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I forgot to weigh in here with my thoughts, I saw the movie on Monday, and it's a mixed bag of beautiful garbage.

5/10 from me

Fundamental film making errors, like editing, pacing, writing, characterization... It's all very bad.

Some of the best comic book imagery around, but what good is that, in a **** movie?

I'm so extremely frustrated with all of this. I loved Man of Steel, but this film is absolutely embarrassing. I've talked about this movie so much since Monday, Im kind of exhausted on it.
i saw the film and enjoyed it.

its a bit dull in parts, there's a lot to get through and it can feel a little much, its also very very dark and grim, so if you want a balance of light and dark, you won't get it here, but i liked a lot of it too. the story itself is good [if a bit slow], ben was good as bats, gal was wonderful as WW and even though a lot aren't feeling him, i actually like jessie as lex, i didn't think i would but i thought he was good.

loved the JL cameos too, very cool.

its not perfect or the best comic film or anything but i had a good enough time.
i saw the film and enjoyed it.

its a bit dull in parts, there's a lot to get through and it can feel a little much, its also very very dark and grim, so if you want a balance of light and dark, you won't get it here, but i liked a lot of it too. the story itself is good [if a bit slow], ben was good as bats, gal was wonderful as WW and even though a lot aren't feeling him, i actually like jessie as lex, i didn't think i would but i thought he was good.

its not perfect or the best comic film or anything but i had a good enough time.

That’s great to hear. I think that’s what it’s all about. Going in to have a good, fun time. I don’t think it will be as bad as everyone says it is , although you would think a movie with Batman, Superman and Doomsday should have been the mother of all superhero movies . Still can’t wait to see this movie.
I still can't understand why people care about critics , I really don't. I have my opinion . I think this movie was amazing. full with emotions and good action. don't forget there will be Director's cut. of course some stuff could be done better, but its only business of taste. I loved, especially music was so ''huge'' its very rare nowdays . I love Henry and Superman so I don't really care what people say. Batsy and WW are flawless too. People hate what they don't understand. Next to me there was sitting couple who even had not seen Man Of Steel . so ... there are lots of ''critics'' by people like them. have to go back and watch again. and people who are talking that is movie is bad they would cancel pre orders? why? I never bought anything for how good movie is. Figures looks incredible and I love characters. this is most important part for me.
call them out for what?

MoS was average and has average reviews to reflect it.

Man of Steel: Rotten Tomatoes Editor Shocked At Low Critic Rating |

I still can't understand why people care about critics , I really don't. I have my opinion . I think this movie was amazing. full with emotions and good action. don't forget there will be Director's cut. of course some stuff could be done better, but its only business of taste. I loved, especially music was so ''huge'' its very rare nowdays . I love Henry and Superman so I don't really care what people say. Batsy and WW are flawless too. People hate what they don't understand. Next to me there was sitting couple who even had not seen Man Of Steel . so ... there are lots of ''critics'' by people like them. have to go back and watch again. and people who are talking that is movie is bad they would cancel pre orders? why? I never bought anything for how good movie is. Figures looks incredible and I love characters. this is most important part for me.

Exactly. As I and others have stated, the only review that should matter to you, is your own. If you liked it, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Their opinion is no more or less valid than yours.

And I do believe Pa Kent couldn't have been more correct with the mentality of today's society, in the sense that a lot of people hate/are afraid of what they don't understand. As opposed to giving something genuine thought, if it doesn't automatically make sense to you to where you can easily compartmentalize or process it in your mind, it's much easier to just dismiss it.

That’s great to hear. I think that’s what it’s all about. Going in to have a good, fun time. I don’t think it will be as bad as everyone says it is , although you would think a movie with Batman, Superman and Doomsday should have been the mother of all superhero movies . Still can’t wait to see this movie.

My sentiments as well. When I go to see a movie, I simply take it for what it is and let myself be entertained as much as I can. If I felt I was thoroughly entertained for the entire ride, then I'm happy.

When you go into the movie with a pen and paper so to speak, ready to take notes on every little thing that you can possibly find wrong with it to give yourself something to ***** about, you're only ruining the movie for yourself.
I still can't understand why people care about critics , I really don't. I have my opinion .

I usually agree with this argument, but when Rotten Tomatoes has this film rated at 32%, something is terribly wrong. I'm not saying critics are the final say. By no means. But 32%? To not say that's alarming is naive at best.

People hate what they don't understand.

I think you're simplifying the situation. A lot of complicated comic book properties have been made with much success. A blockbuster movie shouldn't be hard to understand. It shouldn't. It should be easy to watch for casual and hardcore fans alike. If you only cater to the DC fanboys, you'll never garner new fans.

Honestly, I think this movie suffers from the same fate as Spiderman 3. Too much. Too fast. DC is trying so hard to catch up to Marvel rather than pacing these movies out. They filled this movie up with SO much that it felt like homework rather than a fun night at the movies. It's a damn shame too. It had so much potential.

I have Armored Bats and Superman on preorder. Definitely considering cancelling now. The movie just didn't hit home for me.
If the movie mattered that much to your order of the figures why would you order it before you saw the movie? Seems silly.

