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I thought I read somewhere that the "other" was a brother that Luke had, hidden from the Emperor and that after the event of ROTJ, he was supposed to go off to find said brother... :dunno

That was an alternative storyline that Lucas decided to never use. In fact, there was also one where a secondary Jedi character in Episodes 1-3 would be cryogenically frozen (ala Carbonite) and would be unfrozen in Episode 7 and become one of the main characters and focus of the 3rd trilogy. That idea was also discarded, obviously. The "other" was going to be Anakin right up until the time Kurtz split and Lucas decided to go with a cute and cuddly wrap up for ROTJ.
News coverage...what, off AICN?!?!


No, its been all over. Yahoo, CNN etc. Personally, I don't think it's that big of a deal to be considered news worthy, but hey who am I to talk?

u a little history lesson...about your precious "Empire Strikes Back". Back in 1980, it was a joke. All the talking heads and so called "experts" thought it was garbage with this little green "muppet" and all the "force" mumbo jumbo. Yeah, the muppet haters were in full force before ROTJ. Your so called "classic" wasn't even inducted into the AFI until it's 30th anniversary. Go back read the reveiws, do the research. I lived it, I know!

Okay, can't refute that. You were there, you lived it.

Next I got some ahole trying to tell me what my standards should be for enjoying art!?!

Film is all about interpretation, so I agree with you. Nobody should tell you how you should or shouldn't enjoy something.

I'm sorry but can you please inform us on how to enjoy these things according to how you see fit!

I don't know or care how other people "enjoy these things". Fans, young and old like their Prequels, their Clone Wars, their video games and that's fine. I don't particularly care for them but does that mean others shouldn't? No, I never said that.

However I would like to see the things I enjoy be made available and known in quality format and not scoffed at.

I mean yeah, at the end they're all just stupid movies but I'll be damned if I just sit there and buy a shoddy release (my opinion) as opposed to what I actually want. What I want is better quality, remastered versions of the originals from '77, '80 and '83. The new films got that treatment, why can't the original theatrical films?

That wasn't classy, that was moronic!

What was?
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Ah. I never bought the brother/sister the whole time angle and people defending it makes me laugh everytime. I haven't ordered the BRs not because I'm protesting just because I haven't really had the desire to do so (they are on Spike all the time...) I'm sure eventually I'll get them.
Bring it! But while your at it you may want to relocate your spell-check if your going to be part of the grammer police:rotfl

As far as being butt-hurt, you should consider asking yourself the same question. I've been around as long as you but considering the amount of postings you use to _____ compared to mine, I doubt I have that problem.

Don't you mean "you're"?


We all make mistakes, spelling and grammatical.
Put the topic of the changes aside entirely. You have no opinion on the fact that they lied about updating the faulty and incorrectly color-timed 2004 transfers?? Or how about the obvious bait-and-switch with the Deleted Scenes (as it turns out the Luke lightsaber one that they used to announce and plug the Blu-ray release over a year ago is the ONLY one that was really restored).

It should bother you that there are fan-made HD restorations of better quality than what Lucasfilm wants you to pay for.
I'm quoting this again because the people who have a problem with us poo-pooing this release for what it is have no answer to the issues above. None.

People keep making the latest changes to the movies the focus of the argument. But it's actually the deception and neglecting to fix the admittedly faulty 2004 transfers (when they claimed they would), and bait-and-switch with the Deleted Scenes that is most offensive. And there can be no real defensive mustered for that, just shrugged shoulders.

:lol We're not all anonymous. A lot of people here actually know each other... and there are tons of folks at Lucasfilm who know who I am. I've even done a lot of freelance work for them. And some there are well aware of my disenfranchisement. Incidentally they're not nearly as butt-hurt about it as you are.

:lol Is this a threat? Please say it is.

Bring it!

As far as being butt-hurt, you should consider asking yourself the same question. I've been around as long as you but considering the amount of postings you use to _____ compared to mine, I doubt I have that problem.
Bring it!

