Hot Toys- Batman Begins:Batman Demon & Scarecrow spec and pics

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Yes. Definitely time to center it on Bruce again.

I know Bale has said he wouldn't be Batman without Nolan, yadda yadda yadda...but does WB continue the story after this one? Or start with a clean slate again?

I wouldn't bother if I were them. Do a trilogy of Superman movies on the same level of quality, and call it a day for the big guns (I'd say Wonder Woman too, but that'll never get the treatment it deserves). They can churn out Green Lanterns and Flashes forever, on the same formula as Marvel studios. I don't think they should touch Batman again for a long time.
That is awesome news. Best HT news I've heard all month. :duff

I agree.


I do not agree.

:rotfl Thats cool, like i said, to each their own. I grew up on Burton Batman, its what started my love for the character when i was a kid and i was obsessed with those films. I was so depressed i couldnt see Returns in the cinema cos i wasnt old enough. Haha. So i guess the nostalgia aspect plays a big role for me. Still, i think burtons were still awesome, just in a very different way from nolans and i love them both for what they do respectively.

Anywho, back on topic, haha, really hope i can pick this set up. Mainly for the scarecrow, but i'd like demon bats too, partly for completist sake and partly cos i still think it would look cool next to OC batman and the rest.
I know I'm in the extreme minority on that one. Maybe I was the wrong age when they happened. Dunno.

If this set is still wicked expensive when it turns up, I wonder how many people looking for Scarecrow will be willing to split the set with people who only really want Batman. If my choice was one or none, I'd definitely be content to get Bats by himself.
I know I'm in the extreme minority on that one. Maybe I was the wrong age when they happened. Dunno.

If this set is still wicked expensive when it turns up, I wonder how many people looking for Scarecrow will be willing to split the set with people who only really want Batman. If my choice was one or none, I'd definitely be content to get Bats by himself.

I'd imagine if you got the set and wanted to get rid of scarecrow you wouldnt be short of takers. Im more interested in scarecrow because i loved his design for begins, and he's been one of my favourite batman villains for years. But ideally i'd love the set. Fingers crossed they turn up at sensible prices.
Yeah, there is. Bale's.


Batman Begins was a seminal film. Writing, directing, and all of the acting was way above board. In particular, Bale shone luciferian bright as a young Batman.

Ledger gave the performance of a lifetime, but he had to if he was going to live up to the Bruce Wayne already laid down by Bale.


Yes Bale is perfect for Batman. He deserved the MTV Movie Award for "Best Hero" for Batman Begins. But Heath Ledger won an Academy Award...

...and Best Villain at the MTV Movie Awards

While she's hardly oscar worthy, i actually liked Katie Holmes in Batman Begins. Would have liked her to been in The Dark Knight. Nothing against Mags, just like Katie Holmes. I have no idea who Omar Mustafa is. :lol

Katie Holmes's was nominated for a Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actress. :lol

That said, I hate it when they change an actor as it makes the continuity a bit distracting.
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I still cant belive HT made Scarecrow an Exclusive & then threw him into a double pack to make it twice as expensive. What were they thinking, clearly any fan of HT & Batman this guy is going to be a must buy. I love HT but I just feel there really kicked there fan's in the teeth over this.
Yes Bale is perfect for Batman. He deserved the MTV Movie Award for "Best Hero" for Batman Begins. But Heath Ledger won an Academy Award...

...and Best Villain at the MTV Movie Awards

Katie Holmes's was nominated for a Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actress. :lol

That said, I hate it when they change an actor as it makes the continuity a bit distracting.

Really? I never knew that. I think thats a bit harsh. Like i said, she may not have been outstanding, but she certainly wasnt bad at all.
Katie Holmes's was nominated for a Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actress. :lol

That said, I hate it when they change an actor as it makes the continuity a bit distracting.

Maggie wasn't any better. :lol

"What are YOU doooing?"
I thought Katie Holmes did a better job of the Rachel character than Maggie did. It's almost like they are two separate characters.
FYI guys, I posted this in the MJ Beat It thread but...same applies:

Told you not to fall for these lame ebay prices. :rock:

The disturbing thing is that most of them have sold at those prices. I'm guessing Toys2 won't make much of a dent in the demand and then we'll be back to those prices again, if not higher (since the "official" channels will be sold out)
I did read ages ago that Nolan had written the part of Rachel specifically for katie holmes. Dont know how much truth is in that, but thats what i read. I didnt necessarily think the character was a terrible idea, but i think she was a bit unnecessary n begins. She was supposed to be Bruce's link back to his old, normal life. But surely Alfred was as much that.
Valid point - here's to hoping for an improvement in that dept in TDKR

Well now that's an interesting thought...Bruce has absolutely no personal life left now that Rachel's gone (and indeed that will probably be a major theme of the film: "Batman" taking over Bruce's identity so that the Bruce Wayne identity becomes the alternate rather than Batman being Bruce's alter-ego. And so did come to pass the prophetic words of the now-dead not-quite-girlfriend when she spoke at the end of Batman Begins of the mask that is Bruce Wayne. Ya-de-ya-de-ya-dah). Honestly I hope that they balance that with another focus because it's just so formulaic and we've seen it all before. And if Bale has a conversation with himself using his standard American accent and his Batman voice I will be writing letters. It's one part of his characterisation that has always rung incredibly false to me, whereas all the other film Batmen have managed it without sounding so labored. I think we've pretty much got to see the emergence of a new love interest, and I'd say that would probably be Catwoman II know R'as' daughter is an in-cannon option but that seems too left of centre to me). There's a lot of cliche just waiting to get released onto that screen, I don't envy the juggling act Nolan will have to do.
I don't see why you guys don't think she was a good character; the Holmes one that is. She was a childhood friend of Bruce's, his love interest, and she was the vice district attorney I think.
But Heath Ledger won an Academy Award...


No, Bank Robber Joker is reasonable. Just last year it went for around 100 dollars. I'm sure you could score it below the MSRP.

That rules. Thanks.

Maggie > Katie

Where do you come up with this stuff? :confused: