In praise of the Episode II Clonetrooper ...

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The one I was referring to not only had a different helmet but also he wore standard Stormtrooper forearm armor, repositioned shoulder bells like AT-AT drivers, no kneepads, AT-AT driver boots, side holster with Han Solo type blaster, and no backpack. and i think AT-AT driver gloves with a comm unit on the left glove

Interesting. You learn something new everyday. But he wasn't the only OT Trooper with customization. The Sandtroopers had different colored pauldrons apparently based on rank.
Yeah and some minor differences in armor. I think the Sandtroopers were actually just an elite squad and not specifically designed for desert worlds. I could see them being dropped on a jungle world or whatever.

But other than that you don't see any one unique Stormtrooper amongst a crowd of them. Nor for the Biker Scouts. It's a funny little quirk that there's only one guy left with an altered outfit and he probably doesn't even wear it that often since it's only his cold weather gear. maybe he has an altered Stormtrooper outfit too for other times. it's like he did some favor for the Emperor and now he's allowed some flair
Not to mention the Tie pilots also had different markings on the helmets
The thing I found wrong with Ep2 was the build up of the army the troops where all made in secret....
Did nobody notice all those battle ships, spacecraft and walkers being built? WTF
But any way I can buy the upgrade in design it was war, changes needed to be made, why so little change after Ep3 to Ep4 ? Maybe it was because the Empire went from all out war to a police state where redesign/upgrade wasn't required (and only militarily active troops could mod armour)..
Heck the Biker scouts rode bikes that the Jedi's had 20yrs before them
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Hypothosis :

and unless Lucas has said that the majority of stormtroopers in OT were remnance of Clones then it might stand

What if in the PT because they were clones, were encouraged to try and excel within the ranks ? hence the differentiations ?

In the OT maybe the stormies were populated with differing species within the armour and differentiation was promoted less ??
Didn't the clones (with the exception of Boba) have an excelerated growth rate? I think they aged at twice the rate of a normal person, or was it more? If so then it would stand to reason that in twenty years, by the time ANH rolls around, very few clones would be left. Twenty years would put them at 40, and if you figure they had to be about 18 or so by the time they were full fledged clone troopers to beginw ith, that makes any clones still kicking 76 years old by normal standards.

Maybe the uniformity of the stormtroopers also denotes the uniformity of the Empire, as the individualism displayed by the Clonetroopers of the Grand Republic army was no longer necessary.
Same here... I liked both designs. And being ex military, I understood the change. With uniforms, it doesn't matter if the design isn't pleasing to the eye. If the military high command wants the upgrade, they will do so. It's just like the digital camo that came out a few years ago. Many people didn't like it, but it still happened.

TRUTH!!! i remember the fiasco back in 2002 when the Army adopted the black beret for all troops. The Rangers were seriously pissed off as that was their trademark up to that point. Oh well, they have the Tan beret now.... my brother is trying to get his commander to endorse his paperwork to go to Ranger school. i hope he gets it...thats something i wish i would've done back in my youth.
Twenty years would put them at 40, and if you figure they had to be about 18 or so by the time they were full fledged clone troopers to beginw ith, that makes any clones still kicking 76 years old by normal standards.
The first clones were about 8 to 9 years old at the time of the Clone Wars, many of them were 5 years old, still appearing as children to a Jedi's senses. That puts them around 50 for ANH, 56 for Empire and 58 for Jedi.
I can't see the Empire abandoning the clone technology for their armies. They probably found a new guy to clone from along with volunteers.

There weren't any Stormtroopers with a Jango accent. didn't the clones have that accent?
I can't see the Empire abandoning the clone technology for their armies. They probably found a new guy to clone from along with volunteers.

There weren't any Stormtroopers with a Jango accent. didn't the clones have that accent?

Just a theory but the troops regardless of kinds ,they were different sizes and heights right
Yes definitely in ANH. i don't seem to remember any height differences among them in ESB and ROTJ.

