Smallville: Season Nine...SUIT!!

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I REALLY hope so! :pray: It has set the stage for Superman, and it has the potential to be GREAT with the return of Lex Luthor, and possibly Darkseid as the bad guys. The beginning of the Justice League. It could and should be EPIC! If the writers and producers don't screw it up.
We could go back and forth about magic all night. But in the end it comes down to the writers of this show. They're the ones that create the stories for all of the episodes. So, I am hoping they do it right. Now we're at the point where Superman should...I hope...make his first appearance in the season 10 premiere. That would be HUGE! After what happened in the season 9 finale' this week it's now the perfect time for it. As it said on the box with the suit in it...."if you choose to stay". Clark made that choice.

By the way "Hulksmashed" his name was Christopher REEVE, not Reeves. The name of the actor that played Clark Kent/Superman in the 1950s Superman TV show was George Reeves. Just some FYI for you.

I'm really looking forward to season 10! I want to see Superman and his new "Justice League" in action! The return of Lex Luthor! It's the last season folks, and it has be a GREAT final season! I really hope it actually is one. At first CW was not going to renew it for a 10th this is a gift. After all Smallville was the biggest and most popular show on The WB network and now on the CW network. It deserves a GREAT ending!

Of course if comes down to the writers. As far as "doing it right" this point it can't happen the way you want it to without sucking big time. They have gone to far with Clark Kent as he is, so there will have to be some sort of magic or other plot device put into play that will allow Clark to become the bumbling Clark Kent.

ONLY way it can be pulled off is if Lois already knows he is superman and Clark adopts the other persona. In other words, there's no way he can fool Lois with just a disguise anymore....

Also, I want Lex back, but I don't want him to be the main villian. Also, it will be hard to bring HIM back without some creative plot device. When he left he knew who Clark was...and that would NEVER work.
Well they could go with whole Lex Luthor Clone plot so he docent remember much of his past and....... well its Smallville anything can happen, but i hope they don't go with Lois not knowing that he is Superman because at this point that would be ridiculous, but again it is Smallville............
Well they could go with whole Lex Luthor Clone plot so he docent remember much of his past and....... well its Smallville anything can happen, but i hope they don't go with Lois not knowing that he is Superman because at this point that would be ridiculous, but again it is Smallville............

A clone would make sense and solve the problem. They could say clone's memory was backed up prior to Lex learning the truth about Clark.

In terms of Lois...she has to know right? She kissed "the blurr" and then said "Clark".
the premise that lois didn't recognize Clark as Superman was never believable to begin with. I'm sure kids from the 1930s thought it was ridiculous.

reality isn't the point. its a fantasy world and to make it work fans just need to suspend reality and not have hang ups.
the premise that lois didn't recognize Clark as Superman was never believable to begin with. I'm sure kids from the 1930s thought it was ridiculous.

reality isn't the point. its a fantasy world and to make it work fans just need to suspend reality and not have hang ups.

I would 100% agree with that. I'd also add that if elements of that fantasy world (such as magic) could potentially lend to a more believable concept...why NOT throw it in there?
If they have to do something I would prefer the magic or technology to cover up the identity come from Jor El or even a new form of krytonite than say Zantanna or something. A side character shouldn't really play into it, IMO.
Modern comics have dealt with this issue of refusal to believe. Lois and Lex for that matter have unsurmountable, unbelievable evidence that Clark Kent = Superman but because he is so effective in his goofy persona that they just can't believe it. Morrison has done one better by actually having Clark become a costume of sorts where Clark slouches, stuffs his shirt, speaks an octive above his normal tone and wears tinted glasses to hide his eyes. Literally they are supposed to look related but not one, his take has at least made it plausable, with him even saying he wanted to make Clark a bit overweight so that way when people say "Where is Clark?" the thought is he couldn't keep up with Lois running after Superman.

As for Smallville, I haven't watched a lot of the tailend of the season after Justice but I have to say I was seriously impressed with the finale, the best episode to date for me. I loved him seeing the Superman costume and the dream of his flying made serious want more. I actually can't wait for next season and that is a statement I haven't made about Smallville for a while.

