Hey Dusty got any riddles for us????????

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Super Freak
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Just remembering last years word jumble for the monkey lizard and was hoping with Comic Con so close we might hear from Dusty again with some fun clues as to what will be there. Anyone else out there waiting to do some detective work??????:confused::confused:
Yeah, C'mon Dusty. Just a little, little, little, clue? A small jumble? Nothing too easy, nothing too hard. Ok, then I'll ask, you answer yes or no.....fair? ....tell me if I'm close....:monkey3....

Ummm..does this figure have a breathing condition?
Does he like to dress in Black?
Is he a widower?
Was his marriage not recognized by the Jedi order?
Does he have a whiny son?
Was his best friend owned in both fights he had with an old man?
Did he once have a feeling he had not felt since?
Was he once part of a giant Mega Man game as he was trying to save Padme from giant mosquitos?

If you could answer only one of these, us Freaks would be forever in your gratitude!
spibne twlkaac ulde eivnmornte


I would hug a complete stranger for this!!!
I have a feeling we haven't seen it all. I imagine they will show something toward end.
I have a feeling we haven't seen it all. I imagine they will show something toward end.

I always think the same thing at these conventions and end up dissapointed when nothing else is shown. They showed the whole Jabba set at the start last year and i really think that what we have seen so far is all that we will get.
i have a riddle....what is the Star Wars PF that will be announced at SDCC?

well i guess that's just a question, technically.
There is still one podium that is undefined on the booth map at SS. Although it's position it not next to the other SW stuff.
If this is it, what a huge let down from last year. I was really hoping for Vader or if not that some stormtroopers. I'm still holding out hope.
Still hope. The Sandtrooper diaroma is not listed on the booth map. So it could still happen. :vader:stormtroo:vader:stormtroo:vader:stormtroo