WHO should be cast as the new SUPERMAN

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*warning: blasphemy ahead*

I never liked Reeve as Superman. That might have been why I wasn't impressed at all with Routh. They were both passable, but not convincing.

I have little faith that Hollywood could find an actor that would live up to my expectations, though I was sure (after 4 Batman movies to convince me) they couldn't find a Batman, but in the end, someone finally did.
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Reeve can never be topped no doubt.

That Jon Hamm has too much of a Hugh Jackman look IMO, which throws it off for me.

Fair enough, but I picked him because he looks more like an Alex Ross Superman, rather than a Reeve Superman.


But I do get where you are coming from with the Jackman comment
Most of us guys on here 'grew up' with Chris Reeve as Superman & I suspect that's probably how most of us came to to it in the first place, others came to Superman via the Comics. I think that gives you a slightly different take on the character.
Chris is SO hard to replace, Routh did the best job he could, Ultimately it was the script & direction that let the film down. He was, (not his fault), little more than a superman manequin in the movie.
Chris Reeves performance was so nuanced you still notice new things about it each time you watch the movies again, he really believed in that character & took ownership of it during his tenure.
The strap line for the movie was 'you'll believe a man can fly' & you did, but not just because of the effects work, watch how Chris moves, it's his physical performance that 'sells' the whole flying thing. And all they had back then were wires, blue screen & model shots. The most succesful flying shots by far are Chris's wire work. He looks like he is is control, rather than being controlled.
His belief in the character, his charisma & gravity are going to be so hard to find again.
That's why I think it's time for a change.
Like I mentioned most of us now have a broader view of the character, the gen public, tend to accept what's presented them as they don't invest in these things as much as your avarage 'fan boy' does.
In the same way that Batman has gone from the lightly comic/camp (but done like it was Shakespeare) approach that Adam West had, to the angst ridden, brooding dark Nolan approach, I think that Superman needs to have more depth & reality to it too.
They need a Director, Writer & Actor who can get people engaged and take them to a point where they can take this 'World' seriously.
Let's face it when it comes to Superman's world some of the characters especially the Villains are even harder to take seriously than those in say Spidermans or Batmans.
Spidermans Villains are usually 'technological freaks' reflections of the way he was created, similarly Batman's enemies are reflections of his own 'disorered psychology'.
Superman is essentially a 'Humble God' a 'Moral icon', he is an 'alien' but embodies more 'Humanity' than the race he has appointed himself protector of.
He is at his best when he faces the dark reflections of himself too, Luthor, an amoral genius, Zod, a despotic alien, Doomsday, an alien war machine, etc. But some of the other villains that exist in this universe are not as consistent.

Despite this Superman is still truly the greatest of all the Comic heroes that exist.

One thing is sure, to truly make a New Superman movie is possibly going to be the hardest thing a creative team could do. I have always loved this character and would love to see a new series of films that can rival anything that's out there.

I do not envy them this job.
You know the main problem of a Superman movie this days are WB and the producers i bet there are people out there that can do anything that is neccesary to make this movie, but there are always interest in the middle, for example who to say that Nolan is the answer to this matter? probably but i see the same problem as it was back in 2006 "Singer" (X-MEN), so the actor, yes is important but the creative team behind this has to be the right one and then the actor chosen to play this iconic character will be found!

Still Christopher Reeve never will be replaced!
Christopher Reeve is a legend. And he will always be SUPERMAN in my book. But for this modern age, My Vote lies with TOM WELLING:rock
Mr. Reeve said that if anyone were to be superman in the next movie he would be the obvious choice. Its on a Smallville S2 dvd set and a bunch a youtube vids. He passed the torch to tom. Granted this was before returns, and alot has been said and done for the new movie, but toms mature now, physically ready and has the acting ability.
empire has a list on their website for possible actors to play the flash. one was Matthew Bomer, i dont know anything about this guy admittedly bit from appearance he looks like he could be an interesting choice, assuming dean cain isnt free!
I think this guy was The Flash back then when JLA movie was going to get made.

Adam Brody

Just because Rouths contract has expired, it doesn't mean he won't be back.

I really liked him in 'Returns', thought he honoured Reeves with his performance and carried on the persona already in place really well.

I would definately like to see him back in the role, I'm pretty sure he would not turn it down. Definately don't want to see the manchild Tom Welling from the abysmal tv show in the role, he is simply awful.

I think if the next movie had more action and some big battle set pieces, it would cement the franchise for a couple of more sequels.

Actually yes, he has that look about him, didn't think of him, he was blonde as Ozymandias. liked his performance in that too.
Matthew Goode would make a good Superman.
Yes he's skinny, but so was Reeve before he was picked for the role.

Maybe, it would be cool to see a screen test with the suit!
Why does Superman have to be so young (obviously to market to the younger audience)?... I'd prefer a non-origin movie where you have a much more mature (and already challenged) Superman who's about to face his greatest challenge-- a la Doomsday (possibly as a creation/find of Braniac)...
Why does Superman have to be so young (obviously to market to the younger audience)?... I'd prefer a non-origin movie where you have a much more mature (and already challenged) Superman who's about to face his greatest challenge-- a la Doomsday (possibly as a creation/find of Braniac)...

So he can do 3 movies over a 10 year period and not look like Crystal Skull Indy when he's done.
So he can do 3 movies over a 10 year period and not look like Crystal Skull Indy when he's done.

That'd be four movies over 30 years. :naughty

Seriously though-- enough with the youth movement. Remember when Superman was SuperMAN?
Wasn't Superman 30 or so when he revealed himself the world? At least that is how it was in the first flick, not sure about comics.