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Of course he says that, otherwise what would be the point in the cliffhanger ending if they on the next day went back on it?

I think the general idea is he is coming back, in both the show and the book.
Yeah, that makes sense. I hope that's the case. Even if he has to skip a season or two, to come back at another year. Jon Snow was just too much of a good character to off in such a cheap manner.
Exactly, I beleive it's all leading up to him having a huge part in something or another, plus they haven't got to his heritage yet

From what i've read theory wise it is very interesting where it is likely headed, just how it gets there

Of course they could have indeed killed off Jon and he be done, i just don't think they have. Along with Stannis as others have mentioned
**** the faith, I hope the mountain kills them all.

**** the night's watch, I hope Jon comes back and kills them all.

Funny how such great writing and onebevent can make a person completely change their mind about a character. I totally loved how they gave cersi a piece of her own medicine, then after that walk of shame and how the sparrows have become to big for their own good, now I want her to rise back up and kick their asses..
Cercei isn't going to forget this shaming, i honestly thought that was more brutal than the ending
Totally agree, there's just seems to be way to much left unanswered about Jon and his heritage , along with the witch coming back is just to much of a coincidence
Where was Ghost in all of this? He's happy to save Sam, but not Jon?
The direwolves have been so underused in the series.
Yeah, the obviously spent too much on the dragon CGI and don't have enough left to show us the wolves. Ghost has hardly been used for the last couple of seasons and then with Bran and Rickon omitted from this season, we haven't seen their wolves for quite a while. They should give us a glimpse of Nymeria, who is still out there somewhere.

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If Arya stays blind, it might make some sense for her wolf to show up at some point to help lead her on, like a guide dog. Keeping the dire wolves out of much of the action does make their appearances matter more, but at least in Jon's case it does seem like Ghost has been gone a lot more than you would expect. You would have expected him to get involved in the last episode, except that maybe he was kept out of that area by the rest of the watch (hopefully not killed!).
Where was Ghost in all of this? He's happy to save Sam, but not Jon?
The direwolves have been so underused in the series.

for real !! Don't know why they dont use them more.. its a shame.

I dont get it either.. why kill him off while building up this character ?? Then discovered his special sword against the Walkers....... for what ? getting back stabbed ?
Kit and everyone else can say he's dead but I'll continue to believe he's coming back until the books and/or show end and he's still dead. Melisandre's return to Castle Black at that time is way too convenient for it to be nothing. And we've already seen the Lord of Light resurrect people on the show. I think by Kit cutting his hair they're trying to make people think that Jon is dead but I just think it means he won't be back for this coming season.
Melisandre did get a lot of "power" from the God of Light for sacrificing the princess right? Maybe that will the the GoL' s will to bring Jon back. Why have an epic stairdown with that Lich king guy only to be offed by the Nights Watch. What's going on in the Iron islands? I figured Theon' s sister would take another shot at Ramsey.
Initially I thought it was for assistance with both the weather and the attack on Winterfell, but yeah, must've been just for the weather to lift. On one hand, they'd likely have all starved without the intervention, but it still seems a poor trade for having to off your own daughter. I don't get how he anticipated a successful siege even before half his men slunk off.
I don't think Stannis was under any illusion of success after his men left. He was just a stubborn old arse.
Yep, definitely at that point it was a mass suicide mission, but even before, it seemed hopeless. Half his horses and all his siege engines were gone. I figured initially that sacrificing his daughter was an appeal for direct magical intervention in the siege. Sure curious how his story plays out next season.
Only had the chance to watch the finale last night, and boy, was it ever a tough one.

Cersei's walk of shame was agonising to watch. That must've been one hell of a scene to film for the actress.
Reek and Sansa's jump was great. I wonder what's in store for them. Knowing how the show works they'll just get caught and tortured anyway.
Brienne and Stannis... not sure Stannis is dead. The quick cut seems to indicate there's more coming from those two.
Heartbroken for Myrcella and Jamie. But he does seems a bit out of character... I don't find his character arc very believable, he's just changed too much.
Arya's storyline is one I don't care much about, but it was very satisfying to see how she dealt with whatshisnose child molester.
Glad to see Sam get away. I'm sure he'll have an important part to play.
Looking froward to seeing how Tyrion and the Spider put Meereen in order, and nice to see Daenerys find a new army. And please release the other two dragons already!
And Jon Snow.
What to say?
I'm a bit tired of this "let's kill a likeable main character" thing. The novelty has worn off, and it seems the author is doing it just for the hell of it. I mean, the act of killing the Lord Commander who has the loyalty of thousands of pretty ferocious wildlings seems a bit stupid. Add to it that everybody has an idea of what they are facing in terms of the white walkers and it's just completely unreasonable for the Night's Watch to betray their commander.
It just doesn't make any sense and seems poor writing to me.

It will be interesting to see what happens next, but the level of intelligence of the show just dropped a notch for me.