Hot Toys DX09 - BATMAN - Batman (Michael Keaton) - Specs & Pics

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Why not? I didn't like them all but I liked the animated adaptation of some of the well-known comic stories, particularly the death and return of Jason Todd in Under the Red Hood. I can't wait to see Year One.
Now, I realize that's one interpretation, and I do enjoy it but I prefer the '89 version myself. To me the Batman/Bruce Wayne character is dark and brooding, an outcast. He's not a sane guy because his parents were gunned down in front of him. He fights crime because his parents were murdered and he hasn't and will never recover from it. His ideals and view of justice IS Batman, that's why he created it. Batman isn't a mask, it's who Bruce Wayne is. He has no friends, he wants no friends. His only ally is Alfred. He doesn't care if he has a life other than Batman and would rather patrol the mean streets instead of helping fund a Harvey Dent political rally. He refers to himself in the first person, not third because he IS Batman. He's so obsessed with crime he has countless monitors surveillance his home and Gotham. In his spare time he doesn't even bother with his alterego's public image he just sits in his gigantic mansion waiting to be needed, waiting for the signal to go up and brooding about how he's the only one that can make a difference, cause, well he's Batman.

To sum it up, my favorite interpretation of Batman is one that subconsciously desires Gotham to still be filled with crime just so he has a function in society. To me, that's pretty complex ____. Much better than becoming a symbol to inspire a city to take the reigns so he doesn't have to fight crime anymore. Batman should have a sickly, obsessive mind about eradicating crime, that's his mission.

Whiny, moral ___ that makes long speeches about cleaning up the city while yelling at punks < Stone cold, butt hurt vigilante that doesn't say a word but communicates through appearance alone, knows the city is a festering wound that will never heal, and will fight it anyway.

Nolan Batman is like a bleeding heart liberal while the Burton Batman has no political views. He's pissed and he's just ____ing Batman.

Don't witness your parents getting gunned down at the age of 8 folks.

Good post, and I agree with most of it. I still think Nolan's films are far and away the superior ones of the lot, and I like how he's concerned with proving to us that Batman can logistically exist, whereas Burton's Batman is more of a fairy tale. But at the end of the day Batman is a mentally unbalanced dude who identifies with his alter ego, and you really don't get any of that from Bale's Bruce Wayne.
I still wonder what a film would be like with the characterization of the Ledger Joker going against the characterization of the Keaton Batman. Perhaps just the character types.

What would the Joker's end game be for a Batman without rules (though it's debatable if the Keaton Batman had rules before finding out about the murder of his parents)? They certainly couldn't be locked into a room with each other for very long.
"Tonight you're gonna break your one rule"

"Ok" BAM!!

End credits. :lol

Would be interesting to see though, as well as Jacks Joker against Bale's Batman.
I really wanna see Year One. I heard its gonna be released the same day as Arkham City but i dont see it anywhere for pre-order. Not on or hmv or anything. :dunno
My biggest problem with the Keaton Batman, just from looking at the pics on Youtube and this site that I've seen, is that his mask (and body) don't look rubber at all. It looks like his whole suit is made of a tough, rigid material -- like ceramic or fiber glass -- thus making him look like more of a statue. Anyone else feel this way?
Do any of u guys think this guy is gonna be a leaker?

I personally have no idea but I'm willing to risk my money and find out. This figure just looks too damn good to stubbornly pass on. Plus, I actually have not had a problem with either of my DX 02 Batman figures (not to say that other people haven't, I understand the problem and think it sucks). They're both the plastic ab DCD batch, bought from BBTS.

Am I worried, you bet. I constantly scrutinize both DX 02 Batman figures I own as well as the Original Costume Batman figure for leaking, melting rubber. It hasn't happened but the fear is there and it shouldn't be. It's a problem that should not have occurred and should have been met with the ultimate professionalism from Hot Toys. It wasn't though and collectors suffered and that's not right.

My only hope is that, assuming Hot Toys has a R&D team, the problem is prevented. They should know exactly what happened, they assembled the damn things. If it's something as simple as cured rubber they better damn well change how production goes. There's no excuse why this should happen again after the problems with the DX 02 and Comedian. They've refused to respond openly about the problem, the least they can do is make sure it never, ever happens again. I would think that collectors made enough noise to light a fire under Hot Toys' ass so something like this doesn't occur.

