Ghostbusters reboot with all-female leads

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I've said it before, but the sole thing I look forward to from this movie is going to be the inevitable turnaround on GB2 and people finally softening on it after all these years. I always felt it was an underrated follow-up (and for me as enjoyable as the first). Not perfect no but it had a lot of great things about it like the original cast being back and still in top form, Vigo was a scary and awesome villain, the mood slime was clever and creative, and like the first it's both hilarious and terrifying. Nothing beats the Proton Packs but I always thought the Slime Blowers were awesome as is the Ecto-1A. I could never think of Ghostbusters without also thinking of the sequel (as well as the awesome animated series).

This reboot not only is reeking of an unnecessary remake but even has a strange knock-off quality to it from the recent still that was released.
I think GB2 had some brilliant ideas, like what everyone was doing 5 years later: Venkman being a talk show host ("Valentine’s Day. Bummer.” “Hairless pets. Weird.”) and Ray owning the occult book store and doing children’s parties. I liked the abandoned subway idea, and Viggo was good. But overall it just didn’t come together. The Statue of Liberty thing was just an obvious cash in to the popularity of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, and the river of slime was also a way to outdo being “slimed” by slimer. It just all felt a little uninspired. It’s also hard to top the perfection of the first one, so it was always going to be an uphill battle!

And I always found it extremely odd that Dana was now an art restorer after having been a concert cellist in Lincoln Center, both careers that are incredibly exclusive. I’m not kidding—art restoration is an exceptionally hard field to get into. It’s almost insulting that they suggest that the art restoration field is akin to any other unskilled labor job that anyone without any kind of related experience can just fall into!
I really liked GB2 myself, I actually prefer it to the first in many ways, I always thought the often negative feedback it received was very harsh.
Heroes get disrespected and unappreciated all the time in real-life and it's not a huge stretch the Ghostbusters would be as well.
yes, Even Spiderman had problems in Spiderman 2. even batman quit

but the second movie has almost the exact same structure as the first. that's what I dont like. they didn't copy the exact same plot but the structure is basically the same. Even the villain is almost the same with the plan of wanting to come back to earth and needing a human to help.

IF... if the GB were meant to be down on their luck then the whole movie should have been like that, not have them become famous all over again with the montage and all that.

Yup, and they screwed Winston again :lol
yes, Even Spiderman had problems in Spiderman 2. even batman quit

but the second movie has almost the exact same structure as the first. that's what I dont like. they didn't copy the exact same plot but the structure is basically the same. Even the villain is almost the same with the plan of wanting to come back to earth and needing a human to help.

IF... if the GB were meant to be down on their luck then the whole movie should have been like that, not have them become famous all over again with the montage and all that.

Lots of sequels essentially mirror the plot and structure of the originals, even the best of them. The thing is to still bring enough that's new and creative and not do a complete copy of the first, which IMO I think GB2 does well at. Even with the nods and callbacks to the first it still feels unique enough and not like a rehash relying too much on nostalgia for the first.

I think even if GB2 had been totally different than what we got people would still dislike it for not being the first. The first movie was lightning in a bottle and matching it was a tough act.
Seriously? There's tons of sequels that are similar to their predecessors, not just GB2. A common criticism of many sequels is they tend to be too much like the originals. GB2 is far from the first and only sequel to be called so.
what sequels? im honestly curious. what sequels mirrored the first one? I used to think this one was the only one.

Indiana Jones and the The Last Crusade.

Indy races a rival archaeologist who's teamed with the Nazis to hunt a religious artifact that will make Hitler's army invincible. His partner who he hasn't seen in years holds the only key to finding said artifact. Sallah shows up to help navigate the desert and theres a chase where Indy leaps from a horse to the lead vehicle. In the end he's captured and his rival is killed by a supernatural force he misunderstands.
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Pretty much most Horror sequels (especially slashers) fit the bill as well for sequels that mirror the originals closely. Even the excellent Terminator 2 mirrors the plot of the first heavily when you examine it, but it does enough new and different that it still feels unique and fresh.
GB2 probably has my favorite moment of either movie when the river of slime is first discovered. Something about the sequence with the way it's shot and lit, the ambience of it, it's very striking. And when the river of slime itself is seen for the very first time it definitely leaves an impression.
Oh man, the impaled heads on the stakes in the tunnel :horror That always sent me running from the room as a kid. Easily the scariest moment in either movie, IMO.

I'd argue GB2 is more of a straight-up Horror movie at times than the first. The heads on the stakes and the Vigo scene in the photo lab like you mentioned, plus Ghost Janosz abducting Oscar, the slime in the bathtub, many of Vigo's other scenes, it just felt more sinister to me. The first had scary moments too like the chair scene with Dana and the library ghost, but GB2 really amped up the creep factor considerably.
The opening scene is pretty intense, too. Only a couple of minutes into the movie and we see a baby carriage with a baby in it nearly run over by a bus.
I think Janosz in 2 was both hilarious and eerie at the same time. Definitely one of my favorite characters from either movie.
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