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Well, I DID enjoy Gravity more than Man of Steel, so there's that.
Hah, that's awesome. I wonder if they're going to try to push for a sequel. Hopefully not, it's the type of movie that should be appreciated for what it is.
Part of its success is probably the same effect that made Avatar so successful--people seeing it because of the revolutionary effects.
An interesting take, but I doubt it. For me this is a simple, bare-bones escape narrative with little else holding it together except a couple of barely-developed characters, some cutesy dialogue and brilliantly executed set pieces. It is a gorgeous film, with some beautiful moments, but reading anything deeper into the film is over thinking it.

I don't think she died either.
If the writers were going to imply that, we would have seen her reunite with her daughter in some Hollywood-esque fashion.

I think this movie was a tribute to mankind itself. Showing what an intuitive, smart, and adaptable creature we are.

We've learned to travel/live in space. Towards the end, she is swimming underwater and the camera deliberately focuses from her and onto a frog for a few seconds, then back onto her again swimming. This implied the amphibious ability we have. Then, in the final scene, she rises from the mud and stands. The score at this exact moment (right when she places her foot down) was very climatic to support the notion that, yeah, we can also walk the earth.

Very powerful movie for me and loved every minute. :clap
No sequel please...unless it is a survival story on land with predators, maybe lions, tigers and bears. Hey maybe she time traveled back to prehistoric times(Dino's or mammals it's ok). Wait a minute, maybe she mysteriously lands on another planet with strange creatures that come out at night or in the rain. Oh wait a minute I saw those in Riddick films. What about if she ends up being hunted by aliens in a strange planet. Wait I saw that one too in Predators. Scratch those. No sequel please
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Now that the film has been out for a while I'll post an open question.

Some of my friends think the film strongly implies SB's character really died in the initial accident, that from the point where she is rescued by Clooney until the end of the film represents a dream, images of her passage to the afterlife.

I wonder how many people here feel the same? I thought it was an intriguing alternate view.

I say no, if that was the case, there would be a dream within a dream :lol

And the whole movie would be completely meaningless.
There was one other thing I noticed - when i watched the film in IMAX and could see more detail it looked like Sandra's tears all had a picture of her daughter. It was very subtle and I was wondering if anyone else saw it.
There was one other thing I noticed - when i watched the film in IMAX and could see more detail it looked like Sandra's tears all had a picture of her daughter. It was very subtle and I was wondering if anyone else saw it.

I was in Melbourne recently and Gravity was showing on their 32m wide x 23m high IMAX screen.

One week after I had to leave :gah:
Gravity earns 10 Oscar nominations

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nominated nine films for best picture on Thursday, with the '70s crime caper American Hustle and the lost-in-space tale Gravity leading the pack with 10 nominations each and the antebellum drama 12 Years a Slave following closely with nine. Also nominated for best picture are Captain Phillips, Dallas Buyers Club, Her, Nebraska, Philomena andThe Wolf of Wall Street.


Check out the Jonas Cuaron companion piece Aningaaq. Its a cross over movie. Those who have seen the movie will get it.
Thanks. Never thought that they'd do it.

Now that the film has been out for a while I'll post an open question.

Some of my friends think the film strongly implies SB's character really died in the initial accident, that from the point where she is rescued by Clooney until the end of the film represents a dream, images of her passage to the afterlife.

I wonder how many people here feel the same? I thought it was an intriguing alternate view.
In that context, she could have died due to any one of the life-threatening instances that occur after Matt saves her.

Glad to see Gravity is continuing its success at the box office.


I don't think she died either.
If the writers were going to imply that, we would have seen her reunite with her daughter in some Hollywood-esque fashion.

Boy am I glad that they didn't go for something as cheesy as that!

I think this movie was a tribute to mankind itself. Showing what an intuitive, smart, and adaptable creature we are.

We've learned to travel/live in space. Towards the end, she is swimming underwater and the camera deliberately focuses from her and onto a frog for a few seconds, then back onto her again swimming. This implied the amphibious ability we have. Then, in the final scene, she rises from the mud and stands. The score at this exact moment (right when she places her foot down) was very climatic to support the notion that, yeah, we can also walk the earth.

Very powerful movie for me and loved every minute.
I especially loved the climactic sequence where she is shown crawling out of the water, struggling to get up and finally stands erect. As the director commented, it nods at evolution in one perfect shot. The direction of photography deserves mention too. And that score....:panic:

No sequel please...unless it is a survival story on land with predators, maybe lions, tigers and bears. Hey maybe she time traveled back to prehistoric times(Dino's or mammals it's ok). Wait a minute, maybe she mysteriously lands on another planet with strange creatures that come out at night or in the rain. Oh wait a minute I saw those in Riddick films. What about if she ends up being hunted by aliens in a strange planet. Wait I saw that one too in Predators. Scratch those. No sequel please
It's a good thing that I read your post entirely. :wink1:

I say no, if that was the case, there would be a dream within a dream

And the whole movie would be completely meaningless.
She'd be stuck in Limbo then


There was one other thing I noticed - when i watched the film in IMAX and could see more detail it looked like Sandra's tears all had a picture of her daughter. It was very subtle and I was wondering if anyone else saw it.
I don't think so. It only shows an inverted image of her due to the convex surface of the tear-drop.

I was in Melbourne recently and Gravity was showing on their 32m wide x 23m high IMAX screen.

One week after I had to leave :gah:
I feel you man. I too watched this just a couple of days back....on my computer....and learnt later that it was playing at an IMAX theater a month back not too far from my place :(
I feel you man. I too watched this just a couple of days back....on my computer....and learnt later that it was playing at an IMAX theater a month back not too far from my place :(

I think this'll be doing the IMAX rounds for years to come, so we'll get our chance at some point. I hope so anyway.
I think this'll be doing the IMAX rounds for years to come, so we'll get our chance at some point. I hope so anyway.


Fresh off the announcement of the nominations for the 86th Annual Academy Awards (of which Gravity earned ten) came the news that Alfonso Cuarón’s sci-fi film will be returning to IMAX 3D theaters starting January 31st. It comes as no surprise that Gravity is coming back to the immersive big-screen format after the announcement, as it proved to be IMAX’s biggest box office earner both domestically and globally in 2013.
I can't way for this to come back to Imax screens. I was robbed of the Imax experience as my Imax theatre was playing the Metallica movie instead.
I was able to catch the Imax re-release today. Although I've seen it once before, the movie is still as powerful and beautiful as ever. It was like I died and went to heaven with the Imax experience.
I think 100% she deserved it over Amy Adams, who was also quite good, soulless dead eyes and all. But I didn't see any of the other movies to judge.
I honestly am rarely much interested in the movies that the Academy Awards chooses, but this year I caught quite a few and really enjoyed them all. I now want to see all those I missed.