Star Wars On Blu-Ray

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From AICN:

First thing I should make clear is that the deleted scenes for the Prequel Trilogy are NOT the deleted scenes included on the DVDs (in fact these scenes are absent on the Blu Ray). The DVD deleted scenes were completed and all polished up with their FX, sadly this is not the case with the scenes here. Not a single PT sequence is finished, all have FX missing or bluescreen backdrops, and several are entirely pre-visualizations without actors at all. Disappointing. One that I was looking forward to was Qui Gonn and Darth Maul fighting on the ramp, but it amounted to 6 seconds of grainy footage with a bluescreen background. You also get to see an early appearance of Bail Organa supporting the vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum (played not by Jimmy Smits but by some poor chap who never had his moment of fame) . For AOTC there's an extension to the library scene in which the librarian and Obi Wan look at a stone bust of Count Dooku and recieve some exposition about his background. In the ROTS section a deleted scene shows Anakin and Obi Wan slicing some Battle Droids during the Palpatine rescue and quipping "Roger Roger" to one another. We also get to see a lengthy animatic (allegedly directed by Stephen Spielberg) that shows a different version of the Obi Wan General Grievous chase. In this version it ends with Obi Wan prising open Grievous' breastplate and pulling out his internal organs to kill him - I rather liked it! Also a longer animatic version of the Wookie battle on Kashyyk which probably would have been far better than the confusing and brief sequence we actually got. Been a bit of talk about Liam Neeson recording new material but although there is a brief deleted scene of Yoda communing with Qui Gonn at the end of ROTS it's just a pre-vis_animatic with a stand-in vocal - not Neeson.

The deleted scenes for the Original Trilogy are a bit more fun, and a bit more of a time capsule curio. The first on the disc is a rather long sequence (maybe 5 mins) of Luke watching the space battle through binoculars and then going to Tosche Station to tell his friends what he saw. Some parts of this are better than others but the quality is pretty terrible, faded color and scratches all over the place. The dialogue between Luke and Biggs is quite in-depth too and touches on politics in an almost PT kinda way! ESB has a lot of Wampa scenes, which look really ropey and were wisely cut. It also has a longer scene of Leia talking romantically to Luke after his recovery from the Wampa attack and nearly kissing him again - Star Wars Blu Ray now with added incest! The ROTJ deleted scenes were my favorite, with the sequence of Luke tooling his lightsaber prior to Jabba's palace being the one deleted scene with completed FX. This scene did the rounds a while back but the scene on the disc plays a bit longer and you get to see Luke's X-Wing and the Millenium Falcon parked side by side near to the cave where Luke is hiding out. There's a scene with a sandstorm that would have played after Han's rescue in which Han thanks Luke and Luke explains he has to go to Dagobah. Again a nice scene but with faded color and unfinished sound. The best scene shows an extra bit of Stormtrooper blasting on Endor as Han and the rebels break into the Imperial shield generator, it ends with the Imperial officer saying "You Rebel Scum!" and Han puts his hand on his hips and replies with mock-hurt "scum?". Loved it! We also get to see some Female rebel pilots in the cockpit being fed dialogue lines at the Death Star battle - terrible, terrible, terrible, only watch it if you want to laugh.
Ugh. My expectations are dropping by the minute. Oh well.
Sounding less "carefully assembled" and more "thrown together" like the DVDs were.
Actually, the initial PT DVDs were shown a lot more care and attention than this. At least the Deleted Scenes on those were cleaned up and completed.

It's amazing to me that there are still people out there who don't realize what an insult this Blu-ray release really is.
Sad that one of the most culturally important films BluRay release ends up as a bunt :huh

Oh well, Season 3 of Star Trek TOS on BluRay here I come :rock
At $13.33 a movie (Target price), I'm hardly insulted, and that's even with me planning on discarding the OT:SE's.

You should be. This entire release is a charade and a joke... a direct middle finger to fans & consumers. Doesn't matter what price they are.
The best part about the Blu-Ray release is that it made me check out again and find Harmy's versions!!!! THANKS!

Original trilogy, original versions in HD....FINALLY.
Actually, the initial PT DVDs were shown a lot more care and attention than this. At least the Deleted Scenes on those were cleaned up and completed.

It's amazing to me that there are still people out there who don't realize what an insult this Blu-ray release really is.

It's amazing to me that your still here botching about something you and so many others have no interest in!:slap

Comments like this and a majority of this thread make it difficult for me "to get down with the freaks".

Don't presume to tell me, as a fan, what I should or shouldn't "realize":cuckoo: