JIGSAW (Punisher:War Zone) Custom Headsculpt by Z

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hey guys here is a update on the sculpt, cheers

WOOOOOW that looks awesome!
OBSCENE, In a good kinda way. Z, you are a sculpting monster/master. I never expected Saw to look that good. Certainly exceeded my expectations
You work very fast. With you and Spencer putting all these great sculpt out it's hard to keep up. Sculpt looks awsome btw.
sniper rifle arrived, now modded (had a few minutes), still need to shave down the clip & sculpt the stock

Z, just had another look at the pix, awful, I just feel awful I can't sculpt that well. Do you not sleep or what?!
Holy Crap that was quick! I know its not done, but it looks great already! I think I do want one of these afterall. What do I need to do? I passed on the Punisher, but this is too awesome to pass up!
B Munch, you passed on the Punisher?
Look, I'm not trying to rub it in bit it is by far one of the most enjoyable pieces I've had a chance to paint. Just started tonight with the base & first layer of shading. Usually end up with as many as 12. Have to say it's already coming alive. I CAN'T wait to do up Jigsaw

Gotta make his suit pimpn'

Oooh, needs ugly shoes
Yeah, I am working on a custom Punisher, but a comic version so the Ray sculpt just wasn't right for me. Same with the Jigsaw I posted on the other page, but this sculpt just looks too nice to pass up on.

The other problem is I'm not really much of a painter, so the better the sculpt, the more hesitant of painting it I am. I couldn't touch the fantastic Andy Locke headsculpt so I had to send it off. Will probably have to do the same for this as well.
Painting isn't such a big deal. Ya gotta break a few eggs right? Hey, a great paint job can't save a poor sculpt. However, an ok paint job can look fantastic because or a brilliant sculpt. Give it a go. I've botched more than a few. I re did Sam 3 times & Dean Winchester 2X (I think, or was it 4 & 3). You mess up, just strip em & go again. No harm to the sculpt & no disrespect to the sculptor
I dunno. Maybe if the sculptors/casters had a bad casting they would just throw out I'd try to paint one. But otherwise I would just be too afraid. I've practiced on some bad/cheap sculpt and am slowly working on better sculpts (like that Kroenen/Jigsaw) where I can add to an existing paint job.

I would be willing to try on this though, except the eyes. Eyes are hard and unfortunately the most important part of a head. Mess up on the eyes and even the best face paint can't save the head.
You are so right about the eyes. Don't be intimidated by the process though. Try this. Base flesh, then do the eyes. So id you botch it, you haven't done much damage painting wise. Hey, I'm still having a challenging time with detail. I still get tremors in the dominant hand/arm following my brain surgery (seriously) By all accounts I shouldn't even be painting. Hell, they were expecting to teach me how to brush my teeth! So go ahead. Make mistakes. No big deal & certainly not irreversible.
ok guys I need to inform that I will not be selling white resin casts from now on, I have had a lot of issue with it and with the supplier, due to things like contamination with color dyes and also a very limited shelf life, it goes yellowish and spotty in a few months and I could not sell that to u guys, I have already waste a full box of it and thats a lot of money down the drain.
That means a raise in the price of each cast to $39($3 extra for the fleshtone color as before), and $2 extra for drilling the neck and $36 for painting still applies.
The color will be close to Caucasian skin tone so it shouldn't be a problem to paint. If anyone is concerned about how to paint a fleshtone sculpt I would highly suggest u let me do the painting. Also my sculpts have skin textures sculpted on so it requires very light coats of paint or the texture would look blotchy.
I can understand if some people are mad about this and I am sorry. I will let u drop out of commissions and I will refund your deposit minus the amount paypal already charged me.
Again I am very sorry about this.
ok guys I need to inform that I will not be selling white resin casts from now on, I have had a lot of issue with it and with the supplier, due to things like contamination with color dyes and also a very limited shelf life, it goes yellowish and spotty in a few months and I could not sell that to u guys, I have already waste a full box of it and thats a lot of money down the drain.
That means a raise in the price of each cast to $39($3 extra for the fleshtone color as before), and $2 extra for drilling the neck and $36 for painting still applies.
The color will be close to Caucasian skin tone so it shouldn't be a problem to paint. If anyone is concerned about how to paint a fleshtone sculpt I would highly suggest u let me do the painting. Also my sculpts have skin textures sculpted on so it requires very light coats of paint or the texture would look blotchy.
I can understand if some people are mad about this and I am sorry. I will let u drop out of commissions and I will refund your deposit minus the amount paypal already charged me.
Again I am very sorry about this.

Still in for this. Keep em coming Z!