New Ghostbusters Figures

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If you print that gif out at the right size Kuzeh, you have your very own Mattel "Ecto-2"(what they called it because they know alot about Goatdusters).
If they actually offered a really good pack, even if it was $500, it would sell. But they'd have to actually make one first and show everyone exactly what to expect, none of this pre-order now and we PROMISE it'll be good crap.

If its a quality made prop that's accurate, people will buy it.
Nope... unless they reach the numbers tonight it won't happen... if they reach them, they will leave the pre-orders opened until November. It's pretty stupid I know, but it is what it is... unfortunately seems like we're far from reaching the goal, so it doesn't really matter anymore...
So it's better to be disingenuous and pre-order even when you know the chances you would buy are nearly zero, than actually signaling the truth to Mattel--that someone isn't willing to pay that much for what they are proposing, particularly without more details regarding the quality level that would justify such a cost?

Matty has been disingenuous with us at every turn, so I see no problem with returning the favor. All those fake sell outs to create artificial demand when cases were collecting dust in the warehouse is just one example of that. Matty would get the message you're proposing when they lose 80% of their pre-orders upon the final product being revealed. The only message they're gonna get from people not pre-ordering is that there's no interest in 6 inch Ghostbusters product. They will not recognize the reasons why it failed. They may seem obvious to you or me, but Matty has a long history of passing on the blame to the consumers.

One of the reasons cited for the death of the 6 inch line was Vigo's sales being very low, and how if even a fan demanded figure like Vigo didn't sell well there was simply no hope for the line. Now logically one would say there were legitimate reasons for Vigo not selling well. One is that the figure looked like absolute crap, easily the worst likeness up until that point. He also lacked bicep swivels, which meant he couldn't be put into the most obvious pose for the character, which I'm sure most people would have liked to be able to put him in. And finally there's the fact that just a month or two prior Matty blew out nearly every figure in the line for 60% off, with combined shipping to boot, which rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and discouraged them from paying full price for future figures. Did Matty see any of this though? No. All they saw was bad sales = no interest = kill the line.

I am speaking to Matty by not pre-ordering. They may chalk some of it up to a lack of interest in the line, but if they have sense (which I'm sure they do), they will also understand that they need more transparency and to be more reasonable if they really want to succeed with things like this.

There is absolutely no correlation between sense and Matty Collector. If they had any sense they'd have ditched Digital River a long time ago. If they had any sense they'd have given Scott Neitlich a pink slip a long time ago. Seriously, all that guy manages to do is piss people off by either having a condescending attitude, not having any idea what he's talking about, or flat out lying. If Matty had any sense they'd have started operating like a legitimate store when it became apparent that their "sold out" fear tactics weren't working. Instead they drove away anyone who missed the limited sale windows to ebay, paying ridiculous markups on these already over-priced things. Late to the party and want to get into this line? We've got cases of these things in the warehouse, but no, go pay a scalper triple the price for the ones you missed. What do you mean you changed your mind? I guess there's just no interest in Ghostbusters...
Not happening:

From Matty:

Update: Final Count for 2014 Subscriptions
and Ecto-1 Pre-Order

Posted by Admin on August 20th, 2013

Toy Fans,
Who has the power? Masters of the Universe® fans, that’s who! The 2014 Club Eternia® subscription lives, and it’s all thanks to the fans out there who subbed up and blasted the meter past our goal for a truly electrifying finish!

Club Eternia

The fight was hard won, but you guys did it! In fact, since the final tally blew right past our goal we can start to think about adding a few non-sub items as well. But please be patient. Once we know what we’ll be able to offer, the earliest that we’re likely to announce anything will be at next year’s New York Toy Fair in February 2014. For now, the important thing is that the MOTUC subscription will go on, and we’ll have another amazing year packed with figures and accessories that fans have been waiting for!

Club Infinite Earths & Ecto-1 Pre-Order

Every super hero knows you can’t win ‘em all and we’re sorry to say we did not reach our goal for the DCU 2014 Club Infinite Earths subscription. We also did not reach our goal for the Ecto-1 pre-order. We’d like to say a HUGE thank you to all the fans for waging such a good, strong fight. It will take us a while to figure out where we can go from here. It may be possible to release a few DCU figures quarterly, or to release 12 figures at higher non-subscription prices. Or, we may have to say a final goodbye to this line at the end of this year. Without the sub, we just don’t know what’s possible at this point. Over the next few months we’ll be meeting internally and with all of our partners at Warner Bros., DC Comics, and Sony, and we’ll let you know as soon as we can what our options are.

A special note to all the fans: We know that some of you had to make a difficult choice about which subscription you could sign up for. Since we now know that the 2014 MOTUC sub is moving forward, we plan to reopen the Club Eternia® subscription for a short time soon to give anyone who wants another chance to subscribe. Click here to register and get a special email reminder about this. Or, join me on Facebook, Twitter and in our Fan Forums for updates and reminders there, too.
So in other words--two wrongs make a right?

If a bully regularly picks on a smaller kid for five years until one day that kid sees an opportunity to give that bully a taste of his own medicine should he not take it? Sometimes you have to hit back and there's nothing wrong about it. Bullies like Matty will not learn any other way. They won't one day wake up and say "Ya know what? We've been jerks." If you go on their facebook page it's almost entirely filled with hate from all the people they've wronged, but do they see this and attempt to change at all? Of course not. The only thing that will make them change their ways is to hurt them financially.
lol Damn. I was actually one of those preorders too. :eek: Guess that's a NO GO now.
The only thing from Matty I've purchased was the Hoverboard, and I am ok with it. Looks good displayed next to my replica Air Mags and Marty Hat but i understand the complaints about it not having the things they promised. I was close to getting on the Voltron train but glad i passed on it after watching inhand video reviews.
If a bully regularly picks on a smaller kid for five years until one day that kid sees an opportunity to give that bully a taste of his own medicine should he not take it? Sometimes you have to hit back and there's nothing wrong about it. Bullies like Matty will not learn any other way. They won't one day wake up and say "Ya know what? We've been jerks." If you go on their facebook page it's almost entirely filled with hate from all the people they've wronged, but do they see this and attempt to change at all? Of course not. The only thing that will make them change their ways is to hurt them financially.
Earlier you were arguing we should pre-order just in case, but now you want to actually hurt them through placing misleading pre-orders :lol I'm sorry Matty has offended some of you so badly. I love Ghostbusters, and wish they produced more stuff I wanted in a way that made sense. But I'm not going to act in a petty and vindictive way toward them just because I don't like some of what they do.

The bully analogy doesn't really work for me, because you can always simply choose not to pay attention to what Matty does, and then it literally would not affect you. Of course, if you're in a situation receiving some kind of abuse from another person, you don't have that luxury and have to respond in some way. But beyond that, I don't think actually "screwing" Matty, if it happened, would have the effect you seem to think it would. If only 25% of those who pre-ordered actually intended to buy a given product, and then did so, while the others pre-ordered sat as dead stock, Matty may simply not do anything for the collectors of that license ever again. Doesn't seem like collectors win in that situation. Unless a petty, shallow win of costing a multi-billion dollar company a hundred grand or so is a real victory for some.