As for his status, they've employed magic heavily throughout, it would only take a magician to wipe the world's memory of Clark as we see him to Clark as we traditionally know him to set things right. In fact Superman himself is very weak to magic, they could make Clark think of himself as the bumbling fool for the greater good. It wouldn't be too difficult to achieve given the ground they've built.
Modern comics have dealt with this issue of refusal to believe. Lois and Lex for that matter have unsurmountable, unbelievable evidence that Clark Kent = Superman but because he is so effective in his goofy persona that they just can't believe it. Morrison has done one better by actually having Clark become a costume of sorts where Clark slouches, stuffs his shirt, speaks an octive above his normal tone and wears tinted glasses to hide his eyes. Literally they are supposed to look related but not one, his take has at least made it plausable, with him even saying he wanted to make Clark a bit overweight so that way when people say "Where is Clark?" the thought is he couldn't keep up with Lois running after Superman.

As for Smallville, I haven't watched a lot of the tailend of the season after Justice but I have to say I was seriously impressed with the finale, the best episode to date for me. I loved him seeing the Superman costume and the dream of his flying made serious want more. I actually can't wait for next season and that is a statement I haven't made about Smallville for a while.

As for his status, they've employed magic heavily throughout, it would only take a magician to wipe the world's memory of Clark as we see him to Clark as we traditionally know him to set things right. In fact Superman himself is very weak to magic, they could make Clark think of himself as the bumbling fool for the greater good. It wouldn't be too difficult to achieve given the ground they've built.

Yea, Supes has always been pretty susceptible to magic. As for magic making him into the bumbling Clark....I don't know, kind of destroys the character the last 9 seasons have been building.

As for Lois saying "Clark" after being touched, she'll probably see him hurt from his fight with Zod and figure that if Clark really was the Blur, he wouldn't have gotten hurt
Of course if comes down to the writers. As far as "doing it right" this point it can't happen the way you want it to without sucking big time. They have gone to far with Clark Kent as he is, so there will have to be some sort of magic or other plot device put into play that will allow Clark to become the bumbling Clark Kent.

ONLY way it can be pulled off is if Lois already knows he is superman and Clark adopts the other persona. In other words, there's no way he can fool Lois with just a disguise anymore....

Also, I want Lex back, but I don't want him to be the main villian. Also, it will be hard to bring HIM back without some creative plot device. When he left he knew who Clark was...and that would NEVER work.

I think that if Clark was to allow Lois to find out that he was Superman...that would actually be a great idea. I know that Lois could and would keep his secret since she told Clark she wants to take their relationship to the next level. I could see Clark acting goofy, and bumbling on purpose, but at the same time he's already established himself at the Daily Planet as a professional, neat, and clean reporter. So I would think that would confuse his co-workers to see him suddenly become a goofy person that he wasn't before. I guess the idea of magic is not that far-fetched since it has already been done many times in the series. I could see Zatanna coming back and working with Clark to create some type of anonymous potion for him that would protect his identity as Superman. But not "blur" the sight of him as Superman to the public.

Yeah, I would love to see Michael Rosenbaum back as Lex. Even if it is in one episode. Reading the previously posted interview with him from MTV, it looks very doubtful he'll return. Hopefully they can "persuade" him with a big paycheck. If not I guess I'll settle for another actor in the role under some heavy makeup. I hate when that happens, but I can live with it. I agree that some "plot device" would have to be in the mix since Lex Luthor was fully aware of Clark's powers.
With magic though, things always revert back to the status quo. However with Jor-el manipulating things the drastic changes stay changed (ala the Lana survives/Jonathan dies episode). So I'm betting it's going to be a reality manipulation by Jor-El that makes it so Clark can be the disguise.
I like that idea too Dave. But Zod destroyed the crystal control panel at the Fortress Of Solitude in the season finale'. He told Clark basically he could never communicate with Jor-El again. So it'll be interesting to see how they can bring Jor-El's fatherly advice back this time. Unless Clark can rebuild the crystal control panel? :dunno

I think it is so ironic how the voice of Jor-El is done by the actor Terence Stamp...that played the original Zod in Superman: The Movie, and Superman II! Very cool twist! :D
With magic though, things always revert back to the status quo. However with Jor-el manipulating things the drastic changes stay changed (ala the Lana survives/Jonathan dies episode). So I'm betting it's going to be a reality manipulation by Jor-El that makes it so Clark can be the disguise.

