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It: Chapter Two (2019)


I really enjoyed "It: Chapter Two". The movie serves up more of the campy horror, comedy and character moments that made "It" so great, despite not being as slick as the 2017 film.

The scare moments in this movie were very fun, and I thoroughly enjoyed what almost felt like a Pennywise highlights reel as each member of the Loser's Club recalls previously unseen encounters with It from their childhood, before meeting It once again as adults. I liked that a lot, even when not every scare sequence quite flowed into the overall narrative as seamlessly as the scares did in the first film.

The casting, like the first movie, is great. You genuinely felt that James McAvoy, Jessica Chastain, Bill Hader, Isaiah Mustafa, Jay Ryan, James Ransone and Andy Bean were all grown up versions of the kids we saw in "It". Whilst a little fractured at first (understandable considering these characters haven't seen each other in 27 years, and never as adults), the cast do develop chemistry as the movie progresses and we get some, but not many, very nice individual and also group character moments. In particular, the ending of the film is very moving and emotional indeed.

Bill Skarsg?rd as Pennywise is, of course, wonderful, and is surely now one of the most iconic characters in cinematic history. Iconic as *****.

Overall, I had a good time watching "It: Chapter Two", and am looking forward to watching again. The "It" duology of films, when put together, make for one of the best and most memorable instances of modern horror moviemaking.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix: 5.5/10

Mediocre and forgettable, with acting that was phoned in and no real heart or intelligence behind it. And character behaviors made no sense at times. A group of characters are hell bent on killing Dark Phoenix, risking their lives for the chance. But then they change their mind for no clear reason and start defending her, risking their lives in the process. It appeared to be written by a sociopath or alien who had no concept of human behavior.

A sad ending, with Fox inexplicably letting that hack Simon Kinberg take over completely. The highs of the X-Men franchise are some of the best comic-based movies I've seen. But the lows would compete with even output from the lowly DCEU and Sony as horrible wastes of time. This falls into the latter category.

Hell Comes to Frogtown - Not even sure what to rate this. It's so bad it's good type of thing.


You watched it right before the sex?

X-Men: Dark Phoenix: 5.5/10

Mediocre and forgettable, with acting that was phoned in and no real heart or intelligence behind it. And character behaviors made no sense at times. A group of characters are hell bent on killing Dark Phoenix, risking their lives for the chance. But then they change their mind for no clear reason and start defending her, risking their lives in the process. It appeared to be written by a sociopath or alien who had no concept of human behavior.

A sad ending, with Fox inexplicably letting that hack Simon Kinberg take over completely. The highs of the X-Men franchise are some of the best comic-based movies I've seen. But the lows would compete with even output from the lowly DCEU and Sony as horrible wastes of time. This falls into the latter category

I still haven't seen it. Could end up like Die Hard 5 which I also still haven't seen.

Why couldn't they have left it alone after DOFP and Logan. Instead they close out the legacy with 2 complete duds in Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix.
Yesterday - 8.5/10

What if the music of The Beatles suddenly snapped out of existence, and you were the only person who remembered them?

Great little film from Danny Boyle, a very funny and enjoyable, light and imminently rewatchable film.

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I still haven't seen it. Could end up like Die Hard 5 which I also still haven't seen.

Why couldn't they have left it alone after DOFP and Logan. Instead they close out the legacy with 2 complete duds in Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix.

Hear hear. Big fan of Logan but I always view DoFP as the end. I like happy endings, Logan finally get one and then everything goes to !&*#.
Joker - 8.5/10

Joaquin Phoenix gave a career topping performance, of a caliber most actors dream about, but he's still not the best Joker.

Not to diminish JP's performance, but his was a profile of mental illness, and incredibly executed, but im not sure I ever really bought that he was The Joker. He deserves, and will likely be nominated for a Oscar.

The movie was gritty, real, depressing, and in a way, beautifully grimey in it's depiction of a city in a state of decay.

Yet, the whole DC universe felt shoehorned in, like it didn't quite fit. It would have been better off if they just ignored that aspect of it.

I also feel like the message would have benefited more, had the DC Universe not been baggage.

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JOKER - 9.5/10

It was great - loved the feel of it. Phoenix nailed the role. I was super cautious when they announced this, but it's definitely a top 20 movie for me.

It's been so long since we've had a DC movie that was actually thoroughly good.
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Annihilation: 4/10

Some good visuals, decent dramatic performances (apart from Tessa Thompson, who seems as if she was totally phoning it in), and a few interesting scenes. The movie benefited from its flashback structure. But by and large I wasn't buying what they were selling. Countless movies have done a better job with ambiguous, potentially frightening endings. Frankly, this movie didn't give me enough information to form a full opinion on what the hell was even going on. Is character X being deceptive? How, and why? I don't mind movies, like No Country for Old Men, leaving us with difficult questions that we have to answer on our own. But I do mind movies not giving us much of anything to go on, and then also not giving us any clear resolution, so it's like interpreting an abstract painting. At least, I mind it when the movie presents itself as if it is, for the most part, a conventional Hollywood blockbuster-type. This ain't exactly Eraserhead or El Topo.
Godzilla. 4/10. Man, don't know how u can make a Godzilla + classic monsters movie dark, boring, and just plain lousy, but they managed.

Tryin' to remember anything I liked about this - well, don't think Charles Dance can BE bad. So points for that.
Godzilla. 4/10. Man, don't know how u can make a Godzilla + classic monsters movie dark, boring, and just plain lousy, but they managed.

Tryin' to remember anything I liked about this - well, don't think Charles Dance can BE bad. So points for that.

I think you mean Godzilla: King of the Monsters?
Dark Phoenix- 6 out of 10...........They really screwed up the basic Dark Phoenix Saga story with the alien subplot. They also had J Law's Mystique leading the X-Men..... with both Scott Summers and Ororo Munroe standing on the sidelines.... F that! The Charles Xavier ego bashing was really misplaced, I never felt that way about the character reading the books. The pedestrian setting, to a space story that should be on par with GOTG was also disappointing. Sophie Turner, I want to like the actress and think she has potential but as the linchpin of the story her performance was bad, dull and lifeless. A couple of things I did like was the performance of the other actors who were good in their
roles, and the action, which I think was better than the majority of X-Men movies. Cyclops and Storm had more prominence and their fight scenes were done well. Quicksilver and Nightcrawler also had some great scenes.
So basically, anything filmed by Kinberg was disappointing, and anything filmed by Second Unit (action scenes) was quite good.

Anna- 7 out of 10...........Yeah, the same old Luc Besson doing the same old stuff, but I kinda liked it. The main actress here, Sasha Luss did a commendable job considering this is her first major film role. The other actors, Helen Mirren, Luke Evans, and Cillian Murphy were also really good. The story structure is what's different about this compared to other Besson movies and I think it mostly works. There's some action scenes that were really great, the Restaurant Fight and Moscow car chase are stand outs. But not much is new here. Atomic Blonde was better, but I still kinda like Anna too.
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I think you mean Godzilla: King of the Monsters?

Yeah. Sux 'coz the actors are capable. Kept thinking was so happy I didn't pay theater prices for this one. Tho maybe I might've been able to see better thru the murk which I guess was to smudge over bad CGI. It HAD been on my must-see in theater list.

When are these studios gonna hire decent writers?:crying
I watched Kindergarten Cop again. I rate it


Terminator: Dark Fate

Neither remarkable nor a complete train wreck, a perfectly serviceable attempt at course correction with great acting and a wholly predictable plot. One small step for man. And machine.
