1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 283 - Star Wars Episode IV: 1/6th scale Obi-Wan Kenobi

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Most people don't hate, they just get infuriated seeing the same apologetic Hot Toys Kool-Aid BS all day long.

This statement. Needs framed and tattooed made into a bumper sticker for many threads. Everyone does not like to like everything and people need to stop being insecure about others not liking a particular sculpt or piece. The main thing is to say your piece and not barf up the same thing again and again for page upon page after stating it. Comment and move on.

I personally think HT is going through growth issues with the lines they are taking on and letting more product float out the door that could be better, but given the production schedules they are committed to lately, it is seeming to be a taking it and like it this round while they get up to speed with capacity and deadlines.

That's the frustrating thing is that they have done better and can do better.
Please post a pic of a figure from another figure that you guys feel is better over all quality than Hot Toys. I have figure from the other companies too and while some are excellent, I don't think they are better over all. But I am up to being corrected here. :)

Don't want to derail the thread any further, but just take a look at this figure:

New from 3R-“LSSAH”—SS-Oberstgruppenführer Joseph Dietrich - OSW: One Sixth Warrior Forum

IMHO, the quality in sculpt, tailoring, paint apps and details is simply amazing.

Now, back to SW and old Ben...
Don't want to derail the thread any further, but just take a look at this figure:

New from 3R-“LSSAH”—SS-Oberstgruppenführer Joseph Dietrich - OSW: One Sixth Warrior Forum

IMHO, the quality in sculpt, tailoring, paint apps and details is simply amazing.

Now, back to SW and old Ben...

Likeness is off, sorry. Oh and the clothing is too thick and stitching is all wrong.....

Jk, very nice figure and well made. HT definitely isn't the only good 1:6 maker out there.
I don't think money has anything to do with it. That's what people mean when they say straw man argument. Likeness is likeness, all day and all night. Most people don't hate, they just get infuriated seeing the same apologetic Hot Toys Kool-Aid BS all day long.

Whether someone picks apart one figure or every figure... Also not relevant. Some people like to be precise, some people want to know every detail about every product. Different strokes for different folks.

I haven't seen anyone telling anyone else not to like something either, so because everyone has different tastes and different desires and expectations of this hobby there's always something for everyone. None of this is relevant to the likeness and material selection being off/wrong. Those issues are absolutely quantifiable. As certain as basic math, you can measure, calculate and prove them. The existence of another product also has no bearing on these measures - it serves only as a possible alternative if someone is so inclined.

Maybe for someone the HT out of box product is the best fit. For someone else maybe Sideshow's. For me, it's going to be kit-bash - and frankly, that's how most of my Han Solo will be made as well, topped with a custom head. Different strokes for different folks. But again, while this is fun to talk about, none of it has any bearing on the "issues."

But price is a factor too. You didn't like the Tama C3PO before but half the price, you bought it. You could deal with the oversized Pistons and look passed it for $200. Not for $400. For $200+ this figure goes for, I think it's great and hits all the marks, just like SS Obi for $60 was a great deal. Now if someone makes a definitive Obi bash, then see how much they sell it for. And see how people will react to that. Price is a huge factor in this. Either you like it and pay for it or move on.

If HT could've given us a sculpt that looked something like this, but with its paint apps, it would've been an easy buy for me.
But price is a factor too.

Sorry, I didn't mean that it wasn't a factor in acquisition, it just doesn't change whether not something is off.

You didn't like the Tama C3PO before but half the price, you bought it.

Not quite what happened. I didn't feel it was a good value at $400, even if the pistons had been in scale. I ended up having to bite the bullet after letting some low-priced ones get away and payed $330 shipped for it from Japan. I needed/wanted it at that time so I could prototype some battery modules, otherwise I could have waited longer.

So having paid any amount for it, I'll still talk about what I consider weak on it and maintain that its biggest asset is its feel and weight in hand - that gives you a sense of satisfaction where you overlook some of the negatives. But dong an honest critique on the sculpt you have to ignore the weight and it's all there for everyone to look at.

