DX02 residue in abdominal area, has yours shown signs of it?

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Has your DX02 shown signs of residue buildup in the abdominal area?

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I know. I don't think anyones denying that but after a while you need to get over it, no? They ef'd up not doubt but I rarely hold grudges ....... i've waisted far too many brain cells stressing out over the years. Now, if this ____ happens again? Shame on them ....... shame on me.

Well, in five years, when your shoulder plates are melted to the figure and the rubber suit is flaking like a clinical case of dandruff, you might develop a grudge. :lol

As far as getting over it, do you? I can pretty much guarantee I'll hold off on purchasing any further rubber suit-based figures from HT to ensure they're problem free. To me it's almost worth the risk of missing out initially and paying a higher secondary market value to not have to deal with this BS again.
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Mines a leaker, took it back out of the box yesterday for the first time since the house move and the abs were soaked! So far it hasn't caused any noticeable damage to the rubber though I suppose its only a matter of time.

I never sought a replacement and by the sounds of it I'm as well off having not bothered.

Well, this whole DX issue has compounded the concerns about rubber figures generally. Unless its an absolute MUST-HAVE character I think I shall steer clear in future. The exception being figures like the T-800 whose rubber bits are for the most part hidden by clothes anyway.
Well, in five years, when your shoulder plates are melted to the figure and the rubber suit is flaking like a clinical case of dandruff, you might develop a grudge. :lol

As far as getting over it, do you? I can pretty much guarantee I'll hold off on purchasing any further rubber suit-based figures from HT to ensure they're problem free. To me it's almost worth the risk of missing out initially and paying a higher secondary market value to not have to deal with this BS again.

When it comes to future rubber bodies, yes I will hold off. $200 is too costly a repeat mistake for me. I think in the past I was always worried about releases selling out fast and having to pay evilbay prices so i'd always jump the gun. I won't when it comes to their rubber bodies anymore. I will try to be patient. Plus I don't see more than 1 out of every 10 releases selling out anymore. Times have changed.
It's probably that pfthalate stuff or whatever you call it. They put it in rubbery plastic and it's in alot of sex toys. It's what gives that rubbery plastic kind of look and feel. Realistic but that's the consequence (talking about the figure). There is no way on earth, to stop it constantly oozing that stuff over time, I've looked it up (which is how I stumbled onto the sex toy info btw, minds out of the gutter folks :p) It's a consequence of the material and is the only possible theory I've come to find. As long as they keep making the same stuff out of it, it'll keep happening no matter how many replacements you get. You can wash it, hairdry it, freeze it, cool it, wet it, dry it, wipe it, coat it, paint it, do whatever you like, and as you leave it sit, it'll still sweat that stuff out over time. Every time and no matter what.
Mine has that 'sweated' almost mini beading kind of look to it atm and I havn't wiped it off. You can barely notice it and it almost looks frosty just from the cold. Stuffed if I'm paying post to send it back, and it'll still do it. One things' for sure, I certainly won't be rushing out to buy the next figure I'm after straight away. I'll sit back and wait to assess the problems that will enivatbly roll in.
well i tore off the bicep plates. after finding out it was going to be more shipping back and forth and no guarantee on hard plastic biceps. it was easy and i hope this saves the entire figure from melting! didnt want to risk the whole figure rotting because of 2 little crappy tabs.funny thing is you dont even miss them. i at least got my replacements with hard ab pieces so hopefully im all covered now. so if any of you are stuck with what you got. take them off! if anyone must have them. im sure you can easily customzize new ones. or one of our talented freaks can
My bicep plates feel like hard plastic, like the abs. I have had mine for about a month now. I have no leaking. I received mine from Automaton Toys.
well i tore off the bicep plates. after finding out it was going to be more shipping back and forth and no guarantee on hard plastic biceps. it was easy and i hope this saves the entire figure from melting! didnt want to risk the whole figure rotting because of 2 little crappy tabs.funny thing is you dont even miss them. i at least got my replacements with hard ab pieces so hopefully im all covered now. so if any of you are stuck with what you got. take them off! if anyone must have them. im sure you can easily customzize new ones. or one of our talented freaks can

Any wet areas on the opposite side of the plates when you took them off?
well i tore off the bicep plates. after finding out it was going to be more shipping back and forth and no guarantee on hard plastic biceps. it was easy and i hope this saves the entire figure from melting! didnt want to risk the whole figure rotting because of 2 little crappy tabs.funny thing is you dont even miss them. i at least got my replacements with hard ab pieces so hopefully im all covered now. so if any of you are stuck with what you got. take them off! if anyone must have them. im sure you can easily customzize new ones. or one of our talented freaks can
You've just given me an idea drjedisith - replace the DX bicep plates with V1 bicep plates. Expensive mod I know since you'd be left with a damaged V1 afterwards, but since I have a spare V1 rubber suit anyway I may give this a go once my replacement DX body arrives.
You've just given me an idea drjedisith - replace the DX bicep plates with V1 bicep plates. Expensive mod I know since you'd be left with a damaged V1 afterwards, but since I have a spare V1 rubber suit anyway I may give this a go once my replacement DX body arrives.

You could actually buy a suit off of ebay, couldn't you? :confused:
heres a couple of pics without the bicep plates. i had consulted with robbiethepainter as he had pulled them off. just peeling them back slowly youll be fine. no oil behind them vodoun. there actually glued on each side but not in the middle. so just slow pulling thru 2 spots and theyre off easily. there is a little scuff mark where the glue pulled away. but no holes and it hides ok in the ridged bands on his bicep. there are little holes in the back where the bicep plate nub goes into but you cant see it. and sfa those ridges i think make it look like nothings missing there. but if you got a spare why not :)

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I have had mine since the early DC direct release. No leaks whatsoever. I thought this was fixed, why are people having these issues again?
Me and brother both received ours last Wednesday from BBTS. I've been keeping up with this thread, so as soon we got them I tried Vodoun's trick of using clear-toy-packaging-plastic to isolate the plates as best as possible; both under the plates themselves, as well as under the shoulder plates. Today, both have shown the first signs of leaking - small dabs of oil along the top of the right bicep plates.

It's only a matter of time now, but I'm not giving up on this figure. drjedisith has shown that it still looks great without the plates, but replacing them would be the ideal solution. At some point, before they start to totally dissolve, I'm planning on making a stencil of the plates and cut the same shape out of a thin rubber sheet of some sort, and if that doesn't work, make a mold of the plates themselves and recast them in a different material. Either way, I don't think making the actual plates would be the biggest problem, but rather replicating the carbon fiber pattern decal on the plate.

Does anyone know how to go about this? I've been looking at those decal sheet that you print out yourself like these.


But I don't know how much detail they can hold and how they would last in the long run, even if they're sealed somehow. Does anyone have any experience with these? Or know another solution?
I preordered my 2 DX Batmans- one from alter ego comics and the other from BBTS. So I received mine around late May. I just checked both of them and they are both dry.