First Look at Elm Street Remake

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I liked F13 remake much more than, Zombie's Halloween white trash fest...
I'm not sure I want a new Freddy...
somebody suggested Jackie Earle Haley, that, i'd be interested in...

Someone also wanted Ben which I did this...


I never thought I'd see the day when a film that came out when I was in high school was now considered old enough to be a "classic" and in need of a re-launch.


I feel you. It's sad really, Hollywood doesn't even want anything original anymore unless it's attached to an existing property (ala Batman etc.) The studios actually prefer straight rehashes with fancy new effects. And it sucks. Remember the Psycho remake that was word for word and shot for shot the same as the original? F'n lame. I could see restarting the series and adding a new perspective, new elements and making something new. But this crap.. it's just adding a shiny new coat of gloss over the same old shiznit. People tend to forget that sometimes, the experience of when you originally watched a movie and where you were at that point in your life makes the movie special for you. Not so much the actual movie. That kind of stuff can't be duplicated. Even with a spiffy new remake. It just can't.
Friday the 13th was actually pretty original.(You know what I mean....) Very little, aside from the opening scene, from the first film.

I feel you. It's sad really, Hollywood doesn't even want anything original anymore unless it's attached to an existing property (ala Batman etc.) The studios actually prefer straight rehashes with fancy new effects. And it sucks. Remember the Psycho remake that was word for word and shot for shot the same as the original? F'n lame. I could see restarting the series and adding a new perspective, new elements and making something new. But this crap.. it's just adding a shiny new coat of gloss over the same old shiznit. People tend to forget that sometimes, the experience of when you originally watched a movie and where you were at that point in your life makes the movie special for you. Not so much the actual movie. That kind of stuff can't be duplicated. Even with a spiffy new remake. It just can't.

I remember it. They changed just enough stuff to make me hate it.:D The only really solid performances (to me---this is opinion, mind you) came from Macy as detective Arbogast, and the Patrolman who pulled Marion over. The whole Norman beating off, porn strewn all over his room, and the music video style montage scene with the sheep and blindfolded s&m chick when Arbogast gets hacked were all attempts at "modernizing" the movie. Not to mention showing Viggo M.'s hairy behind. None of these "new updates" did anything to advance the film. They only sullied the integrity of Hitchc*ck's classic. You're cannot duplicate a classic.

The only way to actually do a remake and make it successful is when its the rare exception like John Carpenter's Thing. Both films are great, but Carpenter's is so radically different they each stand on their own. I personally feel Carpenter's Thing and Fog rival Halloween for position as his best work.:peace
Hmph, another remake. I will watch it, but hold no hope to be awed by it.

Remakes really dont do to much for me one way or the other. If they suck, no biggie the original is still there. If they turn out good, its an added bonus.

I just hope they make Fred Kruger evil sick and twisted! NOT an annoying wise ass full of one liners.
Freddy has the potential to be a real horror.
He can actually be scary scary and not cool scary.

I would love to see a real NOES horror.
I know some ppl would say this is blasphemy but I hope they knock off the damn humor and just make him brutal and intimidating. I can't be afraid of a guy who cracks jokes left and right. If a killer was coming after me and called me a ^^^^^ I'd be pissed not scared :lol
Bring on Ben Foster, he plays crazy extremely well.

I agree with King, I say bring the remakes on. If they are great (Dawn of the Dead, Hills Have Eyes), fantastic. If they are brutal (The Fog, Halloween), no big deal. They do not diminish the originals at all in my eyes. If you don't like the idea, don't see them.
I know some ppl would say this is blasphemy but I hope they knock off the damn humor and just make him brutal and intimidating. I can't be afraid of a guy who cracks jokes left and right. If a killer was coming after me and called me a ^^^^^ I'd be pissed not scared :lol

Actually, no dude, we ALL want that. :lol
Actually, no dude, we ALL want that. :lol

Speak for yourself, aside from watching ANOES at the ripe age of 7 I was NEVER EVER even remotely scared of Freddy. Parts 2+ sucked massive balls imo. Friday 1-4 were decent, Halloween 1 & 2 good but the nightmare movies were just plain dumb.

In fact I will even go as far as saying that most everything "New Line" produced was or is near horrid. They even managed to make a worse Jason film than part 8 and thats AMAZINGLY hard to top.

But they did.
Nightmare on Elm Street was "decent"?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Roy, you are dead to me.

Sorry sorry sorry, I worded it wrong, I mean't to say that when I was 8 ANOES scarred the piss outta me. It still IS an awesome horror flick but that parts 2+ sucked balls.

Freddy is still a goof ball imo, he's borderline h o m o. :monkey3 Kidding .............. or am I? :cool: