Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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Hot Toys is more proud Than ever these days and I happen to know the CEO Howard Chan loves anything George Lucas so I think we can expect a big surprise with the next unveiling. I'm gonna go pre-order now .
I see what you're trying to do, but you're wrong. Strip both sculpts of paint and there's no doubt when you see them, which one looks more like Indy. Additionally, comparing both wardrobes, you'll see the same. The bottom line is, at $90, whatever minor errors the Grove sculpt and wardrobe had are forgivable. At $250, whatever errors HT's has are not. Hot Toys' figure is nearly three times the price of Sideshows. I don't see the error in expecting a figure with nearly three times the quality. :huh

Nam, you and I rarely agree, but you are RIGHT ON THE MONEY in this instance, as far as I'm concerned.
Can the hat be pushed down? It's sits too high
on his head IMO. Good looking figure!
I see 90% + Harrison. We are a long way from release. I am confident HT will pull it all together.

I agree, before it's over HT will have the best 1/6 Indy! HT will handle their business!

Sculpt and figure has already been approved. Did you guys miss the Milk post? Kim's probably knee-deep in ____ing up Reeve Superman now and HT, seeing all the preorders, is happy you guys (who ordered) like how Indy turned out. Thanks for sending the wrong message. :wave
The amount of photos Hot Toys takes... and they just can't take one with the hat down? is that so hard for them. If they did that, it wouldn't have had the huge discussion across multiple forums I'd imagine.

I really don't get Hot Toys at times the way they think. For all the effort it would have taken. You know. :)
The amount of photos Hot Toys takes... and they just can't take one with the hat down? is that so hard for them. If they did that, it wouldn't have had the huge discussion across multiple forums I'd imagine.

I really don't get Hot Toys at times the way they think. For all the effort it would have taken. You know. :)

I don't think there is any adjusting the hat. I'd wager it attaches with a switch out hairpiece like HT's new Thor and his helmet.
With everybody placing pre-orders with the NRD, Hots Toys will have very little incentive to re-visit their design of this figure.

They will probably release it as it is now and then hit all of us later with another Indy figure with a better and more accurate sculpt and design. This way, they get to sell two figures. ;)\

So while I agree that Hot Toys is capable of and will be releasing a better head sculpt and more accurate figure design of Indy, I very much guess that all these "upgrades" will be on a new figure rather than the current one on pre-order. From a business point of view, why sell one figure at $250 when you can sell two figures at $250 for the first one and possibly $280 to $300 for the second one.
Sculpt and figure has already been approved. Did you guys miss the Milk post? Kim's probably knee-deep in ____ing up Reeve Superman now and HT, seeing all the preorders, is happy you guys (who ordered) like how Indy turned out. Thanks for sending the wrong message. :wave

There was some confusion over the Milk article, some say it went to press before all the complaints came in. Hopefully HT have seen them and will address them, otherwise this will be one big waste of a major license for them.

Hot Toys is more proud Than ever these days and I happen to know the CEO Howard Chan loves anything George Lucas so I think we can expect a big surprise with the next unveiling. I'm gonna go pre-order now .

Great, like Lucas needs more people to kiss his arse. I hope Chan can put quality before profit, unlike his hero in recent years.

But hey, if Chan is such a big fan maybe he should pick up the American Graffiti license. We might get a more accurate Ford than this one...
Mmm, Bob Falfa, nice idea. If they re-released the movie with THX and 5.1 then you never know....

Indy is his biggest role though. Come on, listen to us and sort it!

There was some confusion over the Milk article, some say it went to press before all the complaints came in. Hopefully HT have seen them and will address them, otherwise this will be one big waste of a major license for them.


