got those but wasn't sure about them so I skipped. Were they any good? I might have to get them if they are, my shop had a ton left over...:D
DarkArtist81 said:
I almost got those but wasn't sure about them so I skipped. Were they any good? I might have to get them if they are, my shop had a ton left over...:D
They were okay. They didn't add much to the story. The Superman issue was basically a retelling of the destruction of Krypton and Kal-El being sent to Earth. I was hoping it would be about the five missing years, but no such luck. I would wait to pick them up. You'll probably be able to get them dirt cheap in a month or so.
captain sack said:
has anyone been able to find the soundtrack? i've looked everywhere for buy, target, borders, etc...and no one has it.

it was supposed to be out june 27. :confused:

I was in Target today and they had a ton of them.
Collector Freak said:
Saw the film in Imax. Amazing.

Saw it again today too at Graumans, many questions answered on second viewing, will see it a third time in IMAX. I thought it was just as good, definitely held up, liked Kate as Lois even more this time, liked Parker less, kid more, Lex more and just about every one else...

and here's the BREAKING NEWS


Yes, I believe Lois knew all along Superman was the Father. In the hospital scene (which I also like much better now except for the gurney part) Lois had a brief bedside chat with Superman. In that chat, as the camera cut to the kid with supes suit, she revealed "I wanted to tell you..." and then whispered into his ear as the camera cut to the kid placing his hand on the "S". It was then of course she told him he was the father although we never heard her utter the words, but we knew he heard her... because the next time we see Superman he is at the kids bedside.

Now I know what some may say, she knew for sure during the piano scene (which WAs more violent on second viewing, that piano was meant to kill) but I believe she wanted to tell him from the time he returned to earth but did not and could not find the right time to do so. I believe this by the way she delivered the line at the hospital, it was if she had been carrying this secret with her a long time and didn't know how or when to tell him. Remember they rarely spoke once she pulled the kryptonite out of his rib cage...

Other hints; At Richards house when Supes was eavesdropping, Richard asked Lois if she loved Superman and mentioned "before we met" meaning he wasn't dating her at that time. Lois knew the only man she slept with at the time she became pregnant was Superman at the very least. (btw, Supes only listened in b/c he wanted to know her true feelings, see her life as she moved on and when she told Richard No (clearly a lie to us but not to him) Superman took off into the sky, tears in his eyes, Jorel's words reminding him "Remember you are not one of them" -- very touching IMO)
pjam said:
(btw, Supes only listened in b/c he wanted to know her true feelings, see her life as she moved on and when she told Richard No (clearly a lie to us but not to him) Superman took off into the sky, tears in his eyes, Jorel's words reminding him "Remember you are not one of them" -- very touching IMO)

That was indeed a very touchy moment! I also thought that Lois knew from the beginning just the way she acted. Guess we'll find out once the DVD hits the streets!
pjam said:
Saw it again today too at Graumans, many questions answered on second viewing, will see it a third time in IMAX. I thought it was just as good, definitely held up, liked Kate as Lois even more this time, liked Parker less, kid more, Lex more and just about every one else...

and here's the BREAKING NEWS


Yes, I believe Lois knew all along Superman was the Father...

Yes, okay, I know I posted my take (based on my first viewing) that Lois didn't know.

...after the second viewing I came to the conclusion that the actress playing Lois played it as if she knew all along and the editing also suggests that Richard White very may well have known the child wasn't his... "he's a good man" after all.

So while it seems that they're leaving some wiggling room for later movies, I'm ready to say that it seems like they want us to believe that Lois knew. I'm definately going to look at it that way when I go see it again next week.

Superman Returns director Bryan Singer told MTV that he would consider directing a Batman vs. Superman movie, but only after the Man of Steel establishes his identity more thoroughly.

"I've thought about it for a long time — even a longer time ago, actually," the director revealed. "But I don't know who would be the villain. I guess Batman would be the villain, but then he can't be too bad, because he is Batman. So not quite yet. ... I think Superman needs to have his own movies for a little while before that happens." Either way, Singer insisted that "everybody's excited to do more ... and I'm sure we'll do another one."
Batty said:

I don't really care for a supe v bats movie for quite some time either if at all, I say leave that to the comics and animation mediums.

I do believe however for the next installment they should fire Singer's writers and hire a true heavyweight, like Steve Zallian. We know what Larry Kasdan did with ESB. I also would like to see this franchise go in a completely different direction, no more need for the Donner crutch although ironically it might be very interesting if Donner directed one more Superman. When Mario Puzo was first hired he spent a lot of time researching stories from the comic book libraries and talking to superman Historians.

I think Singer may do one more but WB should not be obligated to him in any way, his sensibilities may risk turning off the hard core guy's guy fanbase.
pjam said:
I don't really care for a supe v bats movie for quite some time either if at all, I say leave that to the comics and animation mediums.
I agree. I wouldn't mind seeing one do a cameo in the other's movie, but a versus story is something I could do without. And how cold they have a winner? If Superman won, Batman fans would be ticked off and vice versa.

Considering how different both characters are, it can work in the comics, but I don't see it working on film. They're like night and day.
Batty said:
I agree. They're like night and day.

Yep :monkey1

I think if Supes saved Batman in the dark of night briefly in a Batman film it might be pretty cool, but only if Batman never knew, audience reveal...

Still don't see that happening with the Nolan Goyer template

It would be even cooler to see Batman save Superman though, wouldn't it!?