1/6 Why no love from Hot Toys for Rogue One, Cassian, Baze and Saw Gerrera ?

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I'm probably in the minority but I don't like Enfys Nest. I do want to see the continuation of her story though, maybe she ended up fighting Maul.

It definitely felt like a character/side story that was included in there for use in future projects. There were several ''side stories'' in Solo begging to be followed up (e.g. Qi'ra, Crimson Dawn, the cartels, the Cloud Riders, Maul etc.) There was enough in there to make an unofficial sequel, or series, without the necessity to include a young Han or Lando again. You could even add Jabba and Boba Fett into the story. My own personal preference would be a couple of modest budget straight to Disney+ movies, or a series. You could even tie it into Cassian, and a potential Obi-Wan series, and create a whole new thing. My God does Disney need someone in charge of Star Wars who sees the whole picture. The years between Revenge of the Sith and Rogue One/A New Hope are so full of potential, and so far their output of movies in this period have been brilliant (Rogue One) and good (Solo). There's a good 5-10 years of potential projects in that period alone. In a dream world I'd love to see Kevin Feige wrestled away from the MCU and paired with Filoni and Favreau and let them sit down and devise a 10 year plan.
It definitely felt like a character/side story that was included in there for use in future projects. There were several ''side stories'' in Solo begging to be followed up (e.g. Qi'ra, Crimson Dawn, the cartels, the Cloud Riders, Maul etc.) There was enough in there to make an unofficial sequel, or series, without the necessity to include a young Han or Lando again. You could even add Jabba and Boba Fett into the story. My own personal preference would be a couple of modest budget straight to Disney+ movies, or a series. You could even tie it into Cassian, and a potential Obi-Wan series, and create a whole new thing. My God does Disney need someone in charge of Star Wars who sees the whole picture. The years between Revenge of the Sith and Rogue One/A New Hope are so full of potential, and so far their output of movies in this period have been brilliant (Rogue One) and good (Solo). There's a good 5-10 years of potential projects in that period alone. In a dream world I'd love to see Kevin Feige wrestled away from the MCU and paired with Filoni and Favreau and let them sit down and devise a 10 year plan.

Funny thing is the actress who plays Enfys Nest accidentally said in a Celebration interview it was supposed to be a trilogy, so there was definitely more planned. But the cinema release put the kybosh on it (at least for a while I guess). Who knows if they'll repurpose it for TV or wait a bit and go to Big Screen later ?

But yeah, how hard can it be to put a plan together ? Well they have Miss Kennedy, (and her newly appointed 1x full movie Producer in charge of all creative. Essentially a Feige).

If we're lucky TV will be where it's at and Faverau + Filoni can give us all the good stuff......including continuing the multiple potential Solo stories there. I will miss the movies, but they can be reserved for the Sagas (Old Republic etc).

So much more time can be given to character development in a TV series. So I'm in. Does help having a projector at home to watch this sort of TV like at the movies though :lol Best of both worlds !
Funny thing is the actress who plays Enfys Nest accidentally said in a Celebration interview it was supposed to be a trilogy, so there was definitely more planned. But the cinema release put the kybosh on it (at least for a while I guess). Who knows if they'll repurpose it for TV or wait a bit and go to Big Screen later ?

But yeah, how hard can it be to put a plan together ? Well they have Miss Kennedy, (and her newly appointed 1x full movie Producer in charge of all creative. Essentially a Feige).

If we're lucky TV will be where it's at and Faverau + Filoni can give us all the good stuff......including continuing the multiple potential Solo stories there. I will miss the movies, but they can be reserved for the Sagas (Old Republic etc).

So much more time can be given to character development in a TV series. So I'm in. Does help having a projector at home to watch this sort of TV like at the movies though :lol Best of both worlds !

I doubt even Disney knows haha. They do appear to be winging since Rogue One.

