Media The Last of Us Part II

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Maybe that guy should focus more on making a ****ing lead game character with more ****ing personality.

Pretty much. I like the new games but Lara isn’t nearly as interesting as before. She’s very bland . They should focus on making her a bit more confident like she’s always been
Her being gay is fine. HOT.

Her beating 13 thugs at a time like Batman sort of takes away what made 1 great.

Don't get me wrong, I get VG are not real and **** like this is common, but it takes away from the experience IMO.
Really dumb move if Joel is dead and isn't playable around half the time. Game will still do well but kills the franchise if they intend to go past part 2. Joel and Ellie together was a huge part of what made part 1 enjoyable.
He was the best character. Of course they'd kill him.

Although Neil Druckmann said he's around at the start in Wyoming.
I can see joel dying.
his character has come full circle come the end of the first game. he was able to save his daughter from a terrible fate and pass along his knowledge to her. kind of sweet if you think of it that way.

I can see some of the game doing the whole time jump. like some of it is in the past with ellie's mom, some in the present with ellie seeking revenge.

all I really care about and know is that this game is going to epic.
More info about the game.

New traversal and prone move-sets.

Combat has increased emphasis on tension, interactivity and realism.

Enemy AI references each other by name, and constantly communicates with each other.

Two different timelines explored in TLOU2.

New dodge/evade mechanic is a core part of combat and melee.

You now have a jump button.

Far more creative and emergent moments in combat thanks to big increase in breadth of options.

Improved stealth mechanics, including crawl, prone, squeezing into tighter gaps, underneath vehicles etc.

Expanded infected enemies and whole new classes.

You're not automatically fully hidden in grass. Extent of your visibility depends on height & density of foliage.

Much more verticality in combat scenarios now. She needs more routes and ways to engage.

Survival aspects are still a focus.

Different ammo types (eg explosive arrows) now. Each ammo type fulfills a particular strategy niche.

Animation system is completely overhauled so everything is even more realistic and transitions are seamless.

Wide linear combat environments are being expanded to be even larger and broader.

AI system massively improved for added realism.

No more auto AI telepathic awareness of you once spotted. They whistle to and actually communicate with each other.

Referred to as systemic check-ins of AI information. They pass information to each other more realistically to let new groups and enemies know of the unfolding situation or of your position.

Enemy awareness and ability to seek player out improved.
You can now craft different ammo and arrow types.

The Church scene is set 4 years after the events of TLOU in Jackson, the gameplay demo is set 5 years after.

Seraphite(sp?) is a religious cultish group, but they will not be black and white. Motivations explored.

They use more advanced facial camera capture and mo-cap now, more advanced than they had with Uncharted 4.
Lots of new facial animation tech. More nuances of the face, creases, folds, build up of skin etc.

Eyeball tech also re-worked, now includes internal refractions, reflections and so on.

Joel is somewhere out there in Jackson....
The gameplay looked to be the same as far as being ‘scripted, in TLOU original gameplay footage also. I’m not bothered by it at all as that footage lived up to the actual gameplay. This will too.

Hope we do get to see some of Joel, alive and well.
Wanted to like this trailer the lack of Joel is concerning I don’t care about the gay storyline at all .

It doesn't belong in video games period. Also,getting Tired of it also being pushed down out throats by the mainstream. Don't worry,God will deal it!
what are you even talking about. why does it even matter.

you people act like you live in the 1800s and are seeing a free black man. christ.

"shoved down our throats". i actually cant think of another game with a lesbian protag. gays do exist btw.
It doesn't belong in video games period. Also,getting Tired of it also being pushed down out throats by the mainstream. Don't worry,God will deal it!

I am not attacking you personally whatsoever, but two things need to be said. Straight white male here btw.

Firstly the fact you're disgusted by Ellie's sexuallity and the not the obscene amount of violence (a man was disembowled) is pretty shocking. You're god may have something to say about that.

Second. Ellie's sexuality was already briefly explored in the Last Of Us DLC, the only tender romantic moment she ever got to have in her life was with a female friend. We the player aren't being forced anything, Ellie's preference may have been born out of circumstance not choice.

I am ok with the level of violence in the game as it serves a purpose and describes the hostility of the world they live in. To be ok with extreme violence, but concerned with sexuality speaks volumes about a person though....
I was wondering that group of people she killed affiliated with the Hunters or remaining of Fireflies...
So the sequel to one of the most overhyped and overrated video games ever is a lesbo revenge story...
More reason to skip it then.
Damn one the best video games ever made and the sequel looks amazing. Reading some of those updates I'm extremely excited to play with the new combat . The original had some of the most realistic and intense fire fights in any game, it sounds like they poured their all into making it even better. Glad they didn't sell out to making "the biggest open world map !!! Or new forced online integration".

As for the "lesbo revenge story " HELL YES !!!!

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