Figuremaster Les' Figural Fabrications

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Les, that is the Marmit Boba, I think. Great figure. I transfered mine onto a Dragon body. I'd love to put Jango's head under there, as well. But the Ultimate Jango head is too big. Maybe the Electronic one would fit....hmm.

Great repaint on him! He looks wonderful. I've been thinking of adding a strap to my blaster. Attaching a hose to the right gauntlet was a pain.

I think these go for about $150 on ebay. I got one that wa sloose and put together already for $100. That was fine, except taking him apart was a hassle, and the moron who sold it to me had glued the hands on!! And thrown out the alternate hands!! STUPIDSTUPIDSTUPID!!! Sigh.
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Les, I'd love to see more of your Vader ! Please take us through how you did it! I can't get over that shot of all the anakins. That has got to be the best thing any fan could ever want! And the Batman figures.... I wish I had an ounce of your talent!
Actually, not to be a no-it-all but the Fett is from Marmit. Now I think because of your lack of knowledge your figures are forfeit to me :lol
Yup, it's a Marmit Fett. I have a couple myself(one that has been customized and one that hasn't). Supposedly Medicom has a Fett coming out late this year or early next year, but details are scarce at this point. Would love to see more pics of yours, Les. :cool:
galactiboy said:
Actually, not to be a no-it-all but the Fett is from Marmit. Now I think because of your lack of knowledge your figures are forfeit to me :lol

Pssh, I meant Marmit. Really, I did. I said Medicom because I was futzing with my Medi-Vader.
Figuremaster Les said:
I wanna see that HT Supes when you can. Have you done the feet yet? Pjam? Have you??? C'mon man! It's not that hard. Ask GDB!
It's so easy...I gotta say this...A CAVEMAN COULD DO IT! :lol

:lol I wouldn't say it was easy. But I would say it was definately worth it!

Figuremaster Les said:

Love the Ep. II Ani!
gdb said:
:lol I wouldn't say it was easy. But I would say it was definately worth it!

Love the Ep. II Ani!

Same here gdb, not easy (for me :lol) but worth it! :D I followed Les' tutorial and without that I'd be completely lost! Thanks for the encouragement Les! Only injury was a finger gouge. Getting that second foot in the boot was murder, but it eventually slid in...

My FML repainted HT SR Returns is now one my most prized possessions. I have said many times that a FML repainted HT SR with a heel lift is as good a 12" SR figure there is without a doubt! :D :cool:


Here's a quick (not so great) reference pic so you can see he is now taller than HT BB by his shoulders, hands and eye line...


And here's a shot of Supes flying...


More "flying" pics posted on the HT SR Thread here!
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Thanks PJAM. :D

Hey, I thought about that caveman bad taste...I keep seeing how those cavemen get mad in those, here is the new line...

Raising your HT Superman to new heights is so easy, even GDB could do it! :lol
(insert Rimshot sound here)

Sorry GDB. :D Had to do that.

But seriously folks....I'll be here all week! :rotfl

Oh, and glad your new Supes turned out P. I was worried there for a while. He looks a bunch better taller now. Note the better body proportions also.
My pleasure Les, but I have to lop myself into the caveman camp too because I'm all thumbs with this stuff as you know :lol ... but it all worked out beautifully. :D

A big Super thanks to you Les!

FML Medicom Jack and Aliens set pics coming soon!
Les, You've got my head spinning back and forth from genre to genre. Sci-fi to superheroes to sci-fi and back again!!! I'm tempted to try my hand at my own PM figure due to your pix. But, mostly, have you any other superhero pix? I am loving them most I think as, even though your Ani's are top notch, I think I'll always like the heroes a little more than sci-fi stuff [and I have a plethora of sci-fi stuff!!]
Ironman1188 said:
Les, You've got my head spinning back and forth from genre to genre. Sci-fi to superheroes to sci-fi and back again!!! I'm tempted to try my hand at my own PM figure due to your pix. But, mostly, have you any other superhero pix? I am loving them most I think as, even though your Ani's are top notch, I think I'll always like the heroes a little more than sci-fi stuff [and I have a plethora of sci-fi stuff!!]

I agree. My favorite Les works are his Batman figures. Those are ungodly cool.
Customikey said:
I agree. My favorite Les works are his Batman figures. Those are ungodly cool.

WOW! Thanks guys!
Funny thing is, I am not that big into superhero figures on the whole. I way prefer other stuff, but I am glad that my "reluctant" efforts have borne such kind words.

