1/6 Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Wanted to add, 1st post here, I have this figure pre-order and can't wait.
Now about the movie, I'll agree that it's way better than IM3 and I liked that movie too. Maybe being Asian and growing up watching tons of Kung Fu movies, but I love big long fight scenes.
Two guys would meet at field talk about some dead uncle or whatever and bam a fight scene, yay, I just want some fighting.
So back to Man of Steel, big fight scene, lots of explosion, was great!

Just wanted to add, Perry & Jenny(I believe that was her name) seem like they weren't even needed in the movie.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Wanted to add, 1st post here, I have this figure pre-order and can't wait.
Now about the movie, I'll agree that it's way better than IM3 and I liked that movie too. Maybe being Asian and growing up watching tons of Kung Fu movies, but I love big long fight scenes.
Two guys would meet at field talk about some dead uncle or whatever and bam a fight scene, yay, I just want some fighting.
So back to Man of Steel, big fight scene, lots of explosion, was great!

Just wanted to add, Perry & Jenny(I believe that was her name) seem like they weren't even needed in the movie.

I loved the movie, but they were totally superfluous.
And welcome to the forums.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Which was a valid point... it overshadows any character development.

I mean some of us want more than big explosions and buildings getting wrecked when we sit for two hours. It feels a little braindead.

makes no sense because 1) this is a Superman superhero comic book movie, this isn't The King Speech. Explosions, destruction, unbelievable supernatural fights with other life forms is what Superman is all about in most of his comics. Plus there was huge amounts of backstory throughout the entire film. Far more than Avengers. And that brings me to 2) Avengers had just as much destruction as MoS.

So i dont know what people were expecting. Even the Reeves movies had tons of destruction for its time that they could physically show, but it was the 70s/80s which they did not have CGI to show more.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

MoS is more than 20 minutes longer than Superman II was (i believe). it didn't need to be. Some of the fight sequences overstayed their impact, i think. cut twenty minutes of fighting and you would have had just as splashy and impressive a film with a much tighter viewtime.

i enjoyed MoS. i do think, however, it needed a wee bit of an edit and could have done better with one or two plot points. minor criticisms. i expect the sequel will be even better.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Three more weeks until Comic-Con. Maybe we will see a modified version of this figure then? Jor-El or Zod would be nice too.

if we don't get at least a tease for Zod and/or Faora then, I am going to be super disappointed, do pardon the pun.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

MoS is more than 20 minutes longer than Superman II was (i believe). it didn't need to be. Some of the fight sequences overstayed their impact, i think. cut twenty minutes of fighting and you would have had just as splashy and impressive a film with a much tighter viewtime.

i enjoyed MoS. i do think, however, it needed a wee bit of an edit and could have done better with one or two plot points. minor criticisms. i expect the sequel will be even better.

Well this was a reboot that included elements from Superman I *AND* II. Of course they needed to spend some time recapping his origin before all the Zod stuff hits the fan, hence the longer running time.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

MoS is more than 20 minutes longer than Superman II was (i believe). it didn't need to be. Some of the fight sequences overstayed their impact, i think. cut twenty minutes of fighting and you would have had just as splashy and impressive a film with a much tighter viewtime.

See, that is where we differ - because the clashes were things of true beauty, and if I had my druthers there would have been MORE of them, not less.

This is the only film I think I have ever seen where I was literally sitting there in awe of what was going on, onscreen. its a major strength of this film, and not one that I think needs dumbing down in the future.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

makes no sense because 1) this is a Superman superhero comic book movie, this isn't The King Speech. Explosions, destruction, unbelievable supernatural fights with other life forms is what Superman is all about in most of his comics. Plus there was huge amounts of backstory throughout the entire film. Far more than Avengers. And that brings me to 2) Avengers had just as much destruction as MoS.

So i dont know what people were expecting. Even the Reeves movies had tons of destruction for its time that they could physically show, but it was the 70s/80s which they did not have CGI to show more.

Dark Knight trilogy. X-Men: First Class. Iron Man. Thor. Kick ***. These are all comic book movies and had much more character development.

Avengers had characters that were actually enjoyable and believable in their motives. Most of the cast was already built up. There was humor, action, great chemistry between characters (something MoS severely lacks... seriously his "love" interest is one of the most pathetic and forced relationships I've ever seen). Though, I also felt that it (Avengers) didn't have much substance after the first viewing unlike Nolan's Batman or First Class.
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Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

See, that is where we differ - because the clashes were things of true beauty, and if I had my druthers there would have been MORE of them, not less.

This is the only film I think I have ever seen where I was literally sitting there in awe of what was going on, onscreen. its a major strength of this film, and not one that I think needs dumbing down in the future.

yeah, definitely a point of differing interests on this. i'm inclined to say if the explosions hadn't been cgi, i would have been more engaged/less impatient with the extent of them. i can watch real stuff blow up all day ~ computer animation? not so much.

and that's just an aesthetic preference.