With February almost upon us, an announcement due out for Superman before the end of winter (mid March), HT's put Indy to bed and has Kim diligently working on the Reeve sculpt so they can have something to show the rabid fans. Matter of fact, I'm wondering if that's not why we got the sculpt we did for Indy, because Kim wanted more time to focus on Reeve. Kinda makes sense too. If the first Indy isn't up to snuff, they can make up for it since we'll likely see more of Indy (ToD and maybe even KotCS) but Reeve's Superman is pretty much a 1-shot. They ____ that up and they'll lose business... and face.
Makes sense, but why in the hell didn't HT just get Yulli or someone else to sculpt Indy? She probably would have done a better job than what we got anyway. Then Arnie could focus 100% on Supes.
I've got to admire how convinced you can be by your own rhetoric, Nam. I happen to agree with you about the quality of the sculpt, I don't think it's up to par, but I also respect other people's right to think the sculpt is acceptable. It's not some giant Hot Toys conspiracy, it's a matter of differences in opinion - your ability to equate your own opinion with fact is unbelievable.
Makes sense, but why in the hell didn't HT just get Yulli or someone else to sculpt Indy? She probably would have done a better job than what we got anyway. Then Arnie could focus 100% on Supes.

Personally, I'd rather see them pass Arnie the next Bruce Lee sculpt and give Indy and Reeve to others who are more capable.

I've got to admire how convinced you can be by your own rhetoric, Nam. I happen to agree with you about the quality of the sculpt, I don't think it's up to par, but I also respect other people's right to think the sculpt is acceptable. It's not some giant Hot Toys conspiracy, it's a matter of differences in opinion - your ability to equate your own opinion with fact is unbelievable.

:confused: WTF are you talking about? :dunno

I don't think it's a conspiracy. I do think that sculpt has no place on a $250 action figure and I do think, like his first sculpt, Arnie Kim isn't very good at sculpting Ford. The only "fact" is that many feel that the sculpt is not worthy of a $250 figure. That said, I'm not the one saying, "anybody who preordered this is an idiot." There are people saying that, but it wasn't me. The only thing I've been saying is that preordering this only tells HT that Indy is acceptable as is and that's pretty much what we've seen.
:confused: WTF are you talking about? :dunno

I don't think it's a conspiracy. I do think that sculpt has no place on a $250 action figure and I do think, like his first sculpt, Arnie Kim isn't very good at sculpting Ford. The only "fact" is that many feel that the sculpt is not worthy of a $250 figure. That said, I'm not the one saying, "anybody who preordered this is an idiot." There are people saying that, but it wasn't me. The only thing I've been saying is that preordering this only tells HT that Indy is acceptable as is and that's pretty much what we've seen.

I'm talking about posts like this:

I see what you're trying to do, but you're wrong. Strip both sculpts of paint and there's no doubt when you see them, which one looks more like Indy. Additionally, comparing both wardrobes, you'll see the same. The bottom line is, at $90, whatever minor errors the Grove sculpt and wardrobe had are forgivable. At $250, whatever errors HT's has are not. Hot Toys' figure is nearly three times the price of Sideshows. I don't see the error in expecting a figure with nearly three times the quality. :huh

and this:

This is true for the HT fans jumping on board because it's HT. But most of the people in this particular area of the SSF boards, who would drop $250 on Indy, have it already. Given you don't spend any time here, I can see how this would be news to you. While a lot did purchase Belloq, there were also those who purchased the Ex just for the pedestal, as was evident by the responses earlier in the thread. :wink1:

You believe in your opinions, that's great. But - for my tastes - you defend them in a way that is aggressive and condescending.

And, for the record, the scorn that you have been heaping on those who preordered, believing as you do (possibly correctly, but please, if you have independent proof I'd love to see it) that it sends the wrong message to Hot Toys and will guarantee that they will not make any changes is pretty close to calling them idiots.

It's drawing a bit of a long bow to assert that HT will accept a below par sculpt on one character in order to release another.

thenammagazine said:
If the first Indy isn't up to snuff, they can make up for it since we'll likely see more of Indy (ToD and maybe even KotCS)

Based on Hasbro's and Sideshow's success (or lack of) with Indy collectibles, do you think this will be the case? It's hard to tell sales figures of HT products, especially as pre-orders, but unless Indy is a runaway success I can really see this as being a one-shot.

I'd love the chance to see Hot Toys' business plans and work flows. I wonder if they manage to get breaks on license costs by purchasing rights to images and characters rather than the whole range (eg just the right to produce Indy from ROTLA rather than any character fro the 4 films).
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