EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

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I have said a couple of times over different platforms that I was waiting for a TNG Picard... but after seeing Sideshow's unboxing last night I couldn't resist and pulled the trigger with a UK retailer - having to wait until end of October for him to arrive but First Contact is a great film and Picard is a great figure to kick off a new collection with!

Do you have any plans to put the chair you teased a while back up for order? With the diorama pieces are we likely to see them up with retailers or will they be exclusive to your site with you mentioning they will have even smaller runs? Theres not many I would be able to jump on (a mix of keeping my budget in check and space limitations) but there are a few I would hate to miss out on if you do release them.

I'm now really forward to the Doctor going up for order - he could be an interesting one variations wise (if you went this route) as aside from the Doctor himself there is the EMH in the First Contact/DS9 uniform as well as 2 versions of Lewis Zimmerman.

I can't wait for your plans to unfold and to see everyones collections evolve be it the focused collectors of a specific show, the completionists buying every figure you put out or those like me who will collect their favourite characters and build their dream crew from across the various shows.
I have said a couple of times over different platforms that I was waiting for a TNG Picard... but after seeing Sideshow's unboxing last night I couldn't resist and pulled the trigger with a UK retailer - having to wait until end of October for him to arrive but First Contact is a great film and Picard is a great figure to kick off a new collection with!

Do you have any plans to put the chair you teased a while back up for order? With the diorama pieces are we likely to see them up with retailers or will they be exclusive to your site with you mentioning they will have even smaller runs? Theres not many I would be able to jump on (a mix of keeping my budget in check and space limitations) but there are a few I would hate to miss out on if you do release them.

I'm now really forward to the Doctor going up for order - he could be an interesting one variations wise (if you went this route) as aside from the Doctor himself there is the EMH in the First Contact/DS9 uniform as well as 2 versions of Lewis Zimmerman.

I can't wait for your plans to unfold and to see everyones collections evolve be it the focused collectors of a specific show, the completionists buying every figure you put out or those like me who will collect their favourite characters and build their dream crew from across the various shows.
Perspective is how an individual sees the world, Same with truth, same with collection, and same with Trek. We all have our own version of Trek.

I am providing “Choices” for friends to create or collect their own version of Trek in 1/6 format. Some may go for their favorite Trek crew, some will collect their favorite doctors (like my bro who is in medical), and geek like me who wants everything. EXO-6 1/6 Trek can provide these choices.

In regards to the Enterprise E captain's chair, we are adding some features to it and should be debuting soon for preorders. This is a total Hardware production, that lot easier, we only need to fits parts together not like cut and sew where assembly line needs to have good understanding of the work at head.

There will be plenty of time. Hard goods have little room to maneuver in terms of cost reduction. It is all about quantities. The chair and the queen will have plenty of time to order.

I like the TNG war time uniform as used in FC and DS9. Starfleet was in wars with the Dominions, the Borg, and new hostile threats. The dark ages of Starfleet. Trek verse used uniforms to distinguish the exploration time of Starfleet and the war time Starfleet.

TNG is when exploration were what Starfleet was all about reflecting by their uniform. Standard maritime explorer (TNG) uniforms, operation uniforms (Generation, DS9, Voyager) were the uniforms representing the peacetime Starfleet together with wartime uniform, the history is written on the uniforms.

The Captains with different uniforms will materialize this vision, through the uniforms of different eras, the entire Trekverse is on our shelves. Is an amazing collection (from my perspective)

Of course, one can also just collect their own favorite Trek too.
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the history is written on the uniforms.
What a wonderful observation and sentiment; especially for toy makers and collectors. I really like that.

I was planning to stay focused on Voyager but now, I’m starting to consider what else I’d like in my Star Trek collection…. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Enterprise, but I did love their uniforms- all those pockets!
I would like at least Archer from Enterprise. I may be interested in other characters too, but we’ll see how deep I go on crews outside of TOS and TNG.
Perspective is how an individual sees the world, Same with truth, same with collection, and same with Trek. We all have our own version of Trek.

I am providing “Choices” for friends to create or collect their own version of Trek in 1/6 format. Some may go for their favorite Trek crew, some will collect their favorite doctors (like my bro who is in medical), and geek like me who wants everything. EXO-6 1/6 Trek can provide these choices.

In regards to the Enterprise E captain's chair, we are adding some features to it and should be debuting soon for preorders. This is a total Hardware production, that lot easier, we only need to fits parts together not like cut and sew where assembly line needs to have good understanding of the work at head.

There will be plenty of time. Hard goods have little room to maneuver in terms of cost reduction. It is all about quantities. The chair and the queen will have plenty of time to order.

I like the TNG war time uniform as used in FC and DS9. Starfleet was in wars with the Dominions, the Borg, and new hostile threats. The dark ages of Starfleet. Trek verse used uniforms to distinguish the exploration time of Starfleet and the war time Starfleet.