The streaming service is the best thing that's happened to Star Wars in years, as it allows for a bit more experimentation and, as you said, more character development. Also, I wouldn't imagine KK (who'll hopefully step aside after Episode IX) has much interest in the tv shows. Movies in the cinema are a great experience the first couple of times of watching, but watching at home allows you to digest the details a little more without the distraction of annoying cinema goers. The big screen and sound are awe-inspiring, the people not so much. For example I liked Rogue One when I saw it the first couple of times in the cinema, but only fell in love with it when watching repeat viewings in the privacy of my own home.
I'm excited for the TV shows truly, but a little disappointed that my beloved movie franchise is going to only be on TV for a few years. I know the movie studios are looking for $1B block busters, but it was folly to think that an experiment like Solo was going to hit some SW sweet spot. I just think you got a director like Ron Howard, who arguably put so much fan service into that movie, it's bound to be a SW cult film. They should have just moved forward with the plans to follow one of the story lines above especially the Maul story. Once fans would have seen lightsaber slashes in the upcoming trailers, they would have gone in droves to see Ray Park at it again, which would have set up the Obi movie let alone, sold hundreds of blu rays to disgruntled fans who slept on Solo for the dumbest of reasons. Wasted opportunity for what amounts to corporate profits. Iron Man didn't make a bazillion dollars out the gate either! Solo was a new concept in SW movies. Should have gave it some room to breath and grow.
I'm excited for the TV shows truly, but a little disappointed that my beloved movie franchise is going to only be on TV for a few years. I know the movie studios are looking for $1B block busters, but it was folly to think that an experiment like Solo was going to hit some SW sweet spot. I just think you got a director like Ron Howard, who arguably put so much fan service into that movie, it's bound to be a SW cult film. They should have just moved forward with the plans to follow one of the story lines above especially the Maul story. Once fans would have seen lightsaber slashes in the upcoming trailers, they would have gone in droves to see Ray Park at it again, which would have set up the Obi movie let alone, sold hundreds of blu rays to disgruntled fans who slept on Solo for the dumbest of reasons. Wasted opportunity for what amounts to corporate profits. Iron Man didn't make a bazillion dollars out the gate either! Solo was a new concept in SW movies. Should have gave it some room to breath and grow.

Yes, Hollywood are certainly not risk takers. Which on one hand is understandable considering the money involved. However you have good points. Perhaps that is why they are letting the dust settle after the whole TLJ thing.

I would definitely invest in a home projector though. I have a BenQ W1070. It's a few years old now, but I have it throwing a 3m (roughly 10 feet) diagonal image. I have it simply projected onto the wall. I do have a screen but haven't bothered to set it up in the new room. That paired with a small std 5.1 surround sound system, a couple of curtains and you have an excellent home experience. Just watched Stranger Things on it. Excellent !

Really makes the difference for pretty low cost. (Projector cost about $500 I think).
That sounds like an awesome set up and perfect way to get your movie fix in through these TV years! Will looks into it. Some of these new projectors are super high res now. I was noticing that the San Diego convention center replaced all their projectors with some really high fidelity models. I thought as I saw the pictures that the tech for those things must be moving the needle.
That sounds like an awesome set up and perfect way to get your movie fix in through these TV years! Will looks into it. Some of these new projectors are super high res now. I was noticing that the San Diego convention center replaced all their projectors with some really high fidelity models. I thought as I saw the pictures that the tech for those things must be moving the needle.

Yep, I'd recommend it to anyone who has a passing interest in movies. I am normally someone who likes getting cutting edge tech and high end stuff (hence Hot Toys) and they are always bring out bigger and better projectors (like TV's). But most 4K projectors are all over $1000, and sky is really the limit with these things.

Mine is 1080p, and is perfect. I figure for that size picture you can't expect an OLED TV type experience. But to be honest, I never think "this picture sucks". So if I were you I'd look into one of the higher end 1080p more affordable projectors as a start.
They are already starting with 8K. Maybe I'm getting old or maybe I'm setting up my AppleTV wrong but I can't tell that much of a difference when I'm watching John Wick on 4K. 4K is amazing for sports though. I might get an OLED, I'm a sucker for colours.
They are already starting with 8K. Maybe I'm getting old or maybe I'm setting up my AppleTV wrong but I can't tell that much of a difference when I'm watching John Wick on 4K. 4K is amazing for sports though. I might get an OLED, I'm a sucker for colours.

I think 8K will be a while in coming. They don't even have that much 4K content. I've read that to a normal eye often there is not so much noticeable difference between 1080p and 4K. What does make a difference are all these new things like HDR (High Dynamic Range) etc which can really make a picture pop. If you have an OLED with the best contrast due to the perfect blacks, and good HDR plus 4K, then you can have a noticeable picture.

But like I said. The old 1080p projector does the trick for now, and for not that much money. It is of course best at night, but that's when I would typically watch a movie or one of these Disney+ TV shows anyway.
I have a 4K TV, and all the fancy 4K devices, cables, etc., and I had to turn most of that stupid crap off. The contrast was so radical, it just didn’t look that good to me or the wife — ended up turning everything to “Cinema” quality — which didn’t reduce picture quality as it reduced the contrast to more vision reality as opposed to camera reality. And honestly, imho, the difference from blu-Ray to 4K is negligible, and certainly doesn’t justify charging an additional $10 per movie. Now — the difference between DVD and blu-Ray — that’s significant enough to justify an upgrade.
Sounds an amazing set up Hoody. Considered going that route previously but people kept trying to put me off. Ended up forking out for a new tv instead. Do you suffer any complications with it? Image quality, projector lamp etc. Do you have a surround system to go with it?
Sounds an amazing set up Hoody. Considered going that route previously but people kept trying to put me off. Ended up forking out for a new tv instead. Do you suffer any complications with it? Image quality, projector lamp etc. Do you have a surround system to go with it?

Image quality like i mentioned previously is fine. Just like at the cinema. It's not razor sharp like a TV, but neither is the picture in the theatre. So it's totally fine. I don't feel I'm missing any picture quality at all.

