Asmus Toys: Eowyn in Armor

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damn, I'll be having to pre-order her now - was in 2 minds as just wanted the Fellowship of the Ring plus Wraiths but looking at this production piece, I'm definitely expanding.
Think it looks really good, myself. Her eyes look big but not unnaturally so (not getting a surprised vibe, either), from what I can see.
The screen cap not the figure. I have seen both pictures showing her with blue and green eyes though the only ones I remember as caps where green.
Looks good. Helmet's a bit oversized but the detail overall is sharp and nice.

Where did this come from? Can we see more?

Grabbed it from facebook which grabbed it from a Taiwanese forum. There were a lot more but I can't find them now.
The photos are on and there are a crap tonne of photos!!!! Sorry it won't let me copy the link. I'm not keen on the head sculpt, some angles look good but others look atrocious. Everything else looks freakin awesome though!