1/6 Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Iron Man Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

Steve: "I'm sorry, Tony. James is my friend."

Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

To imply that people shouldn't compare CW and BvS is just plain ridiculous though. They're literally two movies about heroes fighting one another released within a very close time frame, made by two opposing rival companies. Of course comparisons will be made, especially when both movies share a lot of relevant topics and similar ideas.

Anyway, back to this suit. I'm glad it comes with a Tony Stark HS since it was one of the main things I didn't like about the Mark 45 figure.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

Spoiler Spoiler:

what i loved most about this movie that dawn of justice didn't do well (besides the humor, and sunlight lol) was the way they cut the movie. in batman vs superman it seemed like just as a scene was getting good, they cut away to something else entirely different. it just took me out of the movie. with civil war i was in it the entire time. they cut away at the right times, and they cut to scenes that you wanted to see.

i'm not sure if i want to go see it again in theaters or wait until it's released digitally. i only saw age of ultron once in the theater and when i bought it through iTunes it was more exciting because i had only seen it once prior. we'll see.

Completely agreed on the spoiler tagged bit and the part about the editing. Part of me hopes that the extended cut of BvS will flow better, but after watching enough Zack Snyder movies, I know better than to think that a new cut will change my thoughts on the movie.

that's how I feel about this movie (CW):lol though it was going to be the be all end all superhero movie and...it wasn't...for me at least.

I was so ready to PO everything (even had the movie promo Cap on PO already)...now, don't want anything from this line


I didn't have really high expectations for this (mostly stemming from my dislike of the Civil War comic... the irony is that I got giddy each time Steve and Tony came to blows in the MCU). I knew it'd be a solid movie, and all I really wanted was a good Cap 3 to round out the trilogy (which I kinda got). So few trilogies stick the landing, and I think it did alright concluding the Cap character arc from TFA. I wish it had been less of an Avengers movie, but I guess the upside is that we got some really good Iron Man scenework.

If I had more money and space, I'd totally buy the whole line to make a diorama of the airport scene. And the last fight scene too (though I may just use my Phase 1 figures).

Even though I understand the average person's natural inclination to, I personally don't even see the need to compare the two and state which one was "better" by listing what one had that the other lacked and vice versa. One is DCEU and one is MCU, they have two different styles.

I personally greatly enjoyed both.

It's hard to avoid drawing comparisons when both movies have so much in common (two big characters come to blows over the role heroes should play in society... and then again over something personal) and came out within the same time frame (and originally had the same release date). Different styles are one thing; it's another to execute on a filmmaking level. One movie's fight felt organic given the plot and characters; the other's fight felt like it was shoehorned in to make a cool action sequence (and yes, I know other people might use the same argument with the movies switched around). I want to see DC do well (a Batman and Superman movie should run circles around anything the MCU puts out), but BvS just feels like a lost opportunity to me.

EDIT- ronri beat me to my point about movie comparisons, but I'll leave my repetitive comment as is.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

Anyway, back to this suit. I'm glad it comes with a Tony Stark HS since it was one of the main things I didn't like about the Mark 45 figure.

I find I rarely display any Iron Man with the head sculpt. Maybe with the faceplate up but almost never with the head sculpt. I don't know why, it's never a appealing aspect of them for me.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

I find I rarely display any Iron Man with the head sculpt. Maybe with the faceplate up but almost never with the head sculpt. I don't know why, it's never a appealing aspect of them for me.

I used to think that an Iron Man figure was lesser if it didn't come with a Stark head (helmeted or otherwise), but now that I have a helmeted Stark head, I don't even use it. The thing is that I try to find action-type poses for my figures, and having the face plate up doesn't usually make much sense in that context. I'd prefer a full unhelmeted head rather than one with a face plate since that opens up a few more pose options, but I don't know if I'd really use that either.

Spoiler Spoiler:
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

Anyone defending BvS is delusional, or has a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome... What a horrible piece of trash.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

Question for those of you who may remember: Was the Mk7 BD announced before or after Avengers was released in theaters? And how long before/after?

Just curious. Not trying to create a correlation necessarily, but I really hope they do a BD Mk46.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

when was the last time they released a full on separate battle damaged release? the mark 7?

Yeah, that was the last IM Battle Damaged figure. That was 2013. Hopefully there's a BD version for this suit.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

Question for those of you who may remember: Was the Mk7 BD announced before or after Avengers was released in theaters? And how long before/after?

Just curious. Not trying to create a correlation necessarily, but I really hope they do a BD Mk46.

The BD Mark VII was a Movie Promo Release for Iron Man 3, after the Avengers was released.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

The BD Mark VII was a Movie Promo Release for Iron Man 3, after the Avengers was released.

Did not know that. Shows my newness to this hobby lol. Would've thought it'd be a special edition released close to the Avengers movie. Hope we don't have to wait for Homecoming or Infinity War for a BD Mk46.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

Did not know that. Shows my newness to this hobby lol. Would've thought it'd be a special edition released close to the Avengers movie. Hope we don't have to wait for Homecoming or Infinity War for a BD Mk46.

