1/6 Hot Toys - MMS275 -John Blake/ Jim Gordon with Bat-Signal Collectible Set

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

I didn't think I needed a Gordon...until now. I'm still a bit confused though. Is Blake going to be sold separately whilst Gordon is sold with the bat signal or are all 3 going to be in one pack?
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

There was no final word on it yet but I could imagine various set options like with the TDK armory, Alfred and Bruce.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

Yeah that would make sense. I can see Blake only being available in a three pack similar to how Bruce Wayne is only available in the armoury's three pack.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

Yeah, think that would be pretty likely.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

That Blake is so well sculpted. I hope the official announcement comes soon and the price is like the armory in terms of value for my $$$.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

That Blake is so well sculpted.

It is, but it still looks more like JGL's non-existent brother. All the elements of the likeness are there in some fashion, but I think there's enough off that it's just not quite 100%. Maybe too thin in parts. The Michael Cain IMO is the stand-out of the entire Nolan Batman line, and one of the stand-outs of anything HT has ever produced.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

The more I think about it the harder I find it to give something a % number for likeness. I mean of course one can say that something looks totally off when it does but when something is as close to the original as the shown Blake sculpt it gets difficult for many reasons, specially since probably everybody has his own image of him in mind, depending on what expression / scene is reminded as the most typical.

I mean everybody knows that on certain pictures with certain expressions one wouldn't even recognize familiar people in the first place. So if one would make a sculpt of a certain moment in the movie it could be 100% accurate and still everybody would say that it looks 100% off. Hope I can make clear what I wanna say wit that. :lol

Mimic and expressions are such a versatile things. Another thing to think about is that one should never judge from close-ups of scaled sculpts, specially since lenses can distort thing. I always try to judge from high res pictures with other things in the environment and then I bring it to a size on the screen that is about the same as the sculpt would be in hand.

With what I explained above, I'd give it 99% on that picture:



Talking about Michael Caine, I think HT's is a great sculpt but I somehow think it's likeness wise somewhere in between Iminime's (which I always found to look more like Meryl Streep btw. :lol) and the IMO 99% accurate sculpt by J&N Project. But Michael Caine is tricky to get "accurate" also because of all the things I wrote above because imo there are pretty big differences in his look over the scenes.

Will most likely make a comparison, if I'll still have them all in hand once the armory set arrives.
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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

The more I think about it the harder I find it to give something a % number for likeness.

Me too, which is why I only said it's not 100% :) I wouldn't try to estimate the level of accuracy. It's very good is how far I'll go. The rest of your message may as well have been written by my own hand, as I've expressed the identical sentiments a few times before, so we're totally on the same page.

Looking at the very close-up photos of the blake sculpt is where I see the discrepancies. Even sculpts that are farther off the mark, such as DX05 Indiana Jones are helped tremendously by lighting. It's uncanny how the lighting on my Raiders dio shelf changes the appearance of the figure's face. It's like a transformation as you turn the lights on and off.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

Me too, which is why I only said it's not 100% :) I wouldn't try to estimate the level of accuracy. It's very good is how far I'll go. The rest of your message may as well have been written by my own hand, as I've expressed the identical sentiments a few times before, so we're totally on the same page.

Looking at the very close-up photos of the blake sculpt is where I see the discrepancies. Even sculpts that are farther off the mark, such as DX05 Indiana Jones are helped tremendously by lighting. It's uncanny how the lighting on my Raiders dio shelf changes the appearance of the figure's face. It's like a transformation as you turn the lights on and off.

100% true! :hi5:
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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

It's funny how we all see the same things differently. Blake and Alfred are nearly equal in capturing the likenesses in my opinion. I see Gordon as a little weaker but not to the point where I can really point anything specific out.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

I actually see Alfred a little weaker but he's so hard to get. There are ones on ebay that I thought might be early recasts of the armory but the mouth seems different on those. The people with lumpy faces can look different from all sorts of angles. Especially as they age. The best you can do is hope to get a likeness for one specific scene or something.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

I think Gordon, Blake and Alfred are all spot-on. Creepy real in some photos.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

No doubt that's a great portrait of Joseph Gordon Levitt. I don't think it's as dead on as the Ben Kingsley Mandarin (which is crazy good in person) or Gamora, but it's up there. It's really, really good.

Too bad it's of Robin Blake. :monkey3


I just don't know what he brings to the film. I like Gordon-Levit as an actor but there's something about him in Rises that just doesn't sit well. His speech to Wayne about figuring out his identity is a drag to sit through when you watch it. And I hate his little jab at Gordon 'they look plenty filthy to me, Commissioner'. And his struggle/fight with the lorry driver is really fake - then throws his gun away cause he hates the idea he's used it to kill...then picks it straight back up...then runs in the hospital with a massive shotgun.

First time I saw the film in the cinema and he said 'Robin'... ergh.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

Ht got it soooo right with Blake...and Alfred.......they do wondrous work on DC likenesses but hit and miss on Marvel(Stark # 5 cough cough)
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)


I just don't know what he brings to the film. I like Gordon-Levit as an actor but there's something about him in Rises that just doesn't sit well. His speech to Wayne about figuring out his identity is a drag to sit through when you watch it. And I hate his little jab at Gordon 'they look plenty filthy to me, Commissioner'. And his struggle/fight with the lorry driver is really fake - then throws his gun away cause he hates the idea he's used it to kill...then picks it straight back up...then runs in the hospital with a massive shotgun.

First time I saw the film in the cinema and he said 'Robin'... ergh.

The John Blake character is a nod to William Blake, Innocence and Experience. He's ridiculously idealistic, this is good and this is evil, this is right and this is wrong, which is supposed to make him a suitable successor to Batman.