I continue to hear about how dark the film is. Or how it's hard to follow. And then the comparisons..

a block buster should be easy to follow...but that doesn't mean they are. This film didn't cater to DC fanboys. Silly. And you can't tell me if you never saw Any of the previous marvel films and had no experience with comics civil war would make sense to an audience. Come on. BvS is uber tied into MoS events. Unless they rebooted how could it not? If you didn't watch mos you have no business critiquing the flow or story of BvS. It's like jumping in marvel films at civil war and wondering why iron man and cap are fighting. Or watching hunger games last film and wondering why there are no games. Stuff like that.

And if you went in to BvS expecting light and campy your a fool. Lol the one character that may have been used that way, superman, has already been established as more conflicted persona. And if you thought adding a 45 year old grizzled batman would lighten the film your slow.

I don't get the unwillingness to just look at this as its own universe and enjoy it for what it is. Did you not get enough light superman in Goeorge Reeves versions, in the 4 Chris Reeve films, in the Dean Cain Lois and Clark, in the Routh superman, in the Tom Welling Smallville? Seriously.
If the movie mattered that much to your order of the figures why would you order it before you saw the movie? Seems silly.

My apologies for making a mistake, Motux. Won't happen again.

I continue to hear about how dark the film is. Or how it's hard to follow. And then the comparisons..

a block buster should be easy to follow...but that doesn't mean they are. This film didn't cater to DC fanboys. Silly. And you can't tell me if you never saw Any of the previous marvel films and had no experience with comics civil war would make sense to an audience. Come on. BvS is uber tied into MoS events. Unless they rebooted how could it not? If you didn't watch mos you have no business critiquing the flow or story of BvS. It's like jumping in marvel films at civil war and wondering why iron man and cap are fighting. Or watching hunger games last film and wondering why there are no games. Stuff like that.

This is such a terrible comparison that you've made. But I'm going to attempt to make an argument anyway. Civil War is established. Hunger Games is established. They all are established franchises. The DCU is not. It's almost as if DC wanted to play catch up to Marvel rather than take their time. Just felt like way too much, way too fast. Only my opinion though.

And if you went in to BvS expecting light and campy your a fool. Lol the one character that may have been used that way, superman, has already been established as more conflicted persona. And if you thought adding a 45 year old grizzled batman would lighten the film your slow.

Okay. You've now called me silly, a fool, and slow. Motux. I never said any of the stuff you are insinuating. Stop with the assumptions and name calling. Belittling others does not make your argument stronger. The sooner you figure this out, the more respect you'll earn on this board. I'm not responding to these assumptions or petty name calling. Strengthen your argument, lessen your belittling tirade, and maybe we can talk.

Oh, and by the way, it would be "you're slow." Please learn the difference between you're and your. The lack of grammar you present when belittling others doesn't help you much.

I don't get the unwillingness to just look at this as its own universe and enjoy it for what it is. Did you not get enough light superman in Goeorge Reeves versions, in the 4 Chris Reeve films, in the Dean Cain Lois and Clark, in the Routh superman, in the Tom Welling Smallville? Seriously.

Never said it was too dark. Putting words in my mouth.
If the movie mattered that much to your order of the figures why would you order it before you saw the movie? Seems silly.

I continue to hear about how dark the film is. Or how it's hard to follow. And then the comparisons..

a block buster should be easy to follow...but that doesn't mean they are. This film didn't cater to DC fanboys. Silly. And you can't tell me if you never saw Any of the previous marvel films and had no experience with comics civil war would make sense to an audience. Come on. BvS is uber tied into MoS events. Unless they rebooted how could it not? If you didn't watch mos you have no business critiquing the flow or story of BvS. It's like jumping in marvel films at civil war and wondering why iron man and cap are fighting. Or watching hunger games last film and wondering why there are no games. Stuff like that.

And if you went in to BvS expecting light and campy your a fool. Lol the one character that may have been used that way, superman, has already been established as more conflicted persona. And if you thought adding a 45 year old grizzled batman would lighten the film your slow.

I don't get the unwillingness to just look at this as its own universe and enjoy it for what it is. Did you not get enough light superman in Goeorge Reeves versions, in the 4 Chris Reeve films, in the Dean Cain Lois and Clark, in the Routh superman, in the Tom Welling Smallville? Seriously.

That's the trouble I'm having with critics who seem to say it's too dark...too serious- THAT is the tone of the movie chosen by the filmmakers- a conscious choice- how can that be a flaw???? Who is to say Superman should be all brightnes and kid friendly in this universe that has already been created in this manner(MOS)?
That's why i see in- between -the- lines that "it isn't a jokey fun MCU film so it's awful" as they spew out attacks on why the film is so dark etc etc...

I like the differences between MCU abd DCU in film- both are legitimate and good.
That's the trouble I'm having with critics who seem to say it's too dark...too serious- THAT is the tone of the movie chosen by the filmmakers- a conscious choice- how can that be a flaw???? Who is to say Superman should be all brightnes and kid friendly in this universe that has already been created in this manner(MOS)?
That's why i see in- between -the- lines that "it isn't a jokey fun MCU film so it's awful" as they spew out attacks on why the film is so dark etc etc...