Anyway, only time will tell. This might not have all the rubber components we think it does. The body suit certainly looks better than what we've seen before.

If this does indeed leak though I will never support Hot Toys again, I will never purchase a Hot Toys figure again, and I'll obnoxiously address the problem over and over again. Not only that, but I'd hate myself. As the old saying goes, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

May god have mercy on their souls if it does leak after a few weeks/months of owning it. I can just see the backlash and attempts at complete returns for Sideshow Collectibles. For the premium prices this thing has, that would probably ruin some employees/company or those that would ultimately make the decision to accept or not accept returns. It would be a chaotic mess.
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Now, I realize that's one interpretation, and I do enjoy it but I prefer the '89 version myself. To me the Batman/Bruce Wayne character is dark and brooding, an outcast. He's not a sane guy because his parents were gunned down in front of him. He fights crime because his parents were murdered and he hasn't and will never recover from it. His ideals and view of justice IS Batman, that's why he created it. Batman isn't a mask, it's who Bruce Wayne is. He has no friends, he wants no friends. His only ally is Alfred. He doesn't care if he has a life other than Batman and would rather patrol the mean streets instead of helping fund a Harvey Dent political rally. He refers to himself in the first person, not third because he IS Batman. He's so obsessed with crime he has countless monitors surveillance his home and Gotham. In his spare time he doesn't even bother with his alterego's public image he just sits in his gigantic mansion waiting to be needed, waiting for the signal to go up and brooding about how he's the only one that can make a difference, cause, well he's Batman.

The ONLY problem I have with this that ANYONE could figure out who Batman is in Burton's film. It's obvious because Wayne is also dark and brooding in public. In Nolan's film it would be much more difficult to figure it out because Wayne doesn't fit the mold.
The ONLY problem I have with this that ANYONE could figure out who Batman is in Burton's film. It's obvious because Wayne is also dark and brooding in public. In Nolan's film it would be much more difficult to figure it out because Wayne doesn't fit the mold.

In Burton's film though, Wayne is a recluse. Invites to his party didn't even know who he was and the press didn't even know what he looked like.
You mean the joke the quoted member completely got and you failed to understand? Brush up on your reading comprehension. :wink1:

Look you're constantly bashing/down talking anything to do with Nolan's Batman. I've seen it many times so sew me if didn't your dumb humor.

And for someone who doesn't like to BE insulted, you sure do it alot to others members.
In Burton's film though, Wayne is a recluse. Invites to his party didn't even know who he was and the press didn't even know what he looked like.

And that's the most ridiculous part. The press not knowing who a billionaire philanthropists is? One who lives in their own city? Please.
And that's the most ridiculous part. The press not knowing who a billionaire philanthropists is? One who lives in their own city? Please.

You know all the millionaire/billionaire philanthropists in your city? Honestly, this is part of what I meant when I posted earlier about that being a time when there weren't douchebags overthinking every aspect of a movie microscopically and could actually sit down and enjoy a movie for what it was. Today's films, aka Nolan's, have to be dumbed down to where every single aspect must be explained to the audience because they're incapable of getting lost in the fantasy.
The ONLY problem I have with this that ANYONE could figure out who Batman is in Burton's film. It's obvious because Wayne is also dark and brooding in public. In Nolan's film it would be much more difficult to figure it out because Wayne doesn't fit the mold.

Really? A dang reporter didnt even know who the hell Bruce was in the 89 flick.

Unlike the guy who drives expensive cars, motorcylces and makes an ass of himself in public. Gee, who would be able to own the Crumbler?
You know all the millionaire/billionaire philanthropists in your city? Honestly, this is part of what I meant when I posted earlier about that being a time when there weren't douchebags overthinking every aspect of a movie microscopically and could actually sit down and enjoy a movie for what it was. Today's films, aka Nolan's, have to be dumbed down to where every single aspect must be explained to the audience because they're incapable of getting lost in the fantasy.

Try showing Back to the Future and all the time travel plotholes in that to today's audience :lol Or get people to have enough patience to watch the first 45 minutes of JAWS and not fast forward to the parts with the shark.