I will admit to being a bit tired of the Star Wars collecting thing, as I have been collecting and repainting 12" Star Wars Kenners for so many years now already, that to see them all coming out over again, by Sideshow (Admittedly much better!) is sort of a frustration and exercise in collecting futility.
And so as a result of all this, I am more into other custom areas that no one else seems to be making.

Still, custom superheroes are also somewhat overmade, and so I rarely venture into that arena unless it's to make something new and unseen. (See Ebay for examples...just how many 12" Custom Keatons can be listed at one time!:lol )

Regardless, I'll see what else I can dig up. Who knows what I may have n the works. My ongoing Batman 1939 project has several new additions planned, so stay tuned for those. And there is rumor of one more Nicholson Joker....

Whatever the case, stay Tuned Bat-fans! :D
Figuremaster Les said:
My ongoing Batman 1939 project has several new additions planned, so stay tuned for those. And there is rumor of one more Nicholson Joker....

Whatever the case, stay Tuned Bat-fans! :D

:bow I'm just so in awe of that particular Customizing tangent you've gone off to. I've never been able to maintain enough interest to do that many customs on a single subject. I can't wait to see what else you do. They are true marvels (I know, I know- they're DC.)

I know what you mean about Star Wars collecting. It's difficult to maintain a reasonable collection, not go overboard, and still have the characters you want. I stopped with the Hasbro figs around the time AOTC came out, and would have appily just watched the films and eft the merchandise at the stores if only Sideshow hadn't gotten the license.
I love sci-fi and have many figures from the genre [both customized and not]but your heroes have me sorting back thru mine and reassembling teams of heroes and villains. Thanks!! [I think :rolleyes: ]
Les, that Supes is amazing.... I still am in awe of what you did with it. But that said, anything you've put out has had a level of quality to it that is just top notch.
You are indeed, the master, Les. Your work on Sideshow Anakin is awesome and unmatched. Nicholson Joker, eh? Can't wait for pics....

I don't always have lots of time to peruse the gallery but I always make sure to check out your thread every few weeks.

The Batman figures are OUTSTANDING! It brought me back so many memories of my childhood. Times were so different then....the Batman series was the coolest, innovative series ever! Thanks for taking this 44 year old back to the day....

Please keep sharing all your customized figures. I'm truly enjoying visiting this world of customizing.

First off, wow! Great stuff. Absolutley love the Joker on page 1. Can't believe how much different he looks from the Phantom sculpt he came from.

I have a bit of a strange question. I noticed on your site at least 3 figures have canes (Joker, Holmes, Watson). I think at least one of them came from a Talbot figure, but the other two look different. Did you make them yourself, modify another Talbot cane, or did you buy them else where? I ask because I am going to try my first custom figure, Dr. Greg House from House M.D. and finding a cane has been a big problem in this. Any help would be great and once again great customs!
Buttmunch said:
First off, wow! Great stuff. Absolutley love the Joker on page 1. Can't believe how much different he looks from the Phantom sculpt he came from.

I have a bit of a strange question. I noticed on your site at least 3 figures have canes (Joker, Holmes, Watson). I think at least one of them came from a Talbot figure, but the other two look different. Did you make them yourself, modify another Talbot cane, or did you buy them else where? I ask because I am going to try my first custom figure, Dr. Greg House from House M.D. and finding a cane has been a big problem in this. Any help would be great and once again great customs!

HA! I love House! Great idea!

Canes are a veritable B-word! I hate trying to find them, much less make them. I used the cane from two Doc Hollidays, GREAT CANE! And some from older, no-name figures that I was lucky enough to have on hand. The cane from the Wolfman is somewhere around here. That cane head is too familiar to use for anything but Talbot, and I wouldn't dream of messing that one up, but to make a cane, I am thinking just a nice straight shaft of wood or plastic, smooth sanded, and then fitted with a nicely curved handle is all you need. Yes, more canes needed!

Good luck on your Gregory House project. I definately want to see him when he's done! :D

Oh, and thanks for the kind words about my stuff!
Figuremaster Les said:

Hey, I thought about that caveman bad taste...I keep seeing how those cavemen get mad in those, here is the new line...

Raising your HT Superman to new heights is so easy, even GDB could do it! :lol
(insert Rimshot sound here)

Sorry GDB. :D Had to do that.

But seriously folks....I'll be here all week! :rotfl

Ouch, man! :rotfl

I love that one caveman commercial in the airport with the music playing "everywhere I go..." and the Caveman sees the ad while on a moving walkway.... now I know how he feels... :monkey2

's'all good. I know you don't mean it... :rotfl
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