TNG is when exploration were what Starfleet was all about reflecting by their uniform. Standard maritime explorer (TNG) uniforms, operation uniforms (Generation, DS9, Voyager) were the uniforms representing the peacetime Starfleet together with wartime uniform, the history is written on the uniforms.

The Captains with different uniforms will materialize this vision, through the uniforms of different eras, the entire Trekverse is on our shelves. Is an amazing collection (from my perspective)

Of course, one can also just collect their own favorite Trek too.
This is a deep explanation into what Starfleet does with their various uniform design approaches. I never really considered this insight into it. Really great. Now you've got me considering purchasing at least a few figures from the series after TNG that I never really got much into (my love of ST lies with TOS and TNG). Nevertheless I do love the various uniform design iterations in spite of not truly knowing the later series characters. I'll definitely pick up at least 2 figures from Voyager, DS9 and Enterprise for this reason.
Not sales talk but personal observation and preference:

If I am purely a 1/6 Trek collector with limited Trek geekiness, I will collect TOS and or TNG full crew, and definitely the Captains because of their uniforms. Rotate my display every month. Pick a few incidental characters as they come along, and create my own collections like all Trek space suits collection, borg collectior, or go further to all aliens if they look good or trigger certain memories.

Action figures are about our memories not about the toys itself.
This is a deep explanation into what Starfleet does with their various uniform design approaches. I never really considered this insight into it. Really great. Now you've got me considering purchasing at least a few figures from the series after TNG that I never really got much into (my love of ST lies with TOS and TNG). Nevertheless I do love the various uniform design iterations in spite of not truly knowing the later series characters. I'll definitely pick up at least 2 figures from Voyager, DS9 and Enterprise for this reason.
Even ships were more aggressive looking during Starfleet war time. This is the territory of DS9, and that's why I selected wartime uniforms for DS9. FC is the bridge between TNG and DS9. FC wouldn't steal the spot light from TNG because FC was about Data and Picard, the decisions that they made.
Ordered Picard from BBTS. I was hesitant at first due to the prototype pictures. In my personal opinion the headsculpt of the prototype looked off. But seeing the final product now the headsculpt is amazing and I totally recognize my beloved captain in 1:6 scale. Now I'm curious about the final Janeway figure 😁


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Ordered Picard from BBTS. I was hesitant at first due to the prototype pictures. In my personal opinion the headsculpt of the prototype looked off. But seeing the final product now the headsculpt is amazing and I totally recognize my beloved captain in 1:6 scale. Now I'm curious about the final Janeway figure 😁
Don't trust pictures... I frequently freaked out by sample pictures and amazed when I had them on hand.
I definitely was not a fan of the new Picard sculpt, but after seeing the unboxing, completely blown away by the actual production figure. Having already purchased Data, I just really was thrown by the FC Picard prototype head sculpt, but seeing the production piece, I must say it is really incredible and glad I was able to PO it at BBTS. Cheers to Nanjin for his incredible work on 1/6 ST and making all of this happen. I'm glad the right captain is at the helm. Its going to be a wild 5 years, and a voyage long overdue.

As for ST X, I'm interested in figures from all lines, though I will have to pick the ones that I will put down my cash for, with the exception of Lower Decks. Cartoony figures are a hard pass for me. Even though I'm not a huge fan of Disco's story arc, there's still some great characters worthy of figures. Same with Picard. But Lower Decks....mmm....that style for 1/6 characters just isn't my personal taste.
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I like the distinction between wartime and peacetime uniforms. That said, I really want peacetime uniform versions of Sisko, Bashir, and O’Brien. To this end, I’ve been trying to consider how I could kitbash these.

How are the command pips attached to the figures? If I have an extra EMH and an extra Dr. Bashir, after a head swap how easily are the command pips going to get moved over? Is their removal going to damage the undershirt? It would be nice to easily have a First Contact EMH and a peacetime Bashir by just straight swapping parts between the two releases.
I like the distinction between wartime and peacetime uniforms. That said, I really want peacetime uniform versions of Sisko, Bashir, and O’Brien. To this end, I’ve been trying to consider how I could kitbash these.

How are the command pips attached to the figures? If I have an extra EMH and an extra Dr. Bashir, after a head swap how easily are the command pips going to get moved over? Is their removal going to damage the undershirt? It would be nice to easily have a First Contact EMH and a peacetime Bashir by just straight swapping parts between the two releases.
Sorry, these are consider as actions to damage or to alter the figures. You have to examine the possibility yourself.

Only items ofricially mentioned to be removed are removable. Like Picard is only meant to have interchangeable vest and jacket. The rest of the outfit is NOT for replacing or undress.
Sorry, these are consider as actions to damage or to alter the figures. You have to examine the possibility yourself.

Only items ofricially mentioned to be removed are removable. Like Picard is only meant to have interchangeable vest and jacket. The rest of the outfit is NOT for replacing or undress.

Understood. Once you have DS9 in production, is there a chance you might do a run in their early season/peacetime uniforms? Maybe just as a variant as an EXO-6 exclusive?