Or maybe he's a hypocritical, whiny d-bag. :dunno
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

I dunno about that, look at all those Ledger and Bale Batman heads. They still can't get their cowled Batman figures right.

Besides, Hot Toys Marvel license has way more diversity. How about Mandarin, Odin, Johann Schmidt, latest Thor, new Gamora, Stealth Suit Cap, Steve Rogers . . .

Exactly. Both lines have their hits and misses. I'm curious what the Tony face inside the MK III Diecast helmet will look like.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

Exactly. Both lines have their hits and misses. I'm curious what the Tony face inside the MK III Diecast helmet will look like.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same sculpt they've used in all the iron men with Tony's face but then again it wouldn't be blurred if that were the case. :dunno
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

Re-watched TDKR tonight, and it has heightened my desire to see this unveiled officially!
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

Let me rephrase that: I would be willing to bet that you have never actually created anything of value.

Again, that's a bet that you would lose.

Now, I don't say that as an insult, but instead because I can promise it would affect your line of thinking on this subject.

The difference is, I don't feel that my work entitles me to everyone else's money by default, just because some people are convinced of its value. If I can't sell you on on the idea that my work has value, then I don't deserve your money - and I can't claim to have lost the money that I didn't make off of you.

You are right that success - and wealth - often change's ones line of thinking. But often is not always, and such changes are not always for the better.

Your fundamental argument is that Intellectual Property infringement doesn't rise to the same level of damage as literal physical theft.

Yes, and nothing in your reply argues against that. In fact, the majority of your reply seems to argue for the benefit of IP laws - but that's not necessarily something I ever argued against, so I'm not sure what the reason for your straw man argument is.

I create things for a living and couldn't disagree more. I am an artist and rely on IP laws for my livelihood. If someone were to copy a design I made or print posters of an illustration I created, this both weakens the brands I produce and derives me of real world earnings.

It deprives you of potential earnings.

And again, is that worse than if someone broke into your house, took the posters you printed, and sold those?

Marvel/Disney and DC/Warner Bros have created IPs that the public has deemed to have significant value. The demand creates that value. Hot Toys creates incredibly well done collectibles that we, their audience, have declared to have value.

Excellent examples. So do the existence of bootleg DVDrips reduce the IP value of Marvel movies?

Do the existence of recasts reduce the IP value of Hot Toys figures?

Of course not - because the value is in having the genuine article!

Not only is this logical, it's backed by every reasonable study on the subject. For instance, studies have found that IP infringement and piracy often increase the overall sales for movies - and at worst, their negative effect is negligible.

Corporate America does plenty of incredibly ****y things on a daily basis, but IP protection is not one of them.

I disagree - it has been abused by corporate America, against the interests of Americans. How ****** would the world be if Shakespeare wasn't in the public domain? You'd probably almost never hear of the guy or his works! What a shameful loss to the culture that would be.

This isn't some limited natural resource that they have cornered and are keeping from us.

Again, I disagree - the output of our culture is finite and is being kept away from us. If the law dictated that Shakespeare was now protected by IP laws, you'd probably be upset (maybe I'm wrong about that?). If so, are you equally upset that the law dictates that an old movie like "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" is not in the public domain (over 70 years old!).

Great cultural works - which by now should belong to us as a people - have been kept out of our hands, due to abuse of IP laws by Corporate America. And we are worse off for it.

Plenty of hardworking and well paid artists are responsible for these works. And I can guarantee they are well paid. And I can guarantee that they know what they are doing when they sign their contracts. When a talented artist makes something good they are rewarded. Nobody is being taken advantage of.

How can you guarantee that? How can you possibly suggest that every single artist is well paid, well-informed when signing contracts, and never taken advantage of?

How can you possibly believe that? It may have never happened to you, but I can't believe your imagination is so limited as to believe that it couldn't happen to anybody else either.

The only artists who get "hoodwinked" out of their art are young ones who are desperate for any opportunity, and who, more often than not, are not the caliber of artists capable of creating something so amazing that it would inspire others to rip them off.

Ah, so if someone gets hoodwinked, it was their fault anyway? They had it coming and deserved it? How patronizing - and convenient! That's some nice victim-blaming. It must be that your success is due ONLY to your talent and not to any combination of both talent and fortunate circumstances - and that must be true for everyone!

Your argument seems to be one of justifying IP theft, and maybe you are just arguing for the sake of arguing, but I can promise you, IP infringement hurts artist more than anyone else.

I don't think you've really read my argument. Would be happy to see you quote anything in my previous posts arguing that IP infringement is "justified."

In fact, earlier in your post, you stated "Your fundamental argument is that Intellectual Property infringement doesn't rise to the same level of damage as literal physical theft." How is this the same as "your argument seems to be one of justifying IP theft?"

How can you not see that those are two very different arguments? Do you not see the contradiction in your own words?

Who thinks my initial terse reply was unwarranted? I think I might see only one hand up. ;) Nip it in the bud is always the best move in situations like this one.

Silencing a minority is never the best - or right - move. If you're scared of a subject, there's probably a good reason - and it's likely all the more reason for the need for an open, frank discussion.

You might understand the next time you have an opinion that, at least appears, to be unpopular.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - TDKR - Batman Spotlight w/ Robin and Gordon (Various Sets)

If you're scared of a subject, there's probably a good reason

You just don't get it. This isn't the place for this discussion. It wasn't two weeks ago and it still isn't today. Please move along as you obviously place the same value on the opinions and work of others as you do on your own work, zero. Mr. Tanker hit the nail on the head, you've obviously never created anything of value and it's painfully obvious in the disrespect you continue to show here.