: D

Well this was a reboot that included elements from Superman I *AND* II. Of course they needed to spend some time recapping his origin before all the Zod stuff hits the fan, hence the longer running time.

absolutely, but i could have still chopped off twenty minutes from the overall action sequences and i don't think the film would have suffered for it. jor-el opening up a can of whup-*** on zod in the opening could have been a brief, impactful exchange rather than all-out 5 minute swashbuckle. pacing is important and i think this one suffers from too much emphasis (and therefore imbalance) on the action ~ which is why people complain that it's "too violent".
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Dark Knight trilogy. X-Men: First Class. Iron Man. Thor. Kick ***. These are all comic book movies and had much more character development.

Avengers had characters that were actually enjoyable and believable in their motives. Most of the cast was already built up. There was humor, action, great chemistry between characters (something MoS severely lacks... seriously his "love" interest is one of the most pathetic and forced relationships I've ever seen).

So do you think the 1978 Superman better than this one, as far as plot goes?
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Ah, I tried to avoid that completely... I never really liked the 1978 Superman. I have no nostalgia attached to it and it just seems campy to me now.

I like Reeve as Superman, I also like Cavill as Superman. I don't like either of their movies.

EDIT: I noticed you specified PLOT, I guess I like MoS's plot better. Don't feel like it's saying much though.
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Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I actually think MoS was a bit "retro" in its approach to character development than most superhero films these days. The evolution of characters like Steve Rogers in TFA and Thor in Thor and the progression of their respective romances did flow better IMO, MoS seems like almost a throwback to the Burton/Schumacher approach of 89-97 or even the Star Wars prequels.

Now, that obviously sounds like a downright awful comparison but I think MoS had a more retro, basic approach that actually WORKED and was what those lesser films were going for but failed to achieve.

I don't know, I recognize that something was lacking compared to the expected standards of current films, but I somehow "got it" and wasn't put off by it. Hard to put my finger on.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

See, that is where we differ - because the clashes were things of true beauty, and if I had my druthers there would have been MORE of them, not less.

This is the only film I think I have ever seen where I was literally sitting there in awe of what was going on, onscreen. its a major strength of this film, and not one that I think needs dumbing down in the future.
Really? I actually got bored and was zoning out during the action scenes. They were complete messes of overdone CGI explosions that lasted atleast 20 minutes longer than they should have. After awhile they eventually became random flashing colors and noises.

I honestly preferred Superman Returns to this cold and disconnected mess. Id much rather watch a movie with no action and all heart than no heart and all action.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I enjoyed MoS for what it was, a fantastic comic book movie. It has a terribly weak plot and has some intelligence insulting moments as most of the blockbusters do now days. Crash, boom, bang does not get credit for good plot my book and MoS has a tremendous amount of this and the plot especially the end was rushed and not given too much thought.

The term plot in comic book movies gets way too much scrutiny and too much over analyzed credit with this current run of superhero movies. There is so much social commentary blowing through scripts now its ridiculous. Like the Christianity parallels in MoS, popping up drones and purging of native peoples on their land. It is difficult to credit these movies with actual plots given the need want and desire by the general population for special FX. Plots for most comic book movies are secondary to the visual candy directions the movie houses are taking on these films.

I evaluate comic book movie plots more so in the believable possibilities within framework of the story told. I ding plots on the number of intelligence insulting events that manifest from the plot in these movies.

The only comic book movie "plot" that I have loved is the Dark Knight. It is a comic movie that can stand alone as a movie and is very intelligently written, not just as a CB movie. Its smart, gritty and totally believable in every aspect. Batman Begins and Iron Man I holds up pretty well for telling a story and not getting too crazy with the liberties for getting the characters from point A to point B.

At the end of the day, these are just movies and people take themselves way to seriously debating/analyzing these films to make them more than what they are and try to personally establish themselves as Kings of Dork Mountain trumping one nerd fact over another.

Just my $.02
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Dark Knight trilogy. X-Men: First Class. Iron Man. Thor. Kick ***. These are all comic book movies and had much more character development.

Avengers had characters that were actually enjoyable and believable in their motives. Most of the cast was already built up. There was humor, action, great chemistry between characters (something MoS severely lacks... seriously his "love" interest is one of the most pathetic and forced relationships I've ever seen). Though, I also felt that it (Avengers) didn't have much substance after the first viewing unlike Nolan's Batman or First Class.

Well i was referring to your remark about too much destruction and i was pointing out Avengers had just as much and its a comic book movie. Impossible unrealistic things are supposed to happen, especially with Superman. And Avengers....

Character Development...thats your opinion. I felt the opposite. I thought there was excellent character development in MoS. They gave you lots of background to all the key characters. We know what all their motives were. Even when Zod, Faora and his crew were banished, when they saw their planet destroyed, Faora was crying, i really felt that...I thought she was an amazing character as well as Zod.

I felt Henry and Amy made a great connection together. She was searching for him for a long time trying to find out who saved her and who he was. I thought they connected the very moment he healed her wounds. She trusted him that very second. I felt it. But other i guess didn't, its just our own opinions.

