Worst Film of 2008!

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Why the hell I went to see this? NO EF'N IDEA! Dumb I guess, I wanted to throw up when I was done watching this 90 min piece of dog ^^^^.

The Happenning gets runner up and thats saying ALOT!
ahhhhhh yeah how can i forget about Meet The Spartans,that does it...definitely worst of the year.Disaster and Superhero movie is probably worse but after meet the spartans i will skip any "Scary Movie" type movie from now on.
ahhhhhh yeah how can i forget about Meet The Spartans,that does it...definitely worst of the year.Disaster and Superhero movie is probably worse but after meet the spartans i will skip any "Scary Movie" type movie from now on.

Yup "Naked Gun" type movies were really funny when I was 10 or 11 and had an undeveloped brain.
Clone Wars and Leatherheads. Both boring, boring, boring. I fell asleep during CW and didn't have any desire to finish it.
ahhhhhh yeah how can i forget about Meet The Spartans,that does it...definitely worst of the year.Disaster and Superhero movie is probably worse but after meet the spartans i will skip any "Scary Movie" type movie from now on.

Should spoofs even count, though? In some ways they're intentionally horrible.

It's a whole different degree of horrible when you have someone like Shalakalyaman taking himself so seriously and producing a giant steamer.

Clone Wars and Leatherheads. Both boring, boring, boring. I fell asleep during CW and didn't have any desire to finish it.

Leatherheads was monumentally disappointing. I had really high hopes for that one. :monkey2
I got Disaster Movie off the net but after skipping through it I dont know if I can bring myself to watch it or not.

Disaster is IMDB`s lowest ranked movies,so i guess its as bad as it gets.it got 1,4 points
Don't know if there is a relationship between the two, but the Worst movie and the movie that DISAPOINTED me the most of Indiana Jones. I think that's why I hated it so much, because I was so disapointed in it.
Wanted sucked big time! Can't believe there are that many people who didn't like TDK. Maybe we should start a new thread called stupidest things said in 08! Saying TDK was the worst movie would be the top of my list
I had no desire to see it but my fiancee has sat through a lot of genre junk for me over the years so I'll go see anything she wants. The only time I ever drew the line was Sex and the City.

We'll let you off then :lol

hope it was worth it in the long run :naughty

Oh and Jumper was a steaming pile of crap as well!
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This year the animated crapfest Delgo achieved the lowest earnings per screen of any wide release movie ever.
I really only go to the theater to see a handful of films - and usually they are ones that have gotten good reviews and people I know have seen them and liked them. If I'm on the fence, I'll wait until it comes out on DVD and maybe watch it then.
Cant' say I hated any movie I saw this year but the only one that I thought was just ok was Indy.
This should be "The worst movie YOU SAW this year".

Lots of great films mentioned above and a lot of just okay ones too. I liked Wanted, Mamma Mia, Twilight, KotCS.

I try to see everything, but Superhero Movie, The Happening, The Spirit are all in the running for most disappointing.