Hot Toy DX08 - BATMAN - The Joker (Jack Nicholson) - Specs & Pics

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Seems funny to me that people are concerned about price... I'm much more concerned that they'll make a better version 9 months from now and make my beloved figure obsolete.

Remakes are worse than gouging.

I'm still lost on all this ultimate talk.

That's funny, but not true. The HT Aqua marines sure don't look like this new Joker.

I don't know why I read that at first.

And what a great world we would live in. :) "Wait it costs them 100 dollars to make it? Then I should only have to pay $50 and we both make money!!"

It's truly scary the logic that is shown in some of these posts...and it makes me feel well older than my 38 years. I feel like my dad preaching to a 7-year old version of me.

One can only hope of a hillside full of heavenly scented marigolds and daffodils.

Until then, it's the same as it's always been. On the brink. With good fighting evil. See you in twenty.
I'm still lost on all this ultimate talk.

I don't know why I read that at first.

One can only hope of a hillside full of heavenly scented marigolds and daffodils.

Until then, it's the same as it's always been. On the brink. With good fighting evil. See you in twenty.

Sounds good...I'll be up on the hill taking silflay. :1-1:
HT did confirm the the entire figure is magnetized. But that the magnetisim will fade in time. Also the vibrant color of the clothing will only last 9 months. The plastic is scheduled to melt in 2 years.

But we'll have the DX 2.0 well before any of that happens, no worries.

I give this a 10 out of 10. :clap
I choose to believe what i was programned to believe, the economy is fine, global warming is a myth, we do have enough prisons, Tween is a fad that will die soon & Powergirl is respected for her character not her chest

I've heard of that as well. It's called the Westminster bubble. ¬_¬
Thanks jye4ever, this comment made me really take stock of my HT on order, there are ones that i really like, but don't love, i am of the kind to order 70% of Hot Toys announced becaise they are great looking. But with prices now, i think now is the time that i make a distiction when ordering Hot Toys and start only ordering ones that really leap out at me.

Yeah dude, believe you me I know first hand that it's easier said than done. :gah: :lol
Quick question, Has any fellow boardie ordered/received figures from Capstone Comics? They seem to have the lowest price for the two of these, at least for me.
You must have totally misunderstood my posts. I have no problem with HT charging what they do. You are the one complaining...not me. And a greedy Communist company paying their employees minimum wage? Again..ECON 101 my friend. Innocent collectors? That makes it sound like someone has a gun to your head making you buy this. Its a ____ing with it. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. But don't come on here saying that HT/SSC should charge less so that they lose money just so you can afford it. As for professional help. I've been married for 12 years..that's more than enough for one man. ;)

lol. There was no misunderstanding on my side. It’s totally obvious that you have no problem paying these increased prices, which is why I said what I did.

Actually, you're complaining too.. only it's about me (An uneducated 17 year old), instead of the ridiculous pricing of a toy.

ECON 101? Why are you such a fan of Red China? You're defending them like you're an official Mao Zedong loyalist. Do some research.

Innocent collectors? Absolutely. That would be someone, usually a normal working-class citizen, who enjoys collecting and/or playing with toys for purely innocent reasons without the thought of making financial profits in any way (Reselling, etc.). You know, like back when we were kids? Yeah, that kind of innocence.. not whatever gun-involving fantasy you made up in your head.

I'm fully aware it's a toy, and I have dealt with it.. I've also pre-ordered it already too, you kcirp. It has nothing to do with whether or not I can afford it. You assume way too much for your own good.

Let's see.. what else did you complain about? Oh yeah, this little gem: "But don't come on here saying that HT/SSC should charge less so that they lose money just so you can afford it. "

Why the kcuf not? You must think we live in Communist China, but here in America.. we have Freedom of Speech (At least for now). I know you might not like that, but in your own words.. "deal with it".

Secondly, I didn't complain just so I could "afford it". I complained because I felt the pricing was unjust, way out of proportion and that something needed to be said about it. Why do you think I should not have a right to say so? Seriously, move to China.

Also, you've been married for 12 years? What is that supposed to prove? That it's now impossible for you to cheat on your wife because you've been married for so long? Try again.
Yeah dude, believe you me I know first hand that it's easier said than done. :gah: :lol

I think there are a bunch of us in the same boat....:slap

I've made up my mind that i'll be cancelling 2 for the 4th QTR. Now comes the painstaking part of choosing which 2.

Which will be a kick in the nads when the in-hand pics start showing up :( :lol
I'd love to get two Jokers since there are so many costume variations/possibilities to display. I'll order one now but I have a feeling these will be available for around $200 next year especially if the economy doesn't turn around.

Thanks jye4ever, this comment made me really take stock of my HT on order, there are ones that i really like, but don't love, i am of the kind to order 70% of Hot Toys announced becaise they are great looking. But with prices now, i think now is the time that i make a distiction when ordering Hot Toys and start only ordering ones that really leap out at me.

I choose to believe what i was programned to believe, the economy is fine, global warming is a myth, we do have enough prisons, Tween is a fad that will die soon & Powergirl is respected for her character not her chest

I've made up my mind that i'll be cancelling 2 for the 4th QTR. Now comes the painstaking part of choosing which 2.

