Rock Band + The Beatles

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Is that a joke or are you serious. If thats true, its cool. I was hoping for.... I dunno... Something else. :dunno :lol
True and I think they are also holding some tracks back people will buy the album or the individual song on down the road.
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back of 360 box

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Man, I knew this game would be easier than usual, but that expert track for Hello, Goodbye looks insultingly easy, and that's the highest difficulty.
Man, I knew this game would be easier than usual, but that expert track for Hello, Goodbye looks insultingly easy, and that's the highest difficulty.

you could try singing and playing the guitar/bass at the same time, thats what im gonna do...or you could also play drums on expert
you could try singing and playing the guitar/bass at the same time, thats what im gonna do...or you could also play drums on expert

Already had plans to try to sing at the same time. But, really the game isn't about the challenge. This is about the freaking Beatles! And no matter how easy or hard the game is, that's reason enough for me to buy it.
Already had plans to try to sing at the same time. But, really the game isn't about the challenge. This is about the freaking Beatles! And no matter how easy or hard the game is, that's reason enough for me to buy it.

exactly, it's not about difficulty it's about playing with fellow fans
Already had plans to try to sing at the same time. But, really the game isn't about the challenge. This is about the freaking Beatles! And no matter how easy or hard the game is, that's reason enough for me to buy it.

exactly, it's not about difficulty it's about playing with fellow fans

enjoying the songs and imagining your one of the beatles...thats why i cant wait to play this game, dreams come true

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