I may end up paying the same total sum for my bashed Obi-Wan as for the HT - I was prepared to pay more with a custom paint job. Same goes for Han after getting sculpt and commissioning paint.

We need to separate value proposition from artistic critique. No one goes into an art gallery and says about a Picaso, "yeah, but for the price, she should really have two eyes of the same size" ;)
If HT could've given us a sculpt that looked something like this, but with its paint apps, it would've been an easy buy for me.

If either company could have shrunk Sir Alec's head to 1/6 scale......with proper attire and no re-work it'd buy it as well since neither company did they both failed....Master Yoda would be disappointed in their effort...:rotfl
See, to me HT's looks more like a real person than the one pictured above. The sculpt looks rougher to me, even with the better paint job. That's not to say it's BAD. It's just very different stylistically and maybe looks more like him because it's a bit more caricaturized. I just prefer the more realistic look of the HT, which I totally see Alec McGuiness in, though I wouldn't call it PERFECT. But I respect other people's opinions on the matter. I just don't like when people act as though it is a fact that it's totally off when, clearly, it's debatable.
See, to me HT's looks more like a real person than the one pictured above. The sculpt looks rougher to me, even with the better paint job. That's not to say it's BAD. It's just very different stylistically and maybe looks more like him because it's a bit more caricaturized. I just prefer the more realistic look of the HT, which I totally see Alec McGuiness in, though I wouldn't call it PERFECT. But I respect other people's opinions on the matter. I just don't like when people act as though it is a fact that it's totally off when, clearly, it's debatable.

There's definitely a healthy dose of Alec McGibbens in both sculpts.
See, to me HT's looks more like a real person than the one pictured above. The sculpt looks rougher to me, even with the better paint job. That's not to say it's BAD. It's just very different stylistically and maybe looks more like him because it's a bit more caricaturized. I just prefer the more realistic look of the HT, which I totally see Alec McGuiness in, though I wouldn't call it PERFECT. But I respect other people's opinions on the matter. I just don't like when people act as though it is a fact that it's totally off when, clearly, it's debatable.

I agree that the SS with new paint looks more like Mr.Guiness than the HT version, but if you plan on displaying him with the HT Luke, I don't think they will really gel together as the HT Luke looks more realistic. But you never know until you see them together:)
I just prefer the more realistic look of the HT, which I totally see Alec McGuiness in, though I wouldn't call it PERFECT.

I agree that the SS with new paint looks more like Mr.McGuiness than the HT version...

I know what the difference is! The HT version needs to hit the tanning bed. He's to pale for living on Tatooine:lol

For those that were confused Alec Guinness is on the left, and Alec McGuiness is the one on the right.

Pixelpiper said:
The hobby is about hits and misses and everyone has their share. HT may be the top producer in terms of volume and dollars, but they're not any more consistent than anyone else unless you cherry-pick - and very carefully at that.

HT is all over the place, but are expected to be at the top all the time because of their size and pricing.

I think that the "volume" is going to be their problem as they're pushing out so many figures. Some are going to get rushed out of necessity and logistical planning.

Obi-Wan looks like one of those that suffered: sculpt, tailoring, material used.

Hits and misses. I guess I'm lucky that the only real HT miss I have in the collection is DX05 Indiana Jones. Though I could add '66 Batman's suit which I immediately changed for a Tony Mei custom. And Bruce Wayne's suit from the Armoury set, which is less well tailored that his butler's.

But when HT get a hit the figures are stunning - and the confidence they imbue gives you hope that each one could be that good.

HT aren't alone on a pedestal of quality, as has already been mentioned by Pixelpiper and others. There are VTS/DAM, Art Figures, Star Ace and VeryCool figures that hold their own alongside HT in both sculpt and clothing.

It really comes down to HT holding a number of popular licenses, and producing an enormous range of figures. You just hope that the ones you want aren't among the misses.