MCU - Phase Four

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Yep. And John Walker Cap really should have been done on the big screen when Rogers was still around. They could have done it between CW and IW.

Since that particular storyline in the comics is my all time favorite Cap story I may skip Falcon and the Winter Soldier entirely.

Not me am so d*mn happy Bruhl is back - his low-key psychopath is a fav of mine. And having Sharon Carter.

There's a lot IMO that should've been done from TWS to EG, so Marvel wouldn't be backtracking with stuff like BW. Between Mando and the MCU series my head will explode with joy - all being able to sit in comfort at home with a plate of fresh nachos. Life is good.:cool:
Yep. And John Walker Cap really should have been done on the big screen when Rogers was still around. They could have done it between CW and IW.

Since that particular storyline in the comics is my all time favorite Cap story I may skip Falcon and the Winter Soldier entirely.

I agree.

It would've been nice if they at least made his uniform black, but even if they did, he would still look underwhelming as such a hardass character.
Not me am so d*mn happy Bruhl is back - his low-key psychopath is a fav of mine.

Bruhl's Zemo is the most successful villain in the entire MCU.

When Martin Freeman asks him "so how does it feel to lose so spectacularly" Zemo's "did I" response is so chilling in retrospect since his actions caused the Avengers to be split when Thanos arrived which caused a chain reaction ending in Widow and Stark perma-dying and Rogers growing old and retiring.
Bruhl's Zemo is the most successful villain in the entire MCU.

When Martin Freeman asks him "so how does it feel to lose so spectacularly" Zemo's "did I" response is so chilling in retrospect since his actions caused the Avengers to be split when Thanos arrived which caused a chain reaction ending in Widow and Stark perma-dying and Rogers growing old and retiring.

Well, it could also be argued that their being fractured may have saved them all from annihilation the first time around against Thanos. Had they been united and inflicted even heavier losses on Thanos's army, he may have decided to snap all of them out of existence (along with their annoying little planet) just to be on the safe side. Strange may have never had the opportunity to look at all the possible outcomes and find that one winning scenario.
Yes it's conjecture of course but I still feel like it's safe to say that with as close as they got to defeating Thanos on Titan and as close as they got to defeating him in Wakanda that if the rest of the team had been present in either scenario they would have beaten him without any loss of life, temporary or permanent.
Yes it's conjecture of course but I still feel like it's safe to say that with as close as they got to defeating Thanos on Titan and as close as they got to defeating him in Wakanda that if the rest of the team had been present in either scenario they would have beaten him without any loss of life, temporary or permanent.

Fortunes of war. :lecture
Yes it's conjecture of course but I still feel like it's safe to say that with as close as they got to defeating Thanos on Titan and as close as they got to defeating him in Wakanda that if the rest of the team had been present in either scenario they would have beaten him without any loss of life, temporary or permanent.

IDK, I think we may have to agree to disagree on this one. I don't think the entire team could/would have been present, as Captain Marvel (along with quite a few others) likely wouldn't have been notified in time to participate. It's not as if Thanos sent out "save the date" cards to everyone six months beforehand so they'd have it on their calendars. Heck, Tony & Strange had barely enough time to learn Thanos's name before the first ship arrived with Ebony Maw & Cull Obsedian. Without CM, Thanos still would have the rain fire move to use in Wakanda (or wherever this full team battle was to take place). Maybe Thor could have taken out his mothership just as easily, but while he was busy doing that the rest of the team would have probably been outmatched on the battlefield. Especially with Yellow Hulk being pretty worthless at that point in time. :lol
I'm not talking about EG, CM, or 2014 Thanos "raining fire" and all that though. I'm just talking about how the fractured Avengers couldn't stop him in IW. Imagine if Thor, Cap, and Scarlett Witch were on Titan. That glove would have come off much easier.

Or if IM and Strange were at the Wakanda battle. Victory could have been achieved at either location had Zemo not caused the group to separate.
Bruhl's Zemo is the most successful villain in the entire MCU.

When Martin Freeman asks him "so how does it feel to lose so spectacularly" Zemo's "did I" response is so chilling in retrospect since his actions caused the Avengers to be split when Thanos arrived which caused a chain reaction ending in Widow and Stark perma-dying and Rogers growing old and retiring.

I always like when he sez "I'll have to use other, bloodier methods to get what I need. I don't look forward to that." I mean, he's just so CALM about the whole thing. Like later in that superb interaction between BP and Zemo, when he sez he's sorry about his father.

The man is so far around the bend it's incomprehensible. Even Thanos and Joker seemed engaged and had some energy about the whole thing; Zemo IMO is more like the Terminator in a way - I think BP sees all that. This guy is just GONE "vengeance has consumed u". Reminds me more of some of James Bond's adversaries.
I'm not talking about EG, CM, or 2014 Thanos "raining fire" and all that though. I'm just talking about how the fractured Avengers couldn't stop him in IW. Imagine if Thor, Cap, and Scarlett Witch were on Titan. That glove would have come off much easier.

Or if IM and Strange were at the Wakanda battle. Victory could have been achieved at either location had Zemo not caused the group to separate.

Maybe, but keep in mind that Strange looked at over 14 million scenarios and only one had them coming out on top. I think at least one of those scenarios would have included his going back in time and undoing the events of Civil War such that they had a full squad - he still had the Time Stone after all.
Rose Tico's 76 seconds of TROS screen time and RJ's cancelled SW trilogy would certainly suggest that yes they do, though as always voting with your wallet always sends the loudest message.

I believe that Solo tanking is what made Disney finally start listening to the "vocal minority." So they probably won't care too much about any specific online complaints against the MCU until a Marvel film flops.
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A decent Fantastic Four movie might bring me back around in a post Ms. Man-Hands Marvel era.
Oh no, no, no! It's all superheroes all the time now. You love Han Solo and now you love Star Lord! You loved the Ents and now you love Groot! You loved the Exorcist and now you love Venom! You loved Scorsese films and now you love the Joker! You loved Monster and now you love Captain Marvel! Right? You were supposed to love her! Love her!!! Love her!!!!!!!

Buncha no good entitled moviegoers around here! :nono