I think maybe after the Rebellion's first major victory in blowing up the Death Star there was a major reduction in volunteers joining the Empire.
In 11 BBY, the cloners of Kamino rebelled against the Galactic Empire by using their cloning technologies to launch a war against the Empire. The Empire retaliated with a massive assault on Tipoca City. Boba Fett, with his extensive knowledge of the complex, led the 501st Legion into the corridors of the cloning complex to disable the cloning technology. As the remaining resistance attempted to flee, two of their LAAT/i evacuation transports were shot out of the air.

This uprising provoked Palpatine, who had now made himself Emperor, to decide that an army of genetically identical clones presented too many possibilities of turning against him, just as they had done to the Jedi. Thus, it was through this radical reform that the Fett clones would gradually become overshadowed under a pool of clones from different genetic templates and many more birth-born recruits. Although the Jango Fett template would still certainly be used to produce more clone stormtroopers, the Fett clones would rapidly become lost under the number of recruits, conscripts, and different genetic template-based clones. For all of their loyalty to the Republic/Empire and their unrivaled fighting skills, the Fett clones were "rewarded with the chance" to fight alongside "inferior" and far less skilled soldiers. None of the Fett clones, especially those belonging to the "Fett-pure" 501st would ever truly grow used to fighting alongside the non-Fett stormtroopers that they dubbed as the "new guys".

Ultimately, the cloning program that was used to produce almost 50 percent of the stormtrooper ranks was finally ended with the defeat of the Galactic Empire via the Battle of Endor. After Palpatine and Vader's death, clones became increasingly rare and obsolete as the remnants of the Empire turned to birth-born recruits, both Human and non-Human alike.

So there...they did still use clones, but the Fett template became rarer, until it was barely used at all...

Oh, and by the time of the Legacy comics, about 137ABY, aliens were allowed to be stormtroopers, and women were allowed into the 501st.
In 11 BBY, the cloners of Kamino rebelled against the Galactic Empire by using their cloning technologies to launch a war against the Empire. The Empire retaliated with a massive assault on Tipoca City. Boba Fett, with his extensive knowledge of the complex, led the 501st Legion into the corridors of the cloning complex to disable the cloning technology. As the remaining resistance attempted to flee, two of their LAAT/i evacuation transports were shot out of the air.
BF2 is not canon, even for EU standards.
Wookieepedia...all classed under the canon laws...

Anything non-canon wouldn't be in that quote, or would have been marked...

Hey, I don't make the rules...
In 11 BBY, the cloners of Kamino rebelled against the Galactic Empire by using their cloning technologies to launch a war against the Empire. The Empire retaliated with a massive assault on Tipoca City. Boba Fett, with his extensive knowledge of the complex, led the 501st Legion into the corridors of the cloning complex to disable the cloning technology. As the remaining resistance attempted to flee, two of their LAAT/i evacuation transports were shot out of the air.

This uprising provoked Palpatine, who had now made himself Emperor, to decide that an army of genetically identical clones presented too many possibilities of turning against him, just as they had done to the Jedi. Thus, it was through this radical reform that the Fett clones would gradually become overshadowed under a pool of clones from different genetic templates and many more birth-born recruits. Although the Jango Fett template would still certainly be used to produce more clone stormtroopers, the Fett clones would rapidly become lost under the number of recruits, conscripts, and different genetic template-based clones. For all of their loyalty to the Republic/Empire and their unrivaled fighting skills, the Fett clones were "rewarded with the chance" to fight alongside "inferior" and far less skilled soldiers. None of the Fett clones, especially those belonging to the "Fett-pure" 501st would ever truly grow used to fighting alongside the non-Fett stormtroopers that they dubbed as the "new guys".

This is taken from the Battlefront II game. BF2 is not canon, its not even considered part of the EU. The 501st was not on every vital mission in SW history, its just an element of the game to give you something linear.