It was a fun time. The BD Mark VII went to waitlist after 4 hours or so on SS.

And there was a Mark VI Movie Promo Edition (the first ever Movie Promo-I know of) that was released right before or after The Avengers came out. That figure was limited to only 3000 figures worldwide.

Man I feel old in this hobby now lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

It was a fun time. The BD Mark VII went to waitlist after 4 hours or so on SS.

And there was a Mark VI Movie Promo Edition (the first ever Movie Promo-I know of) that was released right before or after The Avengers came out. That figure was limited to only 3000 figures worldwide.

Man I feel old in this hobby now lol

Oh I know all about the Avenger Mk6, personal grail of mine. Wish I knew about Hot Toys at the time.

In all honesty, it was a random article on yahoo that showed a picture of the Mk7 Stealth that peaked my interest. The level of detail was unreal. Clicked on the article. Saw the pictures. Found this site and the lurking began lol. Just have the AoU WM and am impatiently waiting for the Mk45 to be my first Iron Man.

You're not old in the hobby, just experienced! Lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

I find I rarely display any Iron Man with the head sculpt. Maybe with the faceplate up but almost never with the head sculpt. I don't know why, it's never a appealing aspect of them for me.

I used to think that an Iron Man figure was lesser if it didn't come with a Stark head (helmeted or otherwise), but now that I have a helmeted Stark head, I don't even use it. The thing is that I try to find action-type poses for my figures, and having the face plate up doesn't usually make much sense in that context. I'd prefer a full unhelmeted head rather than one with a face plate since that opens up a few more pose options, but I don't know if I'd really use that either.

I'll admit, I like changing up the poses and look of my display every couple of months, hence why I actually like the idea of a Tony Stark head sculpt. It also helps that he actually pops off the entire helmet a number of times in this film,so having the Tony Stark head sculpt as a display option doesn't feel so absurd.

Spoiler Spoiler:
Nice comparison there, definitely very similar to what happened in IM1.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

i hope hot toys includes all of the weaponry for both the mark 46 and the war machine mark 3. i'd really hate it if they released them without it.. then later down the road released fully armored versions.

Did not know that. Shows my newness to this hobby lol. Would've thought it'd be a special edition released close to the Avengers movie. Hope we don't have to wait for Homecoming or Infinity War for a BD Mk46.

if there is one at all. we haven't seen battle damaged versions (like the 7) for the 42, 43, or 45.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

Hopefully it has a black eye.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

i hope hot toys includes all of the weaponry for both the mark 46 and the war machine mark 3. i'd really hate it if they released them without it.. then later down the road released fully armored versions.

if there is one at all. we haven't seen battle damaged versions (like the 7) for the 42, 43, or 45.

It's easier to list the ones that have had it. Out of 25ish iron man figures only two are BD releases of other armors. Not saying it couldn't/won't happen but those are poor odds.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

i hope hot toys includes all of the weaponry for both the mark 46 and the war machine mark 3. i'd really hate it if they released them without it.. then later down the road released fully armored versions.

if there is one at all. we haven't seen battle damaged versions (like the 7) for the 42, 43, or 45.

It's easier to list the ones that have had it. Out of 25ish iron man figures only two are BD releases of other armors. Not saying it couldn't/won't happen but those are poor odds.

Welp... that's encouraging lol. I just feel like the final battle has "make a BD suit to represent me" all over it. Unlike the 43 and 45 from AoU imo.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

I've watched the film a few more times. It just gets better and better each time. Bring on all the figures!

Still hoping for a suited Tony Stark.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

Welp... that's encouraging lol. I just feel like the final battle has "make a BD suit to represent me" all over it. Unlike the 43 and 45 from AoU imo.

I'd be more inclined to say there won't be a BD version of the Mk 46. The one up for PO will likely be the only one they put out. Then again, they gave Cap a BD figure, so hey, you never know I suppose.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

Welp... that's encouraging lol. I just feel like the final battle has "make a BD suit to represent me" all over it. Unlike the 43 and 45 from AoU imo.

Sorry to be the buzz kill guy all the time. I just think there's enough of the wishful thinkers that one dissenting voice should be out there on occasion. If any of the newer suits where to get a BD I could see it being the 46. So it's possible. But there's a bunch of reasons why they don't like to do that very often. Even with the BD mk7 nearly all the parts came with regular mk7 so if you bought it you where not feeling like you got left out.

You can see all the angst over the two Cap figures and how one has something the other doesn't and that's just so unfair (to some people). Imagine if instead of a 220 dollar figure it's an iron man figure that costs twice that. You can probably pick up either the Head or shield from the opposite Cap set and be out 50 bucks. If they do a BD iron man you may need to spend what a normal figure costs just to get the parts. And iron man doesn't get parted out as much.

It's actually a crazy complicated deal to make and distribute these "toys".

And they have to consider the distrubutors and retailers. The places like sideshow have to commit to a min number of each figure and even if every person on PO cancel with them (ssc) ssc would still have to pay for all the figures it ordered from hot toys. So they may have a log jam of figures if there are essentially two versions of the same figure and they don't sell out quick.