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does anyone know why the unpainted cop head doesn't have the PERS eyes in it? wouldn't it make sense for both heads to have it instead of just one?

With Cop Joker, A) it's very short, slicked back hair, and B) the representation had such little screen time, you can pretty much nail down the portrait to a specific look, so I imainge they just decided to do a standard head painted with standard, forward looking eyes, it works for most poses. I think PERS, for the sake of cost, will probably be reserved for heads/characters that really would benefit from the diversity. Some would say every figure could use it and I agree, but if you're going to cut back to keep price down, then there are criteria you can come up with to determine if a figure should get it or not.

Batman will probably come with another Bruce head. So I would bet the Batman head would get the PERS and not Bruce.

With Batman, I think we may just get 2 Batman heads or 2 Batman heads and a Bruce head. If they do the sonar effect, that should be a head all by itself as even with the lights off, it wouldn't look right for non-sonar Batman. Then you have the standard cowled head. If they have those, I'm thinking slim chances of a Bruce but maybe. I really think with Batman, electronic sonar head would take place of PERS head, I don't think PERS is worth it on Batman, part of the coolness of the way he's shot is rarely seeing his eyes, PERS should be used on characters where the eyes play a big part of defining their presence on screen.
I just like the idea of this pers system. since there is two heads here and one of them has it, it's not a big deal the other one doesn't, I would just like to see this incorporated into every release of the DX line if this system works well, right now we don't really know, and it would add so much character to the figures I believe and for people like me and maulfan, who like to take pretty pictures lol I can see us having alot of fun with this feature, and it'll be disappointing if hot toys lets this slip away or don't use it, especially when it seems we're only going to get a few DX figures a year.
I believe and for people like me and maulfan, who like to take pretty pictures lol I can see us having alot of fun with this feature, and it'll be disappointing if hot toys lets this slip away or don't use it, especially when it seems we're only going to get a few DX figures a year.

It definitely will always offer those of us who use these figures in an artisit manner to have the versatility.

What I'm curious to know is how much that technology plays into the higher cost of a DX vs. standard figures, if it's the majority of the difference, then I'd like to see it used on a case by case basis. For instance, there's a rumored Rocky and Rambo coming in the DX line, if this is true, both of those characters can stand just fine as figures without the PERS, I don't think the technology would add that much to them.

Joker, Captain Jack Sparrow, these are characters where that function is worth the extra cost.

Of course I say all this as someone who tends to buy half a dozen HT figures a year, the money adds up quickly, I'm willing to have a great figure that's only shortcoming is permanently posed eyes (provided they're looking forward, not posed to the side like BR Joker) an get many figures than have them all using a technology that isn't absolutely necessary to make the figure good and have to be more selective what I get because the price is through the roof.

I know some folks collect a figure here and there and are ok with higher costs for the greatest possible quality, for me, 1/6 is just replacing the old 3 3/4" GI Joe / Star Wars days with much nicer figures, but I still like to have a number of figures for each license as I can manage, providing I like them too of course I don't just buy to buy, so my approach with some of these advancements is a little more selective as to when to apply them.



Eye's look Brown
Yeah Heath had puppy dog brown eyes, but what i mean is, on the original figure shots, the official HT ones, the figure eyes were more like a really grey almost faded out blue color, and i always wondered why they weren't brown. Those new shots look much darker, brown like they should be

These ones. On my monitor, they almost match his hair. Could be the translucent iris thing they have going, cause some look darker, but i really hate this grey look, lets the figure down, don't know why they cant get these things right, and they aren't little things. Maybe i'm being pedantic, but the first thing i notice about people are their eyes. Proper eyes instantly gives him more of the Heath look. I also never noticed how closely the paint resembles the last pic



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These ones. On my monitor, they almost match his hair. Could be the translucent iris thing they have going, cause some look darker, but i really hate this grey look, lets the figure down

They are not brown, they're a grey tone for blue or green eyes. If they're brown and the technology causes the color difference I'd say FAIL on it then.
Yeah i have no idea, it's really a big thing to miss. How much photographic evidence do they have, and the Bank Robber eyes were brown, then they release a new, supposedly 'deluxe and even better' figure, and they throw a pair of greyish blue toned eyes into the mix. Really confuses me. As a side note, love the banner and pic :D Al Pacino is DA MAN!
I really don't think the eye color is a big deal. I have my DCD Joker about 5 feet from me right now and you can barely tell he even has eyes let alone the color since they are so small.
Yeah the 2nd ones i photoshopped brown. I dunno, i still reckon it's a big mistake to make, if they are the wrong color

I agree it is kind of annoying, but doesn't it say it isn' the final product? They could fix it, its a loooonnggg wait til December


It makes me sad :monkey2