Star Wars Live Action and Clone Wars TV shows

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Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

It'll be cool... but I don't see myself waiting inline to catch this.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

It'll be great to take the kids to see a SW film on the big screen.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Just noticed that above cody is the prototype Y-wing, remember reading in the cross section book that the rebels did'nt bother putting the outer casing back onto the y-wing in ANH because it was a pain.

I think it looks really cool, very anime like. Looks like it been drawn by Joe Johnston and has the bubble canopy which because of the blue screen tech back in the 70's could'nt been filmed.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

As huge a Star Was fan as I am, I'm just not liking the looks of this. It looks like a cheap video game video, not a professionally made digital animation movie.

At least they got Sam Jackson to do Mace Windu's voice.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Really? I thought the graphics look pretty slick. The edges on some characters look a little odd but overall im liking this more than the other CW series look.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

I thought the overall look of the trailer was great. Definitely a huge step up visually from the other Clone Wars IMHO.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

I like parts of it but I'm not really a fan of Anakin's padawan... I'll just have to wait until August to see how it pans out.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Anyone else feel weird seeing a Star Wars trailer start with the WB logo instead of 20th Century Fox?

Maybe it's just me. For years, the only 20th Century Fox movie I saw as a kid was Star Wars, so when my family used to watch other films, I'd hear the fanfare and go, ooh are you watching Star Wars only to find out nope. I've come to associate the two together, hell even the SW Scores have the fanfare on them. Very odd for me.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Anyone else feel weird seeing a Star Wars trailer start with the WB logo instead of 20th Century Fox?

Maybe it's just me. For years, the only 20th Century Fox movie I saw as a kid was Star Wars, so when my family used to watch other films, I'd hear the fanfare and go, ooh are you watching Star Wars only to find out nope. I've come to associate the two together, hell even the SW Scores have the fanfare on them. Very odd for me.

he he he... I used to do that too when I was a kid. I would hear those drums on other movies and yell.. "STAR WARS is on."
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

I still feel a little disoriented when that starts up and I don't see the Lucasfilm Logo and hear the opening strains to Star Wars. :lol
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Anyone else feel weird seeing a Star Wars trailer start with the WB logo instead of 20th Century Fox?

Maybe it's just me. For years, the only 20th Century Fox movie I saw as a kid was Star Wars, so when my family used to watch other films, I'd hear the fanfare and go, ooh are you watching Star Wars only to find out nope. I've come to associate the two together, hell even the SW Scores have the fanfare on them. Very odd for me.

Dude, I STILL DO THAT! I still don't believe that the 20th century Fox fanfare ever played in any other movie before Star Wars came out in 1977(and I will stick with my delusional thinking of that too).:D
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

It's kind of weird. As someone who works with 3D animation I can tell it's really been designed for the TV version. There's not a whole lot of detail, textures are fairly simple and sometimes you can see obvious bump maps or segmented edges. Plus I can see that to get the correct effect of the lightsaber fanning out when it blurs they just used a 'ghost' spline, you can see that the glow isn't following the actual blade cylinder in some frames where the cylinder shape is obvious next to the fanned out spline. (maybe I'm being too technical).

I think it's pretty cool but I'm not sure how well it'll hold up in theaters. I just hope they end up releasing it on Blu-Ray when they start selling seasons.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Looks freaking awesome but yeah the WB logo is weird. Got to wonder why 20th Century Fox did'nt want this, they got the 1st option.

Is the republic officer with holo Mace Tarkin? if it is that would be cool.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

And looks like the pan out of Palpatine, Obi-wan and Mace on the StarDestroyer has been changed from night to dusk.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

I said they weren't yellow lightsabers...

And did anyone listen...

Well, yes, but not everyone...

Asajj Ventress with yellow lightsabers? Come on!
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

I've been keeping up with this since it started and for my .10, it looks awsome! There's plenty that I recognize such as some of my favorite characters but it's different enough that I'm enthusatic about different directions. I'm glad were not finished with Obi-Wan's or Anakin's story and I'm glad there is still adventures left to be told!!! As far as the whole WB logo thing, I don't mind at all. Regardless of tradition, WB has got the reputation for some of my favorite animation with Batman, Superman, and Justice League. I'm stoked they're part of the Star Wars Legacy! If Star Wars has fell beneath everyone's radar, well I'm fine with that too. I'd probably prefer those kind of people that think it's the second coming or something , to STAY OUT OF IT!. It's just a freakin movie, have fun with it and don't take it so seriously, you won't be dissappointed!
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Come to think of it, if this is successfull enough, I'd like to see this approach taken with the Classic Trilogy characters as well! I'm all for Prequel and "newb" padawans, but it was Luke, Leia, and Han that got us here!