I like the differences between MCU abd DCU in film- both are legitimate and good.

Agreed. There is room for both approaches. And I for one like that they also act as pallet cleansers for each other.
I usually agree with this argument, but when Rotten Tomatoes has this film rated at 32%, something is terribly wrong. I'm not saying critics are the final say. By no means. But 32%? To not say that's alarming is naive at best.

You're right. Something is wrong. And if you see the movie you'll know that that 32% is absurd, especially when compared to other movies that have scored that low (or even better).
So he can choose to make the next batman movie more happy-go-lucky kinda romp and it's okay because that's the tone he chose. Critics shouldn't criticize it.

C'mon guys.

I mean MoS was a thematic mess anyways. Clark's earth dad talking about hope and **** but telling him he should've let those kids drown so he wouldn't reveal himself. Wasn't he supposed to teach him about humanity or something? LMAO. These guys are confused man.
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The funny thing is JUSTICE LEAGUE was already being designed to be a bit lighter than BvS, from the script on up. But now people will see that as a response to these reviews. :lol
The funny thing is JUSTICE LEAGUE was already being designed to be a bit lighter than BvS, from the script on up. But now people will see that as a response to these reviews. :lol

Yep- WB took Snyder in the back room and whipped him till he threw in some more jokes and made most of the film take place in daylight....:lol
I mean MoS was a thematic mess anyways. His earth dad talking about hope and **** but telling Clark he should've let those kids drown so he wouldn't reveal himself. Wasn't he supposed to teach him about humanity or something? LMAO. These guys are confused man.

I don't believe that's what Jonathan meant or truly wanted at all. The way Costner states "maybe" with a bit of nuance to the character conveys that Jonathan naturally wants Clark to do the right thing especially because he's able, but the parental sensibilities take over of still not wanting his son exposed and taken away. The fact that Clark wasn't coaxed into anonymously saving people during his travels tells us of how heroic an selfless Clark was and that the Kents upbringing clearly played a role in that.

You're right. Something is wrong. And if you see the movie you'll know that that 32% is absurd, especially when compared to other movies that have scored that low (or even better).

You're right. The 32% is insanely disproportionate to those of the general audience that actually enjoyed it. Its really hard to take these critics seriously when the most questionable films have high critical praise. This is another reason why RT shouldn't be treated as dogma when it comes to films.
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If the movie mattered that much to your order of the figures why would you order it before you saw the movie? Seems silly.

I continue to hear about how dark the film is. Or how it's hard to follow. And then the comparisons..

a block buster should be easy to follow...but that doesn't mean they are. This film didn't cater to DC fanboys. Silly. And you can't tell me if you never saw Any of the previous marvel films and had no experience with comics civil war would make sense to an audience. Come on. BvS is uber tied into MoS events. Unless they rebooted how could it not? If you didn't watch mos you have no business critiquing the flow or story of BvS. It's like jumping in marvel films at civil war and wondering why iron man and cap are fighting. Or watching hunger games last film and wondering why there are no games. Stuff like that.

And if you went in to BvS expecting light and campy your a fool. Lol the one character that may have been used that way, superman, has already been established as more conflicted persona. And if you thought adding a 45 year old grizzled batman would lighten the film your slow.

I don't get the unwillingness to just look at this as its own universe and enjoy it for what it is. Did you not get enough light superman in Goeorge Reeves versions, in the 4 Chris Reeve films, in the Dean Cain Lois and Clark, in the Routh superman, in the Tom Welling Smallville? Seriously.

That's the trouble I'm having with critics who seem to say it's too dark...too serious- THAT is the tone of the movie chosen by the filmmakers- a conscious choice- how can that be a flaw???? Who is to say Superman should be all brightnes and kid friendly in this universe that has already been created in this manner(MOS)?
That's why i see in- between -the- lines that "it isn't a jokey fun MCU film so it's awful" as they spew out attacks on why the film is so dark etc etc...

I like the differences between MCU abd DCU in film- both are legitimate and good.

Agreed. There is room for both approaches. And I for one like that they also act as pallet cleansers for each other.

You're right. Something is wrong. And if you see the movie you'll know that that 32% is absurd, especially when compared to other movies that have scored that low (or even better).

I concur with all of these posts.

32% is alarming to me in the sense that that's getting down into Superman III, Superman IV territory. I mean really, it's THAT bad? I don't think it's even possible to make a superhero film today that is that bad, even if you were trying to.

Heck, I think MoS scored lower than SR (without going back and confirming, just off of memory). As much as people were complaining how much it was too much like Reeve and not enough action, we got a different interpretation that had action in spades, and you're saying it's WORSE?

And I agree about the part that if your opinion of a film is contingent on you buying any figures from it or not, then why would you order the figures before having seen the film? How good the film is or isn't shouldn't take away from how excellent looking the figures are. And like I mentioned, I don't think the film is going to be THAT much of an abomination to where I will get absolutely zero enjoyment from the figures. A lot of figures wouldn't be in my collection if I only bought them if I was utterly blown away by the film they were in.

People really do ruin this for themselves, in my opinion.