Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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Whedon added it because it's what HE wanted. He's said that plenty of times. It added nothing to the story. Sure, it would be nice for everyone to have a little story arc but in the end, it's more important for the over all story to make sense and not suffer for it.
I appreciate what Whedon was going for in Age of Ultron. I think he wanted to try and make sure everyone had their own little subplot, but in Widow's case he just chose one that made nobody happy. To an extent I think that's also why some people didn't like the stuff about Hawkeye having a family (though I didn't mind that reveal).

I agree here too. I do applaud directors whenever they try and do something different with a character because everyone does have their own interpretation on something. You're never going to strike gold if you never swing your pick in the first place. I think Whedon did a very good job with AoU, as I thoroughly enjoyed the film. However, the Hulk/Banner-Widow romance subplot was definitely the worst part about the film to me, and I think everyone can agree with that. I don't think I would have minded it as much if say she was merely flirting with him, such as the scene at the bar at Stark's party, but they made it seem as if they had already been in a relationship for quite some time now.

However, the forced relationship between them by no means ruined the film for me. It was just sort of one of those, "Oh...ok I guess" things. It didn't enhance nor harm the story in any way. It was just sort of...there.

The part about Hawkeye having a family also didn't bother me one bit. If there's any Avenger where that subplot would be fitting, it's definitely him.
Hawkeye did have a family in one of the comic book storylines. I didn't have a problem with, but Black Widow and Banner didn't bother me either. I think I could see her more with Cap after WS, that would have made a bit more sense.
I was fine with Hawkeye having a family. My biggest gripe about Natasha / Bruce, aside from the ham-handed way Whedon handled it and the fact that I don't think they're a great match for each other anyway, is the idea that the lone female character's storyline has to be a romance. Why? Why is a romance the first thing writers think of when trying to craft a story for a female character?
I was fine with Hawkeye having a family. My biggest gripe about Natasha / Bruce, aside from the ham-handed way Whedon handled it and the fact that I don't think they're a great match for each other anyway, is the idea that the lone female character's storyline has to be a romance. Why? Why is a romance the first thing writers think of when trying to craft a story for a female character?

I was fine with Hawkeye having a family. My biggest gripe about Natasha / Bruce, aside from the ham-handed way Whedon handled it and the fact that I don't think they're a great match for each other anyway, is the idea that the lone female character's storyline has to be a romance. Why? Why is a romance the first thing writers think of when trying to craft a story for a female character?

:exactly: :goodpost: Completely agree,
I was not a fan of Hawkeyes family from the ultimate verse, like, at all. XD part of me kinda hopes that Nat murders them just like she did in that verse so Clint can just get with Bobbi. XD

But yeah the the whole Nat/Bruce problem was totally cause it was what Joss wanted. That's what you get when Disney let him direct AND write the movie by himself. Should've just followed the Avengers plan and let Zak Penn write with Joss polish it up. That's why he was so damn exhausted by the end of it. But ah well, what's done is done.
I didn't like much from AoU but I thought the way Whedon handled Natasha was the worst aspect of the film.

I didn't care for Hawkeye's family either. Jeremy Renner recently said at some convention that he didn't know WTF they gave him a family for and said something to extent of to Blame Joss. :lol
Jeremy Renner recently said at some convention that he didn't know WTF they gave him a family for and said something to extent of to Blame Joss. :lol

Possibly to kill off at some point? Or if they end up killing off Hawkeye at some point, being able to draw more heart strings from the audience because of the fact that he has a family? :dunno
I like the idea that at least one Avenger has an essentially normal family life that is shielded from all the super-powered mayhem the Avengers constantly deal with. It gives them an idea of what they're fighting for.

Hopefully whenever Natasha gets a significant story to herself we won't see her obsessing over some guy. I still don't know why Marvel won't give her a solo movie--honestly, I just don't understand it, especially given how well "Lucy" did due to her involvement in it--but maybe if they won't give her a movie, we could get a Black Widow Netflix series?
I like the idea that at least one Avenger has an essentially normal family life that is shielded from all the super-powered mayhem the Avengers constantly deal with. It gives them an idea of what they're fighting for.

Hopefully whenever Natasha gets a significant story to herself we won't see her obsessing over some guy. I still don't know why Marvel won't give her a solo movie--honestly, I just don't understand it, especially given how well "Lucy" did due to her involvement in it--but maybe if they won't give her a movie, we could get a Black Widow Netflix series?

Agreed regarding Hawkeye's family.
I like the idea that at least one Avenger has an essentially normal family life that is shielded from all the super-powered mayhem the Avengers constantly deal with. It gives them an idea of what they're fighting for.

Hopefully whenever Natasha gets a significant story to herself we won't see her obsessing over some guy. I still don't know why Marvel won't give her a solo movie--honestly, I just don't understand it, especially given how well "Lucy" did due to her involvement in it--but maybe if they won't give her a movie, we could get a Black Widow Netflix series?

I'd much rather have a BW Netflix show. She has a very complicated history and I don't think a 2 hour movie would do it justice.
Scarjo in a BW Series :lecture

Renner in a Hawkeye Series :lecture

Crossover :lecture

Done and done, greatest thing ever :rotfl :woo

You are probably never ever gonna get Scarlett Johansson to do a TV show. She's the second highest paid actor in the whole MCU.