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I don't hate the actor or even the character but I hate how they used him for the movie. That's what makes me hate him is how he never really changed. He felt the same good or evil. it was kinda boring. :monkey3

He wasn't "evil." He didn't turn to the Darkside and become Darth Hawkeye. He became a minion. A pawn. A drone. Some mindless twerp that did Loki's bidding but also happened to retain all the skills and knowledge Hawkeye had to help achieve Loki's goal. When he came out of that spell, he didn't really remember what happened because he wasn't choosing to do it. It was like he was hypnotized. I'm not in love with the character or actor by any means (he is probably my least favorite Avenger), but this is what I got from Renner's portrayal. A very subtle thing and probably quite difficult to pull off opposed to playing two completely different characters. Bella Swan? PfF. Please.

It is selling the character short not getting him screen time before this film and having him as a tool of the enemy for the first half of it. We didn't feel connected enough to him to make that plot device as compelling as it could have been. But it worked for me.
Absolutely! I'm just hoping he won't be relegated to comedic relief. I know it's a cartoon, but you guys dissing on Pym should really check out an episode of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes to see just how well he jives with the team.

I agree with Nam. Watch the cartoon a few times. He actually fits well.

Should be fun! :rock


Jim Shooter has tried to deny it but there was an issue of the Avengers where Hank struck Janet (the Wasp).

Mark Millar followed up on this in "The Ultimates" where Hank was driven to rage by Janet's crush on Steve Rogers. He beats the crap out of her and she shrinks to hide. He puts on a helmet and sends a group of ants to attack her while he sprays her with insect killer. She winds up in a hospital.

And then Cap finds out....

Trust me, you need to read it. It is an epic beat down.

That sounds very interesting. I may have to seek that issue out.

I would have rather seen him in The Avengers instead of Black Widow or Hawkeye.

Like Flosi said he was there from the beginning....


Ant-Man is actually one of the original Fab 4... And not Cap. Cap. didn't come until a short time later.

Hes a core Avenger and I actually hope he gets more action and development in the next movie.


Interesting video. Some of what she is saying is also my concerns as well. I do have faith is Marvel so far. Let's hope they don't blow a good thing. :pray:
Jim Shooter has tried to deny it but there was an issue of the Avengers where Hank struck Janet (the Wasp).

Mark Millar followed up on this in "The Ultimates" where Hank was driven to rage by Janet's crush on Steve Rogers. He beats the crap out of her and she shrinks to hide. He puts on a helmet and sends a group of ants to attack her while he sprays her with insect killer. She winds up in a hospital.

And then Cap finds out....

Trust me, you need to read it. It is an epic beat down.

.....Its what makes me think there is little heroism in that guy. He's a personality disorder with serious self-esteem problems. Ugh.

Was also amused early in the Ultimate Spidey run when SHIELD had Norman Osborne, Electro, Doc Ock and Kraven rounded up in the pokey, and Pym was trying to get inside their heads in a group psych session. He was roundly disrespected by the assembled members of the Six, especially Osborne who would not even acknowledge the fact that Pym was speaking.

Ultimate Six was such a let down though. Wow what a waste. Could have been so epic.
Lets try to be fair to Hank. In continuity he open handed backslapped Jan while he was suffering from mental illness. (The same mental illness which Jan took advantage of to marry him)

The other crap happened in an "alt verse" so whatever.

But yeah, part of Pym's appeal has always been his flawed nature. He makes Tony look quite the picture of mental health. :lol
.....Its what makes me think there is little heroism in that guy. He's a personality disorder with serious self-esteem problems. Ugh.

Absolutely, esp. with the Ultimate version of Pym.

After he gets his ass kicked he slums it with "The Defenders", which you just need to see.

Of course Marvel screwed up everything with Ultimatum. :mad:

Ultimate Six was such a let down though. Wow what a waste. Could have been so epic.

I came in late on the series. There were problems but it won me over when they had Parker unmasked and Osborne started playing headgames with him. Peter was reduced to just a paniced kid who couldn't fight his way out and the six having the upper hand.

They needed to play it out more after that. Nick Fury and SHEILD rescue Spidey far too soon.
Gaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh............ Ultimate Six p!ssed me off so much. After like five issues of buildup, the final throwdown between the Avengers and the Six took place in like, two pages.

Me, I'm thinking that we'd need half the book just to settle the Thor/Electro faceoff, much less everyone else - but I was unfortunately neither writing or inking. I was all ready for Electro to use Thor's lightning against him, would have been epic. Then... nothing :(
[ame=]"Ant Man" teaser trailer footage shown 19th March 2013 - YouTube[/ame]
Test footage of Ant-Man directed by Edgar Wright, which was screen at Comic-Con last year was shown by Edgar Wright and Adam Buxton at ‘The Best of BUG’ event in London.
Anyone else feel like it feels a bit too...silly? Like I feel like it's a fan made movie from that clip. Now of course I'm not judging the whole movie but that clip alone makes it seem a bit off.

I don't know what it is. I'm a huge Ant Man fan as the next guy but something about it seems off putting. :dunno
I liked it! Fast shape shifting action! Its hard to judge by just that. I just hope we see Giant Man too!