Your top 5 Hot Toys figures ever released.

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Cold Slither
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Hot Toys got me interested in their stuff recently since I have acquired Aldo the Apache.I'd like to know from the Hot Toys Connaisseurs what are your top 5 Hot Toys figures ever released.Sculpt, paint,clothes and overall quality should be the factors in there.

Thanks for your opinions guys.
1 Ironman Mark 1
2 Leonidas 300
3 Joker BR/Joker hybrid
4 Predator
5 Wolverine

high hopes for Tony Stark and Whiplash

Oh and welcome to the smack... I mean Hot Toys.
T-800 (the new Arnold one)

DX Joker

BD Iron Man Mk.3

The Godfather

John Connor

Comedian and Wolverine would be my runner ups. I think Hugh's likeness is just a little off and the Comedian doesn't have his smiley buttons so they lose some points.
Iron Man BD
Joker DX
Cannibal Jack Sparrow
$#it! How could I forget the Comedian! True though, the buttons are so important. I got them on the figure and it was an amazing transformation. The head sculpt is one of if not the best from HT.
1 Ironman Mark 1
2 Leonidas 300
3 Joker BR/Joker hybrid
4 Predator
5 Wolverine

high hopes for Tony Stark and Whiplash

Oh and welcome to the smack... I mean Hot Toys.

Would you say by making the Hybrid its better than the DX version?
Very tough. I'm sure my top 5 would change depending on what I'm in the mood for.

But just scanning the figures I have out at the moment:

T-600 endoskeleton (amazing engineering, LEDs are fantastic, design is cool albeit not quite what we were led to expect)

DX Joker (all the obsession kinda annoys me but it is undeniably fantastic)

Predator 2 hunter (not the newest or most sophisticated but I'd still buy it if it were a new figure released today)

John Connor version 1 (decent likeness, outstanding outfit design and realisation - give him the gun and base from V2 and its a beautiful display piece)

T2 T-800 model 101 (don't have it yet, some pics are better than others but I believe this one will not disappoint)
In no particular order:

Iron Man Mk 1
Alien Big Chap
King Leonidas
Joker DX

VERY, VERY close behind: Hellboy Wolverine John Connor T-600 Rubber Skin

Of course everytime I think of my favorite it always changes. Especially when something new comes out... (cough) T-800 (cough)
No order and of only the ones I own...

Joker DX
Goemon Ishikawa
BR Joker

I'm sure T-800 (big contender for top spot), Iron Man 2 figures, and Batman DX will join the ranks when I get them. Leonidas, Blade, Batman OC, and many others amaze me too... the only reason I don't have most is either inflated costs or because I didn't like their respective movies.

Would you say by making the Hybrid its better than the DX version?

I know you didn't ask me exactly, but I wouldn't. The DX headsculpt quality is better in materials and detail... which is understandable since it's much newer. Though some may like that BR look better, the quality is not comparable. BR Joker is still great though. The clothing is better on DX than the first release also. Though some may prefer the first version's looser pants.
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Would you say by making the Hybrid its better than the DX version?

I'm probably in the minority here, but from every image I've seen of the DX sculpt, the BR version is still the best IMO.

The Dark Knight OC Batman is probably my favorite HT figure.

The M65 jacket Rambo is stunning.

The T-600 is a modern marvel, with all of the tiny intricacies and attention to detail.

And though it's not movie related, the PMC 07 limited edition is probably the coolest military figure ever made.

I'm probably in the minority here, but from every image I've seen of the DX sculpt, the BR version is still the best IMO.

I don't necessarily disagree with that but for the overall package DX gets my vote. People want the most obvious outfit and the BR version doesn't have it, you have to either buy one of the other 2 figures or acquire it loose, so the best option for a non-completist is just get the DX.
I only own 1 HT, but these would be my 5, in no particular order:

1. Bank Robber Joker
2. Alien Captain Dallas
3. Cannibal Jack Sparrow
4. Iron Man Mark 3 (not sure on diff between reg and battle-damaged)
5. Aldo
1. Batman Original Costume
2. Hellboy
3. DX Joker
4. Blade II
5. Mark I

honorable mentions: Abe Sapien, Robocop, BD Mark III, Predator 1.
1. T2 T-800
2. Rambo III
3. DX Joker
4. DX Batman (even with oily issues)
5. Godfather Vito Corleone

All 5 have phenominal sculpts, amazingly detailed clothing and carry a fantastic presence on any shelf imo.

HM's: Robocop, First Blood M65, T2 Endoskeleton, Wolverine.
These are in no particular order, by my 5 of the 20 HTs I own:

Cannibal Jack Sparrow
DX Joker
John Connor (1st)
BR Joker
IM MK III/Godfather Tie

(T2-T-800 and IM Mech Test en-route, so they may push one or more from my 5):yess:
These aren't in any particular order, and only out of ones that I own:

The Godfather
Iron Man Mark I
TDK Batman Original Costume
DX Joker