The projector lamp will have to be replaced at some point. But I've had it probably 4 years now and still going strong touch wood. They have a lifetime in hours, so I don't use it like every day. But my son used it to play Playstation on it (which is amazing by the way with a 10m screen) which racked up many hours. The replacement will set me back likely a 100-150 euros, but they have come down a lot over the last couple of years, so I'm not too worried. May even replace it at that point, not sure yet.

I have a relatively cheap 5,1 surround system (Sony amplifier and Teufel german brand speakers) with subwoofer that is perfect. Also for Spotify with bluetooth from phone etc for general music in the house.

I actually don't even have a TV at the moment. Nothing decent on terrestrial TV much anyway. And a fair amount of time is spent on the PC these days too, like I guess most people. I was planning on the new LG OLED C9 or E9. But will wait for it to come down in price or wait until next years model. To be honest I'm even contemplating not getting it at all. I don't really have a burning need for a TV.

But everything else goes through the projector. Playstation is setup. Netflix, Amazon Prime and games all from the Playstation. And hopefully Disney Plus+ soon ! Although Europe rollout is later. :-(

But no complications at all. It's great. There are also short throw projectors which you can have like a foot from the wall and have a 10m screen. I have mine just on the coffee table when required.

Watching when it's darker, or with curtains closed is perhaps the only limitation. But I only watch shows at night anyway, or dreary winter weekends.

Driving games and well any game on a 10m screen is damn amazing !!! In fact anyone i have over to watch a movie is amazed how awesome it is. My mum started laughing how cool it was when I turned it on and she saw the screen size. :lol
Image quality like i mentioned previously is fine. Just like at the cinema. It's not razor sharp like a TV, but neither is the picture in the theatre. So it's totally fine. I don't feel I'm missing any picture quality at all.

The projector lamp will have to be replaced at some point. But I've had it probably 4 years now and still going strong touch wood. They have a lifetime in hours, so I don't use it like every day. But my son used it to play Playstation on it (which is amazing by the way with a 10m screen) which racked up many hours. The replacement will set me back likely a 100-150 euros, but they have come down a lot over the last couple of years, so I'm not too worried. May even replace it at that point, not sure yet.

I have a relatively cheap 5,1 surround system (Sony amplifier and Teufel german brand speakers) with subwoofer that is perfect. Also for Spotify with bluetooth from phone etc for general music in the house.

I actually don't even have a TV at the moment. Nothing decent on terrestrial TV much anyway. And a fair amount of time is spent on the PC these days too, like I guess most people. I was planning on the new LG OLED C9 or E9. But will wait for it to come down in price or wait until next years model. To be honest I'm even contemplating not getting it at all. I don't really have a burning need for a TV.

But everything else goes through the projector. Playstation is setup. Netflix, Amazon Prime and games all from the Playstation. And hopefully Disney Plus+ soon ! Although Europe rollout is later. :-(

But no complications at all. It's great. There are also short throw projectors which you can have like a foot from the wall and have a 10m screen. I have mine just on the coffee table when required.

Watching when it's darker, or with curtains closed is perhaps the only limitation. But I only watch shows at night anyway, or dreary winter weekends.

Driving games and well any game on a 10m screen is damn amazing !!! In fact anyone i have over to watch a movie is amazed how awesome it is. My mum started laughing how cool it was when I turned it on and she saw the screen size. :lol

The same here, I only really watch movies and football, so really no great need for another expensive tv. After reading that I'm convinced to go the projector route in the next couple of years. One of my main worries was the price of the replacement lamps, but 100-150 euros every couple of years is absolutely nothing to pay really. It's only the same price as a First Order Stormtrooper for example haha.
Am really hoping they give some decent plot details, cast and a proper name for the "Cassian Show" at D23.

August 23 people !!
I wonder if they’ll reveal any more footage from the Mandalorian, besides what was teased at Celebration. Either way I’ll be happy to see quality footage of what they had instead of watching that bad angled iPhone YouTube vid.
I wonder if they’ll reveal any more footage from the Mandalorian, besides what was teased at Celebration. Either way I’ll be happy to see quality footage of what they had instead of watching that bad angled iPhone YouTube vid.

I think proper Mandalorian footage is pretty much a given at D23. I'd almost bet that what was teased at Celebration was the unfinished trailer that they'll show at D23. They'll have changes etc but I'd say some of the footage will be in there.

D23 is pretty much their last chance to show anything (with big hoopla) before November when it goes live.
So far they have me convinced. Yeah I’m a sucker for dirty, used-universe Star Wars stuff and loved what they did with RO and even SOLO. I’ll be one of their first subscribers and the Mandalorian has help sell that. Take my money Disney+ 😏
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Ask and you shall receive, eventually Howard Chan is a fan of SW.
Yeah, this design definitely popped out for me as well as that blacked-out scout trooper.
