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I feel the same way about the sculpt being a bit off. I can’t quite figure out exactly what looks off to me, maybe the eyes or it being a bit too round or lacking some age detail. I don’t know. Just something not quite right. It’s better than SS’s and the outfit is stellar so there’s that going for it.
Yeah the super generic sculpt really brings down an otherwise fantastic looking figure. I think I might try tweaking the paint and emphasizing the wrinkles some more, like I recently did with my Obi-Wan, to see if that helps any...
Yeah, the sculpt seems like a C+/B- to me. Qui-Gon and Maul were my top PT
potential pick-ups.

It's funny, I think a lot of OT fans look at the prequel sculpts with envy (cause of the OT misses), but I've been tempted by quite a few PT figures and decided against them. Yoda and Anakin were maybe the best but I didn't have huge interest in those, Obi-Wan had the weird lip issue, this figure isn't a dead ringer, and Maul wasn't quite a home run either -- even Cody has some wonky QC issues that have made it easy for a fence sitter like me. This figure stings a bit though since, like OT Obi-Wan, there's really no chance of a second improved sculpt.
Has anyone received it from SS?

I have a promo code available until end of the January that can be applied to only in-stock items, just wondering when this will be available to purchase instead of pre-order.
Has anyone received it from SS?

I have a promo code available until end of the January that can be applied to only in-stock items, just wondering when this will be available to purchase instead of pre-order.

I did. Mine shipped a little before Christmas and opened it up Christmas Day.
Considering that this is a thread focused on a figure from TPM, I’d like to know if others have lately seen an emergence (or re-emergence) of hate toward Ep. 1? I was checking out a couple of videos going over different watch orders now that Mando has 2 seasons, there are 3 trilogies, CW & Rebels are finished and little things like Resistance is out there, video game stories with some canon novels/comics as well as “legends” materials that some just refuse to ignore (mostly Heir to the Empire, but I’m more of a Bane Trilogy/Darth Pagueius purist). The difference in watch orders and the rationale was at times fascinating and other times made no sense whatsoever but there seemed to be a common theme going around: ignore TPM.

The reasons given for skipping TPM weren’t the old “Jar Jar crap” but more of a lack of substance to the overall story. Perhaps my knowledge and love for the Plagueis novel helps give the film more of a punch for me since I think about what had gone down to get the blockade setup, the incredible maneuvering to get Palps in line for the chancellorship as well as how the book explains that the night before Maul was “killed” was the night that Palps killed Plagueis.

Then I see how the order of the PT has changed from RotS>AotC>TPM way out in 3rd, basically so far afield that in many cases it is recommended to skip. I was never a PT hater but “I hate sand” and I also didn’t appreciate a love story in the middle of what was billed to finally explain what the Clone Wars were after decades of speculation. AotC felt like there were video game levels at points, very disjointed and much of the acting was unconvincing (at least to me). I get some of the reasons why the PT has had such a resurgence mainly to do with the ST disappointing so many that it helped make some people understand where the creativity came from, combined with the fact that kids who grew up with the PT, well that was “their SW” as opposed to a geezer like me who grew up with the OT but still loved the PT.

I just don’t understand how so many can rate AotC higher than TPM which is an issue in itself but having all these new watch orders basically saying play Battlefront, read Heir to the Empire but skip The Phantom Menace. What’s going on? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
In my opinion the video games or comics or whatever don’t count it’s only movies and TV that matter. I guess clone wars count because it’s canon and I’ve tried to watch it but it’s not for me it’s just too much of a cartoon to grab my attention.

I think there is something to like in every Star Wars movie but in my opinion as far as the movies and TV goes there is a lot fewer true good Star Wars than bad Star Wars.

Truly good Star Wars is the OT, the mandalorian seasons and rogue one.

Truly bad Star Wars is Rise of Skywalker, Attack of the Clones and Solo.

The rest fall in between IMO.

There are parts of the phantom menace that I still think are at the very top of Star Wars, the lightsaber duel, Liam Neeson, the pod race etc.