As far as being butt-hurt, you should consider asking yourself the same question. I've been around as long as you but considering the amount of postings you use to _____ compared to mine, I doubt I have that problem.

Bring it!

As far as being butt-hurt, you should consider asking yourself the same question. I've been around as long as you but considering the amount of postings you use to _____ compared to mine, I doubt I have that problem.


I can see why you don't post here very often. Not too much to contribute or post that isn't repetition, huh?


I'm quoting this again because the people who have a problem with us poo-pooing this release for what it is have no answer to the issues above. None.

People keep making the latest changes to the movies the focus of the argument. But it's actually the deception and neglecting to fix the admittedly faulty 2004 transfers (when they claimed they would), and bait-and-switch with the Deleted Scenes that is most offensive. And there can be no real defensive mustered for that, just shrugged shoulders.

Carl, I could really 110% honestly care less if you or others are really that upset over this. I just really don't care. I find a lot of it funny more than anything. What I will take umbrage with is that my standards are low because my boxers aren't in a bunch.
Bring it!

As far as being butt-hurt, you should consider asking yourself the same question. I've been around as long as you but considering the amount of postings you use to _____ compared to mine, I doubt I have that problem.

As myself what question?

Look, you're the one losing his ____ and directly name-calling here. I'm actually calm as a cucumber right now (what an odd euphemism, by the way).

Oh, and :lol at "Bring it!"

Pistols at dawn!!! Over Star Wars!!! :hi5:

But see, the thing is his movies didn't always suck and he didn't always suck.

And they still don't suck.

They have always been entertainment. Nothing more.

The original movies are out there for those that want it. Just not on the latest and greatest format.
As myself what question?

Look, you're the one losing his ____ and directly name-calling here. I'm actually calm as a cucumber right now (what an odd euphemism, by the way).

Oh, and :lol at "Bring it!"

Pistols at dawn!!! Over Star Wars!!! :hi5:


Where I'm from we call it the "Hurt-Feelings Inn".

Stay there much?
I'm quoting this again because the people who have a problem with us poo-pooing this release for what it is have no answer to the issues above. None.

People keep making the latest changes to the movies the focus of the argument. But it's actually the deception and neglecting to fix the admittedly faulty 2004 transfers (when they claimed they would), and bait-and-switch with the Deleted Scenes that is most offensive. And there can be no real defensive mustered for that, just shrugged shoulders.

Yea I am in agreement with you on this Irish.
There are a lot of people who are used to changes being made to these movies every time they are rereleased, so they have already talked themselves into the Lucas-line-of-thinking, and there is no going back. They would probably buy the set no matter what changes were made, and when it comes down to it you can enjoy the movies however you want.

BUT the stuff Irish is talking about are plainly money-mongering tactics to get half-witted fans to cough up money. It is sad that there are so many SW fans out there that so blindly just buy this stuff since it is "a must of every fan" whether or not it is what they say it is. And that is true with even considering the changes that people are upset about.
Carl, I could really 110% honestly care less if you or others are really that upset over this. I just really don't care. I find a lot of it funny more than anything. What I will take umbrage with is that my standards are low because my boxers aren't in a bunch.

But your standards are lower than most, Josh. And not just with SW. You're hardly ever critical about anything and are absolutely one of the easiest people to please. But here's the thing: I'm not saying that as am insult. That's probably a great trait that you have, honestly. We're just obviously not all like that.
I think it's hilarious when the mob mentality throws up the old "hold harmless" when they get the hate back, yet have no problem dishing it out on public figures, celebs, and the like because they're jealous of a higher income.

Alot of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Where I'm from we call it the "Hurt-Feelings Inn".

Stay there much?

What are you talking about? My feelings aren't hurt at all. You're the one flew off at the handle at the assertion that, just maybe, there are a lot of diehard SW fans out there who are simply myopic. So who do you think really touched a nerve here? :lol