Actors we'll miss when they're gone - Aging badasses

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Super Freak
Jan 14, 2008
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I came across a fun (in a sad sort of way) little article on in which they listed seven aging badass actors who would be terribly missed when they eventually pass. The article also names younger actors who could potentially fill their shoes. I found it quite relevant considering the recent loss of Paul Newman, among other actors.

among the list:


Sylvester Stallone
possible replacement: Clive Owen


Mel Gibson
possible replacement: Hugh Jackman


Bruce Willis
possible replacement: Jason Statham


Clint Eastwood
possible replacement: Josh Brolin (I can totally see Brolin as Dirty Harry)


Sean Connery
possible replacement: Daniel Craig

They also listed Harrison Ford and Samuel L. Jackson but couldn't think of any possible replacements.


My favorite quote from the article regards Harrison Ford:
I have almost completely lost hope that the next Harrison Ford will emerge in our lifetime

Your turn. List an aging actor and who you think could fit their shoes. Or comment on the ones above.
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Samuel L. Jackson still can pull off a wide age range. When he shaves his head and facial hair (Mace Windu) he can look like he is in his thirties or forties. With grey hair, he can look much older. So I wouldn't put him on that list just yet.

As for Harrison, it seems they tried Ben Afleck in the Sum of All Fears as Jack Ryan, but that didn't go so well. And of course we all thought Sia was being groomed to take Indy's spot, but that also didn't plan out. So I don't know who could take his roles over.
pretty cool list, I'm glad the dude counted out any orlando blooms and shia's in the replacement department.
so there gonna replace Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone with two English guys ? :lol Plus one of them can't act. :lol No , Statham won't ever take Willis's place for me.

Actors most certainly don't need replacing. They have already made movies , once its there time to go they will be remembered for them. Someone else makes movies so will they. :rock

Nice list though.
btw I think Stallone wouldn't be too happy if he knew we were talking about his death just yet , he probably has a lot more Rambos lined up ! :lol
Nathan Fillion was basically doing a bad Han Solo impersonation during Firefly, so it's easy to assume that he'd be the logical choice for Ford, but those doing so would be wrong. Fillion, while a very charismatic and funny guy, is not a good actor and he has no range whatsoever. What makes Ford the premiere action star and "everyman" is his dynamic range of emotions and facial characteristics. Ford can play about half a dozen emotions all at once without really trying it seems. The Fugitive for example - Ford barely says anything throughout the film and yet we are so taken in by his character and we feel for him and sympathize and care based almost solely on Ford's ability to act without the benefit of words. Some may lament his choices later in his career, but the man is an excellent actor, period. He deserves more credit than just being labeled and "action star".

Nobody can replace Arnold. No one. The accent. The look. The charisma. The on-screen presence. Can't be matched by the vast majority of action stars.
there's lots of actors coming into their own that have unique ways to exspress themselves. i for one think as far as action stars the list is getting better and better, look at decaprio, walberg, damon, craig etc.
there's lots of good ones coming up also.
i don't think anyone can replace legends such as newman, eastwood, willis, even look at stallone, i had no interest in seeing his last rambo, but man when i saw it i was blown away, by far the best out of all the rambos.
Nathan Fillion was basically doing a bad Han Solo impersonation during Firefly, so it's easy to assume that he'd be the logical choice for Ford, but those doing so would be wrong. Fillion, while a very charismatic and funny guy, is not a good actor and he has no range whatsoever. What makes Ford the premiere action star and "everyman" is his dynamic range of emotions and facial characteristics. Ford can play about half a dozen emotions all at once without really trying it seems. The Fugitive for example - Ford barely says anything throughout the film and yet we are so taken in by his character and we feel for him and sympathize and care based almost solely on Ford's ability to act without the benefit of words. Some may lament his choices later in his career, but the man is an excellent actor, period. He deserves more credit than just being labeled and "action star".

Agreed. I like Nathan Fillion, but he's no Harrison Ford. He's more of a Bruce Campbell.
so there gonna replace Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone with two English guys ? :lol Plus one of them can't act. :lol No , Statham won't ever take Willis's place for me.

Are you talking about Statham? I'm sure he's a capable actor, it's just none of his bigger roles give much room to stretch his abilities.

Anyway, sorry, but I can't see Fillion as a Ford replacement.

Jackie Chan or Jet Li --> Tony Jaa.
Jackie Chan, now there's a guy that truly is irreplaceable. You'll never have another guy come along who does all of his own incredibly dangerous stunts for that long and live to tell the tale.