New Star Wars Trilogy...?

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After reading the article it seems that if there is talk of a "movie" then it is one film. Planned trilogies nowadays are called trilogies from the beginning and not movies.

If there is a movie coming then I'd guess it's another Clone Wars CG film rather than a live-action anything.

:lecture:lecture:lecture Possibly the death of Ahsoka?
New trilogy=more money for George. I certainly wouldn't put it past him.
New trilogy=more money for George. I certainly wouldn't put it past him.

Has anybody thought that this could actually be the Something, Something, Something Darkside movie they're talking about? Lucas has said that he's done with the movies, so unless it's the Family Guy spoof, or another animated movie, I highly doubt we'll see a new trilogy.
We can't even get Star Wars on Blu-Ray so how long would it take to make one in 3D. :)

Actually a stand alone live action Clone Wars movie would be sweet. You could have Hayden reprise his role as Anakin, maybe Yoda, as LITTLE lucas input as possible, who knows, it might be good!
Actually a stand alone live action Clone Wars movie would be sweet. You could have Hayden reprise his role as Anakin, maybe Yoda, as LITTLE lucas input as possible, who knows, it might be good!

NO!!!! Watching Hayden over the course of two SW movies was painful enough. :lol
I'd much rather have a new trilogy about the beginings of the Sith than a 3D re-release of any of the current movies.
I'm sure he could find time in his busy acting schedule to at least make a cameo?

Sadly, that would still be too much screen time. I listened to that putz in an interview that blamed his lack of acting skills on Lucas' script. So I gave him a chance with Jumpers and that movie was much worse. :monkey4:monkey4:monkey4
We'll never hear the end of the EU haters ?????ing and moaning about that. I like the idea though. I'd love to see the current Jedi Master Luke on screen. I think they could take the New Jedi Order series and make a good trilogy with it.

On the other hand, I do fear that another Star Wars movie wouldn't be nearly as good and maybe even worse than the prequels. Sometimes its best to let some things go quietly.

I'd even go as far as to say the Legacy of the Force books would make a great film base. I"ve only read about three of them and so far I like what I've seen.