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From AICN:
.... It also has a longer scene of Leia talking romantically to Luke after his recovery from the Wampa attack and nearly kissing him again - Star Wars Blu Ray now with added incest! .....

One thing Lucas will be always be remembered for is resolving a love triangle by adding a sibling relationship from left field. I'll never believe he had any intention of that prior to RotJ
I have to say that I didn't expect deleted scenes to be finished. How many deleted scenes were finished for the Avatar Blu-rays and those were considered as a great release. Now people are whining just to whine.
It's amazing to me that your still here botching about something you and so many others have no interest in!:slap

Comments like this and a majority of this thread make it difficult for me "to get down with the freaks".

Don't presume to tell me, as a fan, what I should or shouldn't "realize":cuckoo:

Dont tell us angry fans how to act. We have intrest. That's why we're here. We are very interested in how, and why this happened. Can we control it? No. Can we stop it? No.

But we can discuss.

Both Episode 2 and Episode 3 had deleted scenes that weren't completed on the original DVD releases anyways

Lol reminds me of the deleted "escape Grievous" scene on the ROTS DVD were SHaak Ti get's killed. When Obi and Anakin come out of the tubes the crawled through you can see the green screen at the end of the tube XD And that in a "as good as ready" scene :lol
One thing Lucas will be always be remembered for is resolving a love triangle by adding a sibling relationship from left field. I'll never believe he had any intention of that prior to RotJ

Something I've suspected also, but then Yoda clearly says "there is another" in Empire... Who else could they have been talking about? Lando?
Yeah in Star Wars and Empire it's obvious that Luke and Leia aren't brother and sister. It was just lazy writing. That's one of the things I can't stand about Return of the Jedi.

Kershner or someone else involved (can't remember who) stated that the other person would be a new character featured in ROTJ (a relative of Luke's who was on Dagobah training in secret with Yoda). The whole brother and sister thing feels so forced (no pun intended). Audiences are just getting over the clever Vader revelation/twist and now, "yep, Luke and Leia were brother and sister all along".
Something I've suspected also, but then Yoda clearly says "there is another" in Empire... Who else could they have been talking about? Lando?

Why would you assume that the "other" would have to be referring to a character introduced in the Empire Strikes Back? Yoda could have been talking about anyone in the galaxy. As it happened he really did mean Luke's sister but it wasn't Leia at that time. She was going to be revealed in ROTJ, but Lucas just got lazy and made her Leia.
Yeah in Star Wars and Empire it's obvious that Luke and Leia aren't brother and sister. It was just lazy writing. That's one of the things I can't stand about Return of the Jedi.

Kershner or someone else involved (can't remember who) stated that the other person would be a new character featured in ROTJ (a relative of Luke's who was on Dagobah training in secret with Yoda). The whole brother and sister thing feels so forced (no pun intended). Audiences are just getting over the clever Vader revelation/twist and now, "yep, Luke and Leia were brother and sister all along".

I believe Gary Kurtz said something to that effect.
Why would you assume that the "other" would have to be referring to a character introduced in the Empire Strikes Back? Yoda could have been talking about anyone in the galaxy. As it happened he really did mean Luke's sister but it wasn't Leia at that time. She was going to be revealed in ROTJ, but Lucas just got lazy and made her Leia.

Watch From Star Wars to Jedi (awesome btw), GL actually states that Leia being Luke's sister didn't come up until JEDI. "I don't know, I'm making this up as I go."
The "other" was actually referring to Anakin/Vader.

Originally, when Luke was to confront the Emperor he was going to have help from Obi-Wan and Yoda's force spirits. But they don't win until Vader turns. It takes the combined efforts of all 4 (Vader, Luke, Obi-Wan, and Yoda) to defeat the all powerful Emperor in a Jedi Battle Royale. At the same time, Wookiees are battling the Imperial forces. I know. I've read the actual treatment that was written around 1979-1980ish. But it was to be for Episode IX, not VI.

But of course, we instead get a contrived and made-up-on-the-spot twin sister subplot, Ewoks, and now... "Nooooooooo!"


George Lucas, emasculating Star Wars since 1981. Diehard Fans, unwittingly suffering from Stockholm Syndrome since same.
But but the OT is sooooooooooooooooo much better.

Same ____ as the PT. People just grew up with the OT, so that makes it "better" than the PT.
But but Star Wars and Empire is sooooooooooooooooo much better.

Same ____ as the PT. People just grew up with the OT, so that makes it "better" than the PT.


Things went down hill long before the prequels. It started with Jedi as soon Luke went back to Dagobah and when we were introduced to a planet of midget teddy bears.

Jabba's Palace and the parts with The Emperor, Vader and Luke are great but everything in between is ____. I mean, a second Death Star, Luke and Leia are siblings? Really, that's the best you could do?
But but the OT is sooooooooooooooooo much better.

Same ____ as the PT. People just grew up with the OT, so that makes it "better" than the PT.

That is a lie, now you're just sounding stupid. Shut your mouth. :wink1:


Things went down hill long before the prequels. It started with Jedi as soon Luke went back to Dagobah and when we were introduced to a planet of midget teddy bears.

Jabba's Palace and the parts with The Emperor, Vader and Luke are great but everything in between is ____. I mean, a second Death Star, Luke and Leia are siblings? Really, that's the best you could do?

I think I might befriend you...not sure.
"..this sucks..That sucks...".. " Yes made up...Not made up..."
Blah blah blah...
I just take it all for it's entertainment value. I enjoy watching the movies and don't really give a vermin's behind about " Who shot first..".
And yes, I still buy Sideshow's Utapau, Corusant, 501st, and other troopers and characters, despite the fact that they are from "..The prequels that suck..".
"..this sucks..That sucks...".. " Yes made up...Not made up..."
Blah blah blah...
I just take it all for it's entertainment value. I enjoy watching the movies and don't really give a vermin's behind about " Who shot first..".
And yes, I still buy Sideshow's Utapau, Corusant, 501st, and other troopers and characters, despite the fact that they are from "..The prequels that suck..".

You forgot to add that the double headed announcer in TPM during the pod race is > The Empire Strikes Back :lecture