As much as I love TDK Trilogy, for me I always felt Maggie & CBale didn't connect as a love interest. I liked Katie and CBale in Begins better. But it was a very minor thing. To me TDK Trilogy is a masterpiece. It was the Batman I always wanted to see in film.

Avengers on the other hand there wasn't tons of character development. we were presented with who they were in previous movies, Avengers was just to show them together in battle. Did you really have any sense that Black Widow & Hawkeye had a big connection like they alluded to? I also felt there was no real threat or danger in the film. A lot of destruction but never once did i feel uh oh, how are the Avengers going to fix this mess. I didn't really feel it. But none the less, i still loved the movie because it was a lot of fun to watch. MoS, i had no idea what would happen to everyone. No one knew what he would do to Zod. No one predicted the destruction. idk, MoS to me, my own opinion, had far much more to offer than Avengers, First Class, and any IM movie.

But thats me. I love Superman stuff, so I am really happy with the movie.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

As much as I love TDK Trilogy, for me I always felt Maggie & CBale didn't connect as a love interest. I liked Katie and CBale in Begins better.

to be fair, i don't think they are supposed to. it's only in bruce's imagination that they have anything going on anymore ~ i think that's intentional.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I honestly preferred Superman Returns to this cold and disconnected mess. Id much rather watch a movie with no action and all heart than no heart and all action.

...But you think MoS had "no heart." Not everyone else feels the same way.

I am so OVER origin stories, and talking heads and closeups and the rehashing of ideas that the target audience imbibed almost with their mother's milk. Everyone knows Batman was motivated by the deaths of his parents. Everyone knows Peter Parker and Uncle Ben and the robber, etc etc etc. Everyone knows that Superman is an alien sent here as a last desperate gamble by his soon-to-be-dead parents. We have all known this since about age six! But this seems to be the only way people can "feel connected" to the characters, to see all this dragged into the spotlight, yet again.

I don't need that. I am already connected to the characters by dint of past knowledge and interest in the subject-matter.

I want to see something happen, not origin rehashes. MoS delivered a passable amount of motivation, and then moved on from that. As far as Superman Returns, it has been years since I last saw that. It was suited for its day; effects from movies that old strike me as hokey today. This is expected, but now we are moving forward.

Compare what went down in MoS to, for example, the villains in SR storming the White House. Its like a kid-friendly version of what would really go down. A lot of people seem to want it like that, but I want to see the full range of what feuding paranormals would do.

MoS gave us that in spades. That's just me.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Even without an origin rehash, the characters were cold and lifeless. The bizarre washed out color scheme only one tone above sepia and excessive shakey cam didn't help. The whole film had this dreary and disconnected feeling that was all the more furthered by the barely developed characters.

If you don't care about the characters, then why would you care about the action scenes they are in? It didn't help that these scenes had no tension at all since none of the fighting harmed either of them. They could have made it look more visceral and cool had they made more use of models and effects work, but it was all just crisp and lifeless CGI. It was just random explosions and buildings being torn down in the most overdone way. It was honestly on the same mindless level as the Transformers sequels.

Jor-El kept talking about Superman being a beacon of light and hope for humans, but this film was completely devoid of either. All I saw was a morose human wrecking ball whose judge match with his daddy's old friend caused apocalyptic damage to a major urban center.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

...But you think MoS had "no heart." Not everyone else feels the same way.

I am so OVER origin stories, and talking heads and closeups and the rehashing of ideas that the target audience imbibed almost with their mother's milk. Everyone knows Batman was motivated by the deaths of his parents. Everyone knows Peter Parker and Uncle Ben and the robber, etc etc etc. Everyone knows that Superman is an alien sent here as a last desperate gamble by his soon-to-be-dead parents. We have all known this since about age six! But this seems to be the only way people can "feel connected" to the characters, to see all this dragged into the spotlight, yet again.

I don't need that. I am already connected to the characters by dint of past knowledge and interest in the subject-matter.

I want to see something happen, not origin rehashes. MoS delivered a passable amount of motivation, and then moved on from that. As far as Superman Returns, it has been years since I last saw that. It was suited for its day; effects from movies that old strike me as hokey today. This is expected, but now we are moving forward.

Compare what went down in MoS to, for example, the villains in SR storming the White House. Its like a kid-friendly version of what would really go down. A lot of people seem to want it like that, but I want to see the full range of what feuding paranormals would do.

MoS gave us that in spades. That's just me.

Well in comic books, the origin is like the most celebrated part to every character. And if you think about it, Superman's origin had not been shown in film since 1978 except a tiny bit of Clark running around Smallville in SR. We never had IM, Thor, Cap America, XMen movies before. Spiderman needed the re-boot IMO. I didn't like any of the first 3 films. And if you think about it, Spidey & Hulk are the only ones that really got the re-boot mainly because they needed it. Hulk needs a 3.0 with Raffalo.

But its part of comics. The origins are always retold over & over.