Which will be a kick in the nads when the in-hand pics start showing up :( :lol


But as long as you follow your heart you won't regret it.
lol. There was no misunderstanding on my side. It’s totally obvious that you have no problem paying these increased prices, which is why I said what I did.

Actually, you're complaining too.. only it's about me (An uneducated 17 year old), instead of the ridiculous pricing of a toy.

ECON 101? Why are you such a fan of Red China? You're defending them like you're an official Mao Zedong loyalist. Do some research.

Innocent collectors? Absolutely. That would be someone, usually a normal working-class citizen, who enjoys collecting and/or playing with toys for purely innocent reasons without the thought of making financial profits in any way (Reselling, etc.). You know, like back when we were kids? Yeah, that kind of innocence.. not whatever gun-involving fantasy you made up in your head.

I'm fully aware it's a toy, and I have dealt with it.. I've also pre-ordered it already too, you kcirp. It has nothing to do with whether or not I can afford it. You assume way too much for your own good.

Let's see.. what else did you complain about? Oh yeah, this little gem: "But don't come on here saying that HT/SSC should charge less so that they lose money just so you can afford it. "

Why the kcuf not? You must think we live in Communist China, but here in America.. we have Freedom of Speech (At least for now). I know you might not like that, but in your own words.. "deal with it".

Secondly, I didn't complain just so I could "afford it". I complained because I felt the pricing was unjust, way out of proportion and that something needed to be said about it. Why do you think I should not have a right to say so? Seriously, move to China.

Also, you've been married for 12 years? What is that supposed to prove? That it's now impossible for you to cheat on your wife because you've been married for so long? Try again.

Wow...don't even know where do begin. It's obvious you have some hardon for China....and yes you have freedom of speech...keep yapping away.

If you know this is a toy you've done plenty of crying about it's cost. No one likes prices what they are...and's not like it's food or shelter or something to keep you alive. It's a toy..either you buy it or you don't. That's it...complaining on SS Freaks isn't going to make HT/SSC change the price to suit you.

And don't ____ing say anything like I'm going to cheat on my wife or anything even close. What I was referring to was that I've had 12 years of advice from her and don't need to see anyone for help as you suggested. Again...don't ____ing say I cheat on my wife.
No political BS in the Joker dolly thread please.

Many of the people talking politics in this thread are nowhere near as informed or clever as they think they are. Even were this not the case, in a dolly thread in particular they should simply STFU. They are BORING.
Hot toys is moving out of my price range. Before it does, I hope to snag a batmobile, Ironmonger, captain america, superman and the 89 batman and joker figures. That will end my HT collection.
250 is the highest I would go for a figure, even for a DX. And for a DX, compared to what I will get with the captain jack figure, these two are really skimping on extras.
lol. There was no misunderstanding on my side. It’s totally obvious that you have no problem paying these increased prices, which is why I said what I did.

Actually, you're complaining too.. only it's about me (An uneducated 17 year old), instead of the ridiculous pricing of a toy.

ECON 101? Why are you such a fan of Red China? You're defending them like you're an official Mao Zedong loyalist. Do some research.

Innocent collectors? Absolutely. That would be someone, usually a normal working-class citizen, who enjoys collecting and/or playing with toys for purely innocent reasons without the thought of making financial profits in any way (Reselling, etc.). You know, like back when we were kids? Yeah, that kind of innocence.. not whatever gun-involving fantasy you made up in your head.

I'm fully aware it's a toy, and I have dealt with it.. I've also pre-ordered it already too, you kcirp. It has nothing to do with whether or not I can afford it. You assume way too much for your own good.

Let's see.. what else did you complain about? Oh yeah, this little gem: "But don't come on here saying that HT/SSC should charge less so that they lose money just so you can afford it. "

Why the kcuf not? You must think we live in Communist China, but here in America.. we have Freedom of Speech (At least for now). I know you might not like that, but in your own words.. "deal with it".

Secondly, I didn't complain just so I could "afford it". I complained because I felt the pricing was unjust, way out of proportion and that something needed to be said about it. Why do you think I should not have a right to say so? Seriously, move to China.

Also, you've been married for 12 years? What is that supposed to prove? That it's now impossible for you to cheat on your wife because you've been married for so long? Try again.

Dude, I don't know who you are but can you please take you backwards swearwords & thinking somewhere else. Go start a weekly group if you're not happy. You're extremely irritating & are taking away my enjoyment of this site & my pre-orders that I made early today at SS. Also who the hell do you think you are you to comment on other peoples marriage. Keep your simple mind to less complex subjects so we all can enjoy the reason were here. GNIKCUF EMOSEWA SYOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Many of the people talking politics in this thread are nowhere near as informed or clever as they think they are. Even were this not the case, in a dolly thread in particular they should simply STFU. They are BORING.

:lol :lol :wave
[ame=""]Batman Trailer (1989) - YouTube[/ame] all they need is a hot toys logo in corner of screen.....
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