Yeah it very well could be Jor-el's doing. Magic is only one possibility. Jor-El's influence is another. The Legion/time travel could easily change the past.

If it were magic, my vote would go to powers of a new Dr. Fate. His magic is on a different level then Zatanna (at this point). More staying power...similar to giving Martian Man Hunter back his powers.

My hesitation about Jor-el's influence is that the last time Clark used him to make a major change Clark's Dad died. A fact that Clark just brought up in the season finale. So Clark might not be too keen on his assistance for something of that magnitude.

As for changing the past...they would literally have to undo the majority of the show to get Clark to where he needs to be. And since they are so close to putting him in the tights I doubt they would take on that kind of re-write...
So at what proximity I wonder does blue kryptonite effect kryptonians? Cause Clark should have ample time to pull that knife out and throw it.

After shoving the knife into Clark, Clark falls off the building on purpose to get The blue kryptonite out of Zods range so he will be pulled into the vortex. Clark was only like 20 feet away at MOST when Zod was pulled in.

That being said, there is always Hawkman or Martian Man-Hunter that could just fly up and save him....

Oh, and wasnt someone supposed to die in the season finale? Was that Tes Im assuming?
I would love to see Clark pull the dagger out and fly to save himself but the portal would then pull him in. I think the most likely way out is as stated before either Hawkman or Martian Manhunter catch Clark and then the other closes the portal down.
I hate the magic idea. Superman should never be dependant on another to maintain something as simple as his secret identity! It IMO weakens his character & makes him...."needy".

Also many of you are missing a huge chunk of stoyline. 12 YEARS OF SCHOOL SPENT WITH JOR EL. As in when he is enveloped by the Jor El crystal "MASK" in the 1st Reeves movie.....HELLO MASK, AS IN A TOOL TO OBSCURE IDENTITY. Just putting it out there.

But Clark still has much to learn about the 28 know galaxies. When he returns to Earth 12 earth years has passed & he is older......he is SUPERMAN!
I hate the magic idea. Superman should never be dependant on another to maintain something as simple as his secret identity! It IMO weakens his character & makes him...."needy".

Also many of you are missing a huge chunk of stoyline. 12 YEARS OF SCHOOL SPENT WITH JOR EL. As in when he is enveloped by the Jor El crystal "MASK" in the 1st Reeves movie.....HELLO MASK, AS IN A TOOL TO OBSCURE IDENTITY. Just putting it out there.

But Clark still has much to learn about the 28 know galaxies. When he returns to Earth 12 earth years has passed & he is older......he is SUPERMAN!

I think they are going to be skipping this version of the story and having all the knowledge jump into him much faster to avoid the 12 year gap. Just as in Superman IV, another "last" crystal will pop-up and the fortress can be re-built. The whole Superman Returns storyline was ruined having Superman not only have 12 years off but then goes on another long journey to see if there were any survivors on Krypton. Lois Lane should have been a lot older than she was in that film.

However having Clark re-create the fortress, and then perhaps disappearing for a couple of years while he's training and learning from Jor-El in the fortress would make more sense for his return as Superman. Then we can have Clark believably getting myopia and wearing glasses when he returns to work, and at the same time Lois gets saved by Superman so she falls in love with him and gives him the Superman name. etc.. In Lois's mind Superman and the Blur are two different people by then.. I do not want Lois knowing the secret identity just yet, the Superman mythos is more fun when she doesn't know. Just watch Lois and Clark the tv show and the show started to stink once she found out..
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