Even in the truly bad Star Wars like attack of the clones or Rise of Skywalker there are a lot of moments to love too.
In my opinion the video games or comics or whatever don’t count it’s only movies and TV that matter. I guess clone wars count because it’s canon and I’ve tried to watch it but it’s not for me it’s just too much of a cartoon to grab my attention.

I think there is something to like in every Star Wars movie but in my opinion as far as the movies and TV goes there is a lot fewer true good Star Wars than bad Star Wars.

Truly good Star Wars is the OT, the mandalorian seasons and rogue one.

Truly bad Star Wars is Rise of Skywalker, Attack of the Clones and Solo.

The rest fall in between IMO.

There are parts of the phantom menace that I still think are at the very top of Star Wars, the lightsaber duel, Liam Neeson, the pod race etc.

Even in the truly bad Star Wars like attack of the clones or Rise of Skywalker there are a lot of moments to love too.

That’s my stance. Pick out the parts I like, and ignore the rest.
I just don’t know what can be considered good about Rogue One. So many fans seem to bunch that in with the OT as a rare example of truly great Star Wars but other than looking pretty and Darth Vader killing rebels it does nothing for me. But then I like TPM the most of the prequels, don’t find Jar Jar Binks annoying and enjoy pod racing- especially the commentary- so different strokes for different folks.
I just don’t know what can be considered good about Rogue One. So many fans seem to bunch that in with the OT as a rare example of truly great Star Wars but other than looking pretty and Darth Vader killing rebels it does nothing for me. But then I like TPM the most of the prequels, don’t find Jar Jar Binks annoying and enjoy pod racing- especially the commentary- so different strokes for different folks.

YAY! Another TPM fan like me (well somewhat, I still find RotS more entertaining but the pacing seems off). I do believe that a big reason for my fanaticism for TPM stems from a few key factors being that my excitement on release day was all out (old enough to see both ESB & RotJ on release so TPM was a big deal), the introduction of a new Sith (Maul) with that lightsaber and a fighting style never before seen in SW was a big boon but then 13 years later, before Disney annihilated the EU, the Darth Plagueis novel was released. That book brought new light, an incredible insight into the Jedi, the Republic & the Banite Sith. I’m not ashamed to say that I’ve only read it once but listened to the audiobook more times than I care to even count because it is, In my opinion, the superior version with SW sound effects, cool accents and does well with pacing.

Regardless, even without Darth Plagueis novel, AotC (love story as defined directly by Lucas) would have never beaten out TPM in my personal rankings (and unfortunately, both CW series did nothing for me to help the film). As for Rogue One, I actually just watched it again for the 3rd time yesterday and I agree mostly with Chopper Face, there’s cool stuff that’s mainly fluff and fan service (which I am never opposed to) but it doesn’t slip through the Disneyfied SW that, In my opinion, actually started with Rebels. Sure, I’ll take it any day over TLJ but it’s still part of the Disney-Star Wars Paradigm shift that has seemed to only been changing for the better through Mando and CW final season.
The only thing holding me back on this guy is the Korean version Liam Neeson sculpt we got. Something was definitely lost when it made it to mass production...as usual :(
A month today since i paid for the invoice and two weeks since Qui-Gon left HK and he finally landed in France today. It's been a while since i waited this long for a figure to reach my shelves.
Well that was a nice surprise! Wasn't expecting my Qui-Gon until Monday, but UPS decided to deliver it 3 days early.

Have to admit I wasn't feeling too excited about this from pics, but this is definitely one of those figures that's a whole lot more impressive in hand. For one thing there's his height, which gives him a ton of presence and makes him dwarf nearly every other SW figure I own. And with the dark boots he's also got this sorta dashing, piratey look which I never noticed before and which really sets him apart from my other Jedi figures. :D

Yeah the sculpt is still a bit generic and vaguely asian looking, but it works well enough under the lighting I have, and the overall look of the figure makes up for it pretty well. And I'm certainly feeling much happier with this than I was with ROTS Obi-Wan.

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Awesome pose!