Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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That may also explain how the lapels look nice and flat in some shots and not so much in others, if the wire runs up that hole seam, should allow you to press them flush to the body instead of popping up. Kudos to HT if they did indeed work this in.

Ahhh.. now I see. Someone on here did something similar to that with regular old garbage bag twisty ties for their SS 1/6 scale Indy coat collars. Nice. :joy
I love the look at everything it comes with. But um..............Kinda hurts that they make the same exact figure pretty much,(version 1)now heres an upgraded 1. Double Dipping much? lol im happy with all the pics and excited but damn i bet this thing will cost at least $250. I mite have to pass. double dipping wont work on me, no promises :)
True, but it could also be the angle.


I know it's a far away shot but the mouth here seems to be in the same position as the BR Joker, with more of a frown than a smile. I think it may be tweaked, and her sculpts do look similar, but Hot Toys also seemed to avoid saying it was a new sculpt in the description, calling it "An interchangeable and new make-up Joker head featured with Parallel Eyeball Rolling System (PERS) and Translucent Iris." When Yulli resculpted Bruce for the TDK release, they wanted everyone to know it was an entirely new sculpt.

See in that pic the Jaw looks wider, which is more accurate to Heath. I think they altered part of the lower half of the face.
I'm not convinced it's the exact same sculpt. There's gotta be tweak here and there.



It's really difficult to discern a difference because of the great paint application and the new eyeballs. There's something about the lips and lower face that sets it apart though.
I'd be fine with a BR Joker repaint since I happen to like that sculpt. Add on the new moveable eyes and it's worth it to me. Actually the whole thing is.. since I never got the v.1 so for me it's like buying a better v.1 + getting an entire Cop Outfit + Unpainted headsculpt.

I'm not convinced it's the exact same sculpt. There's gotta be tweak here and there.



It's really difficult to discern a difference because of the great paint application and the new eyeballs. There's something about the lips and lower face that sets it apart though.

I agree, it could have been tweaked a bit. The paint app is spot on though...really nice!
Well I'm looking at my BR in the exact same angle of the phot and even reproduced the lighting, and it's definitely a different lip setup, at least the left side of his face and it is a subtle smile, but it is different.

It may be 90% BR with tweaks, I'm just saying it's definitely not the exact same head with alternate paint is all, and I think some folks may have been thinking that it was the exact same head with just the "bangs" piece changed out.

Bottom line, I love how this new head looks, the makeup and the expression are exactly my vision of Ledger Joker, so to have that, plus the freedom of poseable eyes, I'm on cloud 9 over this head. The whole set is great but the portrait alone, I can't express how truly excited I am by it, all I can do is show it with the slew of pictures I'll be doing when I finally get it.

The released version doesn't even look like this. It was changed slightly.. so using this pic for a comparison doesn't work.

Here's mine.
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Well, unfortunately, because of the material used in the film, in the mob meeting, it is more a read looking shade than red orange. Yet, in the Prewitt building, the red orange color that it is comes through. Red would even be OK, not right, but OK if it weren't as pure and vibrant, it really stads out, especially when the outside of the coat is so dull a purple, v1 or the new DX coat. In the movie, the outside purple and inner color were balanced, they didn't contrast so much but on the figure, it's pretty strong.

i dont know where youre seeing red. the liner of heath's coat was "burnt orange" Hot toys shouldn't be going for "the way it looks in one scene." even though the color never changes throughout the entire movie. the coat is weathered which gives the liner that dark, musty, nasty coloring around the tails and on the edges of the liner. this can be accomplished with Fuller's Earth. HT should be going for accuracy. the coat's true liner is burnt orange, not blazing red.


*in the above pic you can see the edge of the liner is very dirty and weathered, giving it that dark dark dark color. and with the lighting in the mob meeting it makes it look even more dark. but if you look deeper into the liner you see the true color. which is shown in the below pic

this is the same idea behind HT messing up the color and the pattern for Heath's braces. someone at HT needs to buy a blu ray player and do some research. they fix one thing just to leave something else messed up.
BBTS has raised the price to $174.99 , not too bad. I am new to this thread. But, let me ask this...

Will it come with 2 bodies to display each Joker version it comes with?

The released version doesn't even look like this. It was changed slightly.. so using this pic for a comparison doesn't work.

Paint yes, sculpt no.

Here's a quick highlight of what I'm talking with on the mouth. First the clean shots.


Now the highlight version.


Note, on the BR sculpt, his upper lip is sculpted pretty much in a straight light accorss his face right into the start of the scar on the left side. On the new sculpt, his lip curves upward into the corned of his mouth and a wrinkle from that point runs into the scar.

I realize this may seem REALLY anal, but I get into image analysis and stuff and it's fun, and I'm really excited about this portrait. Plust trying to see if it is the BR redux or not is allowing me to see and appreciate the subtle differences I